Third round!
What are our challenges?
Though were at tech parity now, more or less, Elizabeth has enough land, tech, wonders, and good diplomacy to run away with a space or culture victory. Her only potential rival is Justinian, who hates that she has traded with Wang Kon.
Wang Kon is also large and potentially powerful, but he is locked into eternal combat with Justinian, apparently because they started next to each other and founded Hinduisim and Buddhism respectly. They have so many demerits with each other that they will probably never stop fighting, so they are both more or less out of the picture for good,
assuming that Justinian, the clear underdog, doesnt lose!
In the middle of the pack, we have Gilgamesh, Pericles, and Sitting Bull. Wang Kon dislikes Gilgamesh, and Justinian dislikes Pericles. Besides that, its a big happy family. Until we get involved.
Everyone is at pleased towards us, except Wang Kon, who is cautious.
Everyone is running their own self-founded religion, except for Elizabeth, who is running free religion.
Finally, Gilgamesh is plotting war, and we have no good way of knowing his target. It has a chance of being us.
So what are our priorities?
* Find a victory condition for ourselves
* Ensure that Wang Kon does not destroy Justinian
* Stay out of war with Gilgamesh
* Fuel global hatred between the stronger AIs
* Expand our empire in preparation for war with Elizabeth
And what are our resources?
* A powerhouse bureaucracy capital with all the trimmings
* Two additional strong cottage cities
* A national epic city producing 50 GPP per turn without pacifism
* Strong foreign trade routes from the Great Lighthouse, producing a base 195 commerce/turn
* Good land with decent production, and a city count superior to all but the top 2 AIs, as well as several high-food cities suitable for whipping or drafting
* A very slight tech advantage, including a monopoly on chemistry and a near-monopoly on liberalism
* Some possible city locations on an island by Sitting Bull (though wed need to act fast)
* Good relations with all AIs
So, how are we going to address our priorities using our available resources?
* Make an ally of Sitting Bull. We can gift him a city on his island, and send him some wine to get the resources bonus. We should be able to get him to friendly, but he can be bribed to war at cautious. But thats OKwe can keep him at or close to tech parity so that nobody will bribe him against us. Hell provide us with technologies off our chosen beeline, and who knows? He might be a peace vassal later.
* Bribe Wang Kon to break off from war with Justinian. We can do this with a non-monopoly tech, printing press, and our partial monopoly tech, liberalism. This frees us to trade liberalism, no longer a monopoly, and gunpowder, already possessed by three civs, for constitution, Practically a freebie. Gilgamesh will additionally give us his map and 110 gold. (and hes our only option, since Justinian is both Wang Kons and Pericles worst enemy!)
If thats unclear, this screenshot should help explain the picture:
* Finish replaceable parts, then bulb scientific method with our inevitable great scientist. Its important for our overall strategy to know who has oil. It would be nice to grab economics for free trade and custom houses, but Im not convinced its worth the large beaker investment, as we missed the great merchant. Since well have some beakers to blow, we might as well keep with the theme and research Steam Powerwhich reveals coalwhile waiting for our bulb. We have only two cities where we can build levees, but theyre cottage cities, starved for hammers.
* Continue begging gold from Gilgamesh and looking for ways to backstab him. Put all espionage points on him.
* Found cities, or capture barbarian cities, on Sitting Bulls island
* Build and maintain a strong military production capacity. After scientific method, if there are no ticking bombs, get communism for the great spy, state property workshops, and the Kremlin whip, while keeping in mind that combustion, assembly line, and artillery will be key objectives in preparation for possible warassuming that we have oil, of course.
So lets get started!
He changed his price after I gave lib to Mister Kon.
I also pull back one of my auto-exploring galleons to pick up an initial settling force of 2 settlers and a longbow.
A little nightcap for Sitty?:
And thats it for turn 203. Full speed ahead!
This one is a no-brainer:
No, Im not actually making an explorer. But I am spreading Buddhism for the happiness and the AP hammers.
Pericles picks up Democracy and Economics, the latter probably by trading Gunpowder to Elizabeth. I should have probably sold it to her first. We wouldnt mind Democracy for the extra hammer on towns, but its not a priority.
Some event happens where I get 300 beakers towards Divine Right. Hooray.
This is good news though:
I also sneak in a trade with Pericles while hes not anyones worst enemy. Yeah, its not the best, but its some gold and some map, and probably some good diplo as well.
Now everybody has liberalism except for Sitting Bull, who lacks anything of value to the other AIs, so will probably remain behind. Perfect.
I could trade chemistry, but Im not going to do it just yet. Wang Kon has it but hes holding onto it I guess.
Our galleon departs:
We beg 10 gold from Gilgamesh, but he refuses. Our peace treaty can be canceled in one turn. Ruh-roh.
The tech picture is also shifting:
Aha! Pericles now has chemistry. Now is about our time to trade it away. We cant trade it across for democracy, and trading with Justinian is still a no-no, leaving only Elizabeth and Gilgamesh. As much as I dont want to strengthen Elizabeth, providing someone you may go to war with next turn with a key military tech is bad business.
I dont know if custom houses are really worth making. Also, Free Market isnt really useful to us, as we dont have easy access to a golden age, and well be in State Property soon enough anyway. Nevertheless, economics is a key tech.
Our great person is right on schedule.
Oh my!
Gilgamesh goes to war with Pericles. Thats a relief. Now they both hate each other, so only Sitting Bull and Elizabeth are safe to trade with. (by the way, we havent really traded resources because we dont really need any just yet)
I begin the Moai Statues in Adulis. Probably should have thought of it earlier, but better late than never.
