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LK173, Civ=Scandinavia, CCM3, Island Hopping

We have just 91 gold and -4 cash flow. Did we turn science up? That was supposed to be a cheap 50-turn run. The top priority needs to be finding a way to get more cash.

I’m very leery of putting a city on the South Africa and Zulu land mass. My gut feeling says we are much more likely to get a war declaration from one of them if we share the same land mass.

LKendter (on deck)
Jersey Joe (up)
Great to see we are a City State :thumbsup:

Science wasn't turned up. Dropping Luxury tax to 10% gets us back to +1 gpt.

I got it.
I don't think it changes the chance of declaring war (though maybe if the island has no more room for a city? We would want a decent defense before that)

It is just worse if they do decide to declare war early because it is hard to defend and losing an early city is painful.
One reason I would be willing to do so is that they have burned their initial units so we need less of a force than otherwise.
I took one of the early saves of your succession game to have a look how the game with the raisen movement rates of the ships is playing - and I have to say, that until now I had a lot of fun with this game. The reason why I post this is, that with the research of the tech Seafaring something extraordinary happened, that you can see in the screenshot (the minimap is cut out). Now I am researching Literacy with full power as it seems, that the Great Library is not built yet. :bounce:

Georg Stierhielm.jpg
Continuing 540 BC: Drop luxury tax to 10% and get +1 gpt.

500 BC: Workers work.

IBT: Japan completes Great Lighthouse.

475 BC: Workers work.

IBT: trade Tobacco to India for 59 gold.

450 BC: Enslaver enslaves wounded Zulu Impi. It appears the Arab empire is down to 1 city and soon to be destroyed.
Sell Tobacco to Arabia for 14 gold.

425 BC - 375 BC: Workers work.

350 BC: Enslaver enslaves a Zulu Settler.

325 BC: Enslaver kills Zulu Impi.

IBT: We lose our supply of Gems.

300 BC:
We trade Pottery to China for Gems.

We meet the Nubians.
We trade Tobacco and 23 gold to the Nubians for Silver.

275 BC:
Enslaver enslaves Zulu Impi.

Notes and Suggestions:
  • Screenshots will be in my next post.
  • The Transport ship on the west coast of Zulu land is transporting a slave to our home land.


Civinator, I like the spot were you built Norrkoping. I was tempted :devil::nono:to replay severel turns, but I resisted and left Norrkoping where I built it.
Here is out empire and some of the land south of us as of 275 BC.
Norrköping in my game is the most important city in my Viking empire. It can produce all available combat units (beserks, spearmen) in one turn.

Here I mark another very interesting city location in your screenshot, that was never discussed in this thread - but you need a good defense for it.

Another very good city location.jpg
Norrköping in my game is the most important city in my Viking empire. It can produce all available combat units (beserks, spearmen) in one turn.
Our Norrköping's are very similar in base production capabilities. Your 6 mined hills will produce 18 shields. My 4 mined hills and 3 mined plains will also produce 18 shields. Your 3 tobacco's give you more commerce. Being a little closer to the Capital, I might be slightly less corrupt.
I only wanted to show you one very interesting city location on the yet discovered map in the succession game.
275 BC (0)
We have rep destruction risk right now. Arabia needs to survive 13 more turns, or our rep may be toasted.
(IT) The scout covering the enslaver failed. A South African enslaver attacked our enslaver, and it died. The scout also died. We almost lost a second enslaver. It got lucky and it retreated.

250 BC (1)
(IT) Another scout bites the dust.
Persia built the Oracle.

225 BC (2)
(IT) The Incan complete Hanging Gardens.

200 BC (3)
(IT) Turkey completes Temple of Artemis.

175 BC (4)
I give South Africa code of laws and $103 for camel training.
I give Rome camel training for philosophy, $43 and $4/T.
(IT) Japan completes Mausoleum of Maussollos.

