Welcome to LINESII- Into the Darkness. I've been formulating the idea of a 'cradle of civilization' for NESing for a few months now, and I've decided to give it a try. Basically, you start off in a 'cradle' which is the known world. It gradually expands through the ages, until the whole world is known. You can start as a wandering barbarian tribe, or a budding city-based empire.
I'd like to say that everyone is welcome to join this NES at any time, there's no player limit. NES newbies, you may join, the other NESers and I will show you the ropes. My only request is that you don't just pop in for one turn and wreak havoc by taking over a powerful NPC and wiping out a bunch of neighbours or something like that.
So without further ado, the rules!
In the beginning, a nomadic tribe has production capabilities. As they settle down, the cities rather than the lands become the centers of production. In game terms, this means that at the start, you have 2 eco points you can spend. Each special city (I'm using the 3 City system developed by Thlayli, Israelite9191 and Toteone/Camille/Totamille/JessicaKathrinn) will provide one economy point. As cities become more numerous, the nomadic economy will disappear. Also, if you leave your cities and migrate, the nomad economy will return.
Example: You have 2 economy points to spend at the beginning of the game. You found your first cities and your nation begins to grow. You get some economic centers, and your people become more settled, so the nomad economic points you had at the beginning slowly disappear, although I'll make sure that you never have fewer than 2 spending points.
Economy will be shown like this: Total economy- Nomad economy/City economy
3 stats. Army, Navy, and UU. As ages advance and more powerful units emerge, units become more powerful. I will use a numerical system. Example: Warrior has (1) power, Spearman has (1.5), Swordsman has (3)... And if you write stories about your units' terrific strength, they may get a little power bonus. 1 economy point will train 1000 soldiers or 10 ships.
With UUs, simply describe them to me and I'll put them into your stats.
Unit Power
Stone Age: Warrior (1), Spearman (1.5), Archer (1.5)
Copper Age: Archer (1.5), Spearman (2), Axeman (2.5)
Bronze Age: Archer (2), Spearman (2.5), Axeman (3), Swordsman (3)
Iron Age: Archer (2), Spearmen (3), Axeman (3.5), Swordsman (4)
This statistic is fairly useless in the early ages, as it is very expensive to maintain and a few smart people are all you need. But as the game progresses having an intelligent population can give you many advantages. Education levels 1-3 cost you 1 economy point per turn for every 100 000 people. Education levels 4-6 cost you 2 economy points per turn for every 100 000 people. Education levels 7-9 cost 3 economy points per turn for every 100 000 people. Education level 10 costs 4 economy points per turn for every 100 000 people.
Your people's confidence in nation and leadership. Low confidence=revolts and revolutions. High confidence=militia on the defense, strong faith in you no matter what you do.
(Hateful, Resentful, Tolerating, Neutral, Respecting, Admiring, Loving, Worshipping)
Culture can increase through stories, wonders, and Cultural or Religious centers.
(None, Pathetic, Mediocre, Average, Strong, Influential, Outstanding, Wonder of the World)
3 City System
Building a city costs 1 economic point.
Economic centers- Cities surrounded by red, these provide you with one economy point per turn.
Cultural centers- Cities surrounded by blue, these provide you with one economy point per turn and random culture and education levels. These cities are quite bad to lose.
Religions centers- Cities surrounded by green, these cities provide you with one economic point per turn and are the beating hearts of your religions. They provide great bonuses to culture, confidence, and the spread of your religion, but are devastating to lose.
At great expenditure, you may create mighty monuments to you and your nations power. You must pay economy points to build them, and they can't be rushed.They have great cultural and confidence bonuses, but won't produce troops and give you spending points for no reason. Wonders often create specialty cities.
Your government. Surprise surprise.
You start off with a default primitive animism, belief in spirits of nature and things like that. You can create a more advanced religion through a story and the construction of temples. Religions are every bit as powerful here as they are in our world. They give your leader credibility, mold alliances, and break empires.
I don't give direct bonuses, like +10 galleys, but stories will have positive effects on your nation during the update, maybe giving you a new economic center or strengthening your units, culture, etcetera.
Are to be PMed. I don't punish people for being vague in their orders, in fact, I often like it (unless your orders are masterpieces that should be published). If you just say 'attack the nation to my west', I'll make a logical attack judging from the situation. Nothing fancy, but I won't be a jerk and randomly throw them at the enemy like an uncoordinated mob.
And please include your nation's name in the title. It's not fun searching around the little names under the PMs to find which orders are from who. I also like your nation's stats to be put into the orders, saves me the time of checking the first page.
Nation Template
Nation Name
Cities: Capital, if any yet. Major cities will also be listed here.