Pericles is running away a little in tech! First he beats us to Scientific Method and now this:
Heres the thing: Replaceable Parts is our only monopoly tech, The Great Lighthouse obsoletes with Corporation, and Gilgamesh hates the dude. No thanks.
Ive made a courthouse here and there, but Ill cut back on them as Im headed for State Property and they lose their value as an investment.
Great Scientist Alhazen bulbs Scientific Method.
Wang Kon declares war on Gilgamesh! Looks like Pericles gave him Scientific Method and/or Corporation. Justinian shortly stops being the black sheep.
Remember how hes the weakest civ?
Not any more! Dont worry, Im not trading him monopoly techs, Im just leveling the playing field.
Our galleon arrives at Bulls Island:
A barbarian city with a border pop! Dont see those every game. Our plan will be to found a profitable city not he left of the island, working the marble and silver, and gift a city as close to Sitting Bull and the barbarians as possible. Its a little tightly packed, but I think that founding a city NE from the boat would be decent barbarian fodder, and one NNWW would contribute to our empire. The trick is that theres only one longbow, but I think well manage. One settler unloads to the east to make sure the coast is clear, then the other two unload in the opposite direction. Fine and dandy.
We have oil in the desert, and coal in the hills. Were ready for anything.
Communism is next. Lets hope we get there first!
Can you get a city flipped by barbarian culture? Harar can build a worker in 15 turns or get a delivery from the mainland in 10. He can get a Buddhist Missionary too. Outsourcing it is. It would be nice if I could get a barbarian to step next to Berbera, but I dont think thats going to happen. Ill just gift the city as soon as it has a liberate modifier. That might take a while; I really should have put the city one north, come to think of it.
By the way, what to do with our next great person? My late planning means that it will probably be a scientist no matter what. We cant make a golden age with the great spy because there is no spy because
Pericles beat us to Communism!
At least hes tied up in a war.
Anyway, bulbing physics is a possibility, but it doesnt seem like a smart one, as one of the AIs is very likely to be there within 7 turns, stealing the free scientist. Ill probably save him for a golden age, which could mean a lot to us in the future.
Time for a painful revolt:
We have enough towns to make Universal Suffrage worthwhile, and State Property is a pretty big deal at this point. Ill de-automate workers in case there are some farms we want to workshop over.
I find myself researching Corporation. Fine. We cant trade for it, and its on the path to Assembly Line, which will be the blood of our military behemoth.
An important trade occurs:
See, I told you we were keeping this guy around for a reason. It doesnt give us any diplomacy but it tells us who has uranium and who doesnt. This gives us the following strategic picture:
* Justinian lacks coal
* Wang Kon lacks uranium, and oil until plastics
* Pericles lacks uranium and coal
* Sitting Bull lacks oil, and his uranium is in an exposed position on our shared island.
Once again, Sitting Bull has gotten the short straw, and Elizabeth remains firmly in the lead.
Uh-oh, I forgot to startTthe Kremlin. Hopefully I can beat Pericles to it.
As tempting as it is to get Elizabeth to pleased, she is my enemy and I cant give her such a valuable tech.
Hahaha. No.
Saving our great scientist. He can bulb biology, but its barely a third of the beakers.
Im hammering out aqueducts and markets in preparation for factories and power plants.
I get a quest to invade Native America and take their copper. Sheesh.
Emancipation anger is rising a little.
Im checking just about every turn for a good deal on rifling.
You know what? Ill take that deal. Sumeria is a little close to my island, but theyre caught up in a war with the second strongest civ in the world. I guess they made peace with Greece, though.
I buy ivory from Elizabeth for 35 gold per turn to continue combatting Emancipation unhappiness. (its cheaper than a 10% slider on culture would be)
Im not caving yet; as long as my cities can still run their workshops, its full speed ahead under Caste System.
After Assembly Line, its down to Steel, Railroad, and Combustion.
Im beaten to The Kremlin by one turn.
Factories and power plants go up, and another trade:
Oh hey, I didnt know you needed two great people of
different types to make a golden age. Im left with no good option but double-bulbing biology. There are worse things then +1 food on every farm for minimal beaker investment.
Then this is too good of a deal to pass up:
Both of the techs Im offering are known by every single other civ. The only downside is a demerit from Justinian. (I dont care about Gilgamesh at all at this point)
Justinian is currently plotting war, probably on Wang Kon. Hmm. I do the trade.
Infantry production begins. Combustion. Flight next.
Sitting Bull at +8,
still not pleased. Shame I messed up the city gifting so badly.
Gilgamesh tries to cause some destruction with a frigate.
I construct The Pentagon.
I begin making transports in my Ironworks city. (shame I have no Heroic Epic) With The Pentagon and drydock they should be able to promote to +1 movement speed.
I finally outright give Sitting Bull Assembly Line and Flight, as hes lagging behind and I want to be his #1 tech pimp. Im hoping to get the You have shared
diplomatic modifier, but I dont.
I finally give in and revolt into Emancipation after Sitting Bull cancels our old spices deal.
Korea is our ally now, I guess. And Gilgamesh and Justinian are certainly our enemies now.
I pay 40 gold to Gilgamesh for temporary peace, though. The Koreans have pulled out of the war and I dont want to get caught with my pants down.
Switching into artillery production. Soon well be ready to fight. But who? Byzantium and Sumeria have powerful enemies and despise us, so theyre the only choices.
There is something else, however: Elizabeth seems to be going for a cultural victory. Her cities are still under 15,000 culture, but I have to watch her carefully.
The United Nations, when it gets built, will add some additional complexity here. I seem to be third in population, but I should be first after appropriate conquests.
What will happen? Will I ever get Sitting Bull to pleased? Stay tuned.