150 BC (5)
Our ships are out exploring.

125 BC (6)
I ship Italy tobacco for $101 and $3/T. They look to become one of the monster civs. They have lots of resources and have the best tech lead.

100 BC (7)
Our ships are out exploring.
75 BC (8)
I’m happy to see a second Arabia city. That greatly increases the odds they will survive until our per turn deal is up.

50 BC (9)
(IT) I just saw a South African ship attack an Arabia ship.

25 BC (10)
(IT) Japan demands $54. They are so far away that I refuse. There is a phony war with Japan going.

1 AD (11)
I ship Mongolia tobacco for wines and $2.

25 AD (12)
Our ships are out exploring.

50 AD (13)
The price is obscene. I give India seafaring, tobacco, $909 and $36/T for Monarchy.
I give South Africa philosophy for $383.
I give Arabia philosophy for $56. It is marginal, but I prefer us to have the cash.

I revolt to Monarchy.
(IT) I barely survived an enslaver attack.

75 AD (14)
I contacted Carthage. I gave them tobacco for $170.
(IT) We are now a monarchy.
I’m glad I didn’t try for the Great Library. Italy has started building it.

100 AD (15)
I reset our cities after the end of the revolt.
We want to bring our transport ships home. They can be upgraded to merchant ships that transport 2 units. The port to let them upgrade completes next turn.

The game is overloaded with backwards civs. There are 7 of them behind us in tech. A couple are close, and I’m hoping they research something we are missing. Once again Carthage is one of the leaders.

Don’t make per turn deals with Arabia. They have a high risk of being destroyed by South Africa. I don’t want our rep destroyed this early.
Our next settler is here. It gets lots of hills, a whale, and extra commerce from the tobacco.

Elephantium (up)
Greebley (on deck)
Jersey Joe


Great to see we are a Monarchy. :thumbsup: Makes me wish I swapped the Acropolis for School of Navigators.
I see we are ready to settle. Its up to Elephantium to name the town. I would suggest the name "Kystbyen Civinator". :) According to a translation program, Kystbyen is Norwegian for Coastal Town.

I MM for growth a bit and get us up to +13gpt

Things do look pretty bad for Babylon. I won't be surprised if the Zulus finish them off...

Research will stay slow for a while. Construction would be 19 turns at max, 48 at current levels.


Carthage complains about our ship. We apologize, of course.

Japan, Carthage, and India all join the Great Lib race.

125 AD:

Enslaver captures Numidian and a Zulu Settler besides.
Regrettably, only one fits on the transport ship home.

150 AD:

Enslaver kills an Impi...and is now sandwiched between two sets of Zulu units, gulp.


As expected, the Zulus counterattack...but THEY DRIVE HIM BACK INSTEAD OF KILLING HIM! WOOHOO!

175 AD:

The wounded enslaver runs north!


We lose Gems.

200 AD:

Construction is widely available for sale, but it's too expensive to contemplate just yet.

We send Camel Training to China for Gems.

Japan would be insulted by straight-up peace.


Nubia ends our Silver for Tobacco deal. We throw in 23 gold, and they agree to renew it.

225 AD IBT:

Rome wants to sell us Elephant Training for all our gold! Thanks, but no thanks, Jules.

250 AD (T6):

Longship sinks Japanese Catapult ship near Stockholm!

Japan would still be insulted by peace.


Persia completes Worldreligion Islam


300 AD IBT: Siege Workshop completes

325 AD: Longship lost attacking Japanese ship

350 AD:
Longship sinks Japanese Catapult ship



I left the ship un-moved (well, after sinking the Catapult ship) for the sake of visibility on the Japanese ship. Nothing else still needs to be done this turn.

When do we want to attack the Zulu? I figure we can start building up Archers for a push on Johannesburg or the city in the fog in maybe 10-20 turns? It's awkward to consider without horses or iron...

Also, here's the island to our west. It has a couple of nice city sites, but it'll be a bit before we can ship the horses home :\

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