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LINESII- Into the Darkness

Iggy, will you post a reminder here when you've opened the other thread?
“Marasin! Wait! I did not mean for you to leave.”

The man named Marasin turned back to look at his pursuer. Halodin’s face was gaunt with worry, his long, black hair streaming down across his face as he ran. Marasin felt his mouth open and heard rather than spoke the words. “I do not want any part in what you plan to do, Halodir. It is not of the Path to unite the cities. It is not the way it has always been.”

Halodin stopped short and looked at him in bewilderment before responding. “Marasin, you know not what you say. You speak of what has always been, and you speak of the Path. Yet what is the Path but change, for the world is not Perfection and but travels towards it? Do you not see the need for unity against a common foe? The people of Keliosir see it. The people of Aldisir see it. Why do you not? Why do you bar the way?”

The response came quickly, and Marasin spoke it with much spite. “I bar the way for what has always been. I am Revered of Aldisir, Halodin, and I will not let you take that away. I will not let you destroy my city for you term the Path!”

“And yet here we are in the wilderness, Marasin. Here you have fled. Do you dare deny the will of the people again? The will of one may defy the Path, but the will of many shall always support it, Marasin. You would do well to remember what the Guides have taught you. Alsidir is my city also, and I would see it saved, not destroyed by your loves of tradition and of power.” He paused, and shuffled a hand under his cloak before continuing, “I have something to show you, Marasin. I had hoped that it would not be necessary, that you would see reason, but you have not—”

“It is you who does not see reason, usurper!”

“I have no desire to usurp your position, Marasin, nor to become Revered for all the people of the world. But I must bear this message that the people of Alsidir have for you, should you refuse the Unification once more.”

“Speak your false words, enemy of the Path.”

“You will not like to hear them.
By this declaration of the people of Aldisir, in council assembled, in this year, the 98th of the Cities, on the 12th of Shining[1],
the Revered Marasin, for refusal to acknowledge the will of the people and thus the Path,
is stripped of his position and all standing within the city of Alsidir, to be cast out beyond the mountains…​
It continues. Shall I?”

Marasin was visibly shaken, his hands trembling, and he suddenly swayed and stumbled, and grabbed hold of a tree branch to steady himself. He gave no answer.

“I will not continue then, Marasin. I will return to Alsidir, and you will not. I am sorry.”

And so it was that Marasin the Mighty was cast forth from the city of Alsidir for defying the Path, and the two cities of the Valley were united, and Kelios, named for the greater of the cities, came into being.

[1]Month roughly equivalent to mid-June through late July, named for the high sun. There are ten months in the Kelia calendar.
@Ironman- Roads were built, but I forgot to put them on the map.

I'm finished updating stats, and am opening the new thread soon.
ok thanks
Connections Part I
Priest: But this road system it upsets the balance of nature and life.

Almeno Jacues: Not really friend priest.

Priest: What do you mean of course it does it tears down trees. ruins fields. and for what a faster military and a better economic situation.

Almeno Jacues: Oh all that and more.

Priest: More?

Almeno Jacues: They are a symbol. A symbol of unification and dedacation. You see all of nature is one united thing. together the trees form a forest the grass and the flowers form a field and we the NonTinians Form One Unified Nation, One Unified Goverment, And one Unified people!

And the eldists can't deny it. They're all dead. And they would be too busy genociding you to care about pie.

I'm talking about your new religion, whatever that is. New eldists or whatever :mischief:.

Now I can depart on an exodus like all the proper "old empires". Again, sorry for ripping off your ideas, ~Darkening~.

Ah. I ripped everybody else off for this, so it doesn't really matter.

Is that some kind Sexual Innuendo?

You really do deserve the "weirdest person" award, don't you? ;]

We've already made our decision.

Your doom. At least I tried ;].

@Ironman: why the big font ;]?
One last addition before adding the new thread... the flag of the United Kingdom of Khemri and Kehexou:

by the looks of things iggy you changed the stats after you got rid of orders do you want me to post my des. again?
@Ironman2055. Sure, PM me the stats you want for your nation please.

I'm opening the new thread now. Please don't post until I say so.
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