Lotsa GPT u guys r making


Oct 29, 2003

i was just wondering, after seein a couple of screenshots

-why the heck is everyone making like +800 gpt? this really confuses me cos im always @ like +20 or smt, later at +200 when im democracy and not making that much military units, but +800, thats evil. Do u get the AI so mad to pay u that for like a technology or smt?

thnx in advance,

Warlord Kirbz :egypt:
Be nice to the AI and the AI will be nice to you...Ok not really but you can get some great deals from the AI.
Go for the opitional military advances first aka Chivalry, Military Tradition, and Nationalism. AI will pay you an arm and a leg for those techs.
also, if you REALLY don't need to build anything, there's always WEALTH!!!
yeh I noticed that the AI refuses to trade you Nationalism even though like 5 of them had the tech and I was offering them steam power which only I had.

by the time one of them finally decided to trade it to me , for a somewhat fair price, I was 2 turns away from discovering replaceable parts and way ahead in the tech lead
Originally posted by Revolutionary
yeh I noticed that the AI refuses to trade you Nationalism even though like 5 of them had the tech and I was offering them steam power which only I had.

by the time one of them finally decided to trade it to me , for a somewhat fair price, I was 2 turns away from discovering replaceable parts and way ahead in the tech lead

While I always go for Replaceable Parts first for the infantry and faster workers with Nationalism you also get policemen.
There is also the small matter of the GPT Bug, where (with Conquests version 1.0 - 1.02) everyone receives twice what they are supposed to each turn.
In no particular order:

1. Science set to 0% or 10%.
2. Roads in every square.
3. High population -- that means no specialists early game, no curbing growth to "save" money on entertainment, and buying/securing lots of luxuries.
4. Heavy penetration of Marketplaces, Banks, and Stock Exchanges (Wall Street too!).
5. The most obscene incomes are often fuelled by AI payments for technology -- but you can hit +1000 gpt on a standard map even without the C3C bug.
6. Thoughtful placement of the Forbidden Palace.
if you hang in there long enough the spondoola pile will take care of itself, i am currently earning 984 gpt, no deals with any of my treacherous neighbours and a fascist govt to boot.
Originally posted by Svar

While I always go for Replaceable Parts first for the infantry and faster workers with Nationalism you also get policemen.

true but the civil engineers that you get with replaceable part is much more useful, especally since those policemen don't do anything for thoses completely corrupted cities :mad:

Personlly I find that when you start getting so much $$$ from the AI it kind of kills the fun of the game, I become too powerful
And I thought I was earning not much. On Regent (Conquests) I was getting 2-3 thousand gp/turn.

The computer was also really silly. I got 6000 gp for steel and 8000gp for combustion.
Originally posted by Revolutionary

true but the civil engineers that you get with replaceable part is much more useful, especally since those policemen don't do anything for thoses completely corrupted cities :mad:

But engineers do nothing for building military units, policemen do. It is a pain, but you have to swap out those specialist when you complete a improvement and start a unit (or vice versa). If you are a communist, you alsmot have to do this since you can not rush with money.
Originally posted by haggi
What type of gov Zard

Democracy. 8 luxury resources and all the marketplace/banks/stocjk exchanges and all the wonders from the middle ages on.
yeah, generally the best way it to have an arseload of cities....set science very low and get the techs by paying for them, stealing them, or going to war and using them as a peace agreement. then building/rushing marketplaces in all cities help, and pray you get smith's trading company, heh. also helps not to build improvements that suck money unless you really need them.
Originally posted by Zardnaar

Democracy. 8 luxury resources and all the marketplace/banks/stocjk exchanges and all the wonders from the middle ages on.

democracy is great for cash and thats some good spondoola ya making. I changed my fascist govt to democ and it didnt change by as much as I thought, only went up to around 1300 gpt whcih is suprising given the commerce benefits of democ over fascist. Better stay a warlord or at least look like one for the neighbours.
Originally posted by haggi

democracy is great for cash and thats some good spondoola ya making. I changed my fascist govt to democ and it didnt change by as much as I thought, only went up to around 1300 gpt whcih is suprising given the commerce benefits of democ over fascist. Better stay a warlord or at least look like one for the neighbours.

I am usually very warlike in a democracy, the trick is to get them to declare war on you and either conquer them or take what you from them in a reasonable amount of time, don't get stuck in an endless war of attrition.
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