Leader: Your Nation's Leader/Your Name
Religion: Animism
Government: Your government
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Copper Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: Please describe your people's appearance and any interesting things about them.
I'd like to say that everyone is welcome to join this NES at any time, there's no player limit. NES newbies, you may join, the other NESers and I will show you the ropes. My only request is that you don't just pop in for one turn and wreak havoc by taking over a powerful NPC and wiping out a bunch of neighbours or something like that.
So without further ado, the rules!
In the beginning, a nomadic tribe has production capabilities. As they settle down, the cities rather than the lands become the centers of production. In game terms, this means that at the start, you have 2 eco points you can spend. Each special city (I'm using the 3 City system developed by Thlayli, Israelite9191 and Toteone/Camille/Totamille/JessicaKathrinn) will provide one economy point. As cities become more numerous, the nomadic economy will disappear. Also, if you leave your cities and migrate, the nomad economy will return.
Example: You have 2 economy points to spend at the beginning of the game. You found your first cities and your nation begins to grow. You get some economic centers, and your people become more settled, so the nomad economic points you had at the beginning slowly disappear, although I'll make sure that you never have fewer than 2 spending points.
Economy will be shown like this: Total economy- Nomad economy/City economy
3 stats. Army, Navy, and UU. As ages advance and more powerful units emerge, units become more powerful. I will use a numerical system. Example: Warrior has (1) power, Spearman has (1.5), Swordsman has (3)... And if you write stories about your units' terrific strength, they may get a little power bonus. 1 economy point will train 1000 soldiers or 10 ships.
With UUs, simply describe them to me and I'll put them into your stats.
Unit Power
Stone Age: Warrior (1), Spearman (1.5), Archer (1.5)
Copper Age: Archer (1.5), Spearman (2), Axeman (2.5)
Bronze Age: Archer (2), Spearman (2.5), Axeman (3), Swordsman (3)
Iron Age: Archer (2), Spearmen (3), Axeman (3.5), Swordsman (4)
This statistic is fairly useless in the early ages, as it is very expensive to maintain and a few smart people are all you need. But as the game progresses having an intelligent population can give you many advantages. Education levels 1-3 cost you 1 economy point per turn for every 100 000 people. Education levels 4-6 cost you 2 economy points per turn for every 100 000 people. Education levels 7-9 cost 3 economy points per turn for every 100 000 people. Education level 10 costs 4 economy points per turn for every 100 000 people.
Your people's confidence in nation and leadership. Low confidence=revolts and revolutions. High confidence=militia on the defense, strong faith in you no matter what you do.
(Hateful, Resentful, Tolerating, Neutral, Respecting, Admiring, Loving, Worshipping)
Culture can increase through stories, wonders, and Cultural or Religious centers.
(None, Pathetic, Mediocre, Average, Strong, Influential, Outstanding, Wonder of the World)
3 City System
Building a city costs 1 economic point.
Economic centers- Cities surrounded by red, these provide you with one economy point per turn.
Cultural centers- Cities surrounded by blue, these provide you with one economy point per turn and random culture and education levels. These cities are quite bad to lose.
Religions centers- Cities surrounded by green, these cities provide you with one economic point per turn and are the beating hearts of your religions. They provide great bonuses to culture, confidence, and the spread of your religion, but are devastating to lose.
At great expenditure, you may create mighty monuments to you and your nations power. You must pay economy points to build them, and they can't be rushed.They have great cultural and confidence bonuses, but won't produce troops and give you spending points for no reason. Wonders often create specialty cities.
Your government. Surprise surprise.
You start off with a default primitive animism, belief in spirits of nature and things like that. You can create a more advanced religion through a story and the construction of temples. Religions are every bit as powerful here as they are in our world. They give your leader credibility, mold alliances, and break empires.
I don't give direct bonuses, like +10 galleys, but stories will have positive effects on your nation during the update, maybe giving you a new economic center or strengthening your units, culture, etcetera.
Are to be PMed. I don't punish people for being vague in their orders, in fact, I often like it (unless your orders are masterpieces that should be published). If you just say 'attack the nation to my west', I'll make a logical attack judging from the situation. Nothing fancy, but I won't be a jerk and randomly throw them at the enemy like an uncoordinated mob.
And please include your nation's name in the title. It's not fun searching around the little names under the PMs to find which orders are from who. I also like your nation's stats to be put into the orders, saves me the time of checking the first page.
Nation Template
Nation Name
Cities: Capital, if any yet. Major cities will also be listed here.
Leader: Your Nation's Leader/Your Name
Religion: Animism
Government: Your government
Economy: 2- 2/0
Population: To be determined by me
Army: To be determined by me
Navy: None
Education: None
Technology: Copper Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: Please describe your people's appearance and any interesting things about them.