• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

MilarNES II: Civilizations of the World


Dec 31, 2005
Granada, Andalucía, España, Europa

After the small but fresh burst of air that MilarNES I: Birth of a Civilization supposed for the NES community, I have decided to start a similar game, but changing a couple of things around so that you no one acquires too much of an advantage over everybody else.

Several people stated that they liked the game a lot, but that it could do with a few changes as many will remember. That's why the veterans from MilarNES I will find that several changes have been done in order to make this game even better than the other (as they will attest if they have been following the construction thread, Pre-MilarNES II).

This is the ruleset:
Spoiler :
Stat Template:
Tartessos / Milarqui
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Tartes
Age: Iron Age
Colour: Dark Green
EC: 20/6 (-2 upkeep)
Army: 5 Swordsmen, 3 Archers, 2 Riders, 2 Guerrillas (6)
Navy: 4 Galleys, 1 Oar-Ship, 1 Colony Ship (7)
Culture: 10
Religion: Gaianism (50%)
Research: Alphabet (5/15)
Tire Factor: 2/8 (10)
Wonders: Temple of Gaia (gives +3 gold, +3 culture, reduces chances of cultural flip) (12/20)
Land UU: Guerrilla: soldier trained to ambush and make sneak attacks against unprepared enemies and supply trains. 1 EC
Sea UU: Colony Ship: a special vessel that allows you to bring settlers to other places and establish new cities and trade ports, but has no true weapons in it, making it quite a weak enemy. 1 EC.


At the start of the game, you will have some possible governments: Despotism, Monarchy and/or Theocracy. Each will have 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage that will be equilibrated. Other kinds of government like Democracy will not be available from the start, but will have 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages. Additions to the normal governments (i.e. Feudal Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy, Military Dictatorship (Despotism)) will add 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage. Feel free to come up with your own government ideas, but they will have to have 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage within reason.

Initial Governments:
- Despotism: Upkeep reduced in a 25% (A), Max Project Spending reduced on a 25% (D)
- Monarchy: Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (as to signify possible usurpers to the throne) (D)
- Theocracy: Doubles official Religion growth rate (A), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D)
- Tribal Confederacy: Tire Factor augmented in 1 (A), 1 research point lost per turn (if you are in the middle of researching something, you lose 1 point per turn in that technology) (D)

Other Governments:
- Theocratic Monarchy: Extra 20% culture per turn (A), Doubles official Religion growth rate (A), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D), 5% of civil war in each turn (as to signify possible usurpers to the throne) (D)
- Military Dictatorship (Military Despotism): Upkeep reduced in a 25% (A), cost of upgrading units reduced in a 25% (A), Max Project Spending reduced on a 25% (D), you lose 1 Culture every 2 turns (D)
- Feudal Monarchy (can't be used until you get Feudalism): Extra 20% culture per turn (A), Upkeep reduced in 25% (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (as to signify possible usurpers to the throne) (D), 10% rebellion in each turn (from the nobles) (D)
- Constitutional Monarchy (Democratic Monarchy): Extra 20% culture per turn (A), Max Project Spending raised by 25% (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (as to signify possible usurpers to the throne) (D), Tire Factor reduced in 1 (D)
- Aristocratic Republic (Feudal Democracy): Upkeep reduced in 25% (A), Max Project Spending raised by 25% (A), Tire Factor reduced in 1 (D), 10% rebellion in each turn (from the nobles) (D)
- Communism (needs Trade Unions): +10% EC (A), Upkeep raised a 25% (D)


The place from where your nation is ruled. It is the most important place of your country and the centre of all bureaucracy and such.

If an attack makes you lose your capital, your income will reduce in a 25% (to make up for the loss of bureaucracy and such), but your army and navy quality will raise 1 point (the soldiers are wishing to take the capital city of their nation back from the enemy).

You may create a secondary capital through the following ways:
- Some wonders, such as the Forbidden City, may act as a secondary capital.
- In peace times, or in war and with your capital still in your hands, you may create a project called “Secondary Capital” in other point in your nation. This will design other city as a de facto capital just in case you lose your real capital, but you will temporarily lose a 25% of your EC, recovering a 5% in each following turn. (Much as the Spanish Republicans did during the Spanish Civil War)
- If you have lost your capital to other nation in war, then you may create a “De Facto Capital” in other city. (Like France did during WWII, sending the government to Vichy before surrendering to the Germans)

Having a secondary Capital will be useful in that you won't lose the 25% bonus from losing your capital and you will still hold the military quality bonus. However, if you lose your secondary capital as well as your main capital, then you will lose an extra 25% EC until you recover your secondary capital or somehow manage to build other capital.


You advance age when you first research one of the techs of that age, but this can't be done until you have researched at least 2/3 of the techs in your current age. You can advance without techs from other ages, but as you advance further you will see that the missing techs are needed.

The Ages will be as it is:
Stone Age - Bronze Age - Iron Age - Classical Age - Dark Ages - Middle Ages - Renaissance - Age of Enlightenment - Industrial Age - Modern Age - Contemporary Age - Future Age


The colour that identifies your territories in the map.


EC is the economical capacity of your nation. In 20/6 (-2 upkeep) the first number tells you your base EC, meaning what you would earn in each turn under normal circumstances. The second number says how much EC you have stored in your Treasury. The last number(s) tells you how much money you lose per turn due to events like your forces' upkeep or occupation of part of your lands during a war. EC can't be spent in fractions, it has to be spent 1 on 1. For example, you can't train only 1 Warrior (0.5 EC), but you can train 1 Warrior and 1 Slinger (0.5 EC+0.5 EC=1 EC).

Army/Navy/Air Force

It says which troops you have, and the quality level, which can go between 1 and 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. Army/Navy/Air Force Quality can be raised through training, winning battles that are not too dipped in your favour and building certain wonders or getting certain techs before anyone else.

Raising quality level (QL) costs “current QL x No. Units (minimum 1)” in EC.

Upgrading an unit to a better one costs “EC difference x current QL/2”.

Upkeep costs 1 EC per each 5 units of a kind (Army, Navy or Air Force). Outdated units don't count towards the upkeep, but outdated units can't be built either. Warriors and Slingers are the only units that will never become outdated (will be used to count as levies once you start to raise your level).

The unit stats are as it follows: Melée Attack / Melée Defense / Long Range Attack / Long Range Defense / Cost per unit.


You raise this by writing stories in the thread and building wonders and projects. 1 story gives you 1 point, and culture can raise or fall depending on the kind of government you have and whether your religion is successful. Also, you win culture by advancing technological ages as well as researching certain technologies.

Wonders require a minimum level of culture before they can be built.

The stories needn't be artistic writings worthy of a Pulitzer, so do not despair if you don't get good ideas. You can describe your UUs, how is life in your nation, the main religion in your lands, your priests' efforts to expel other religions' missionaries from your lands...


This is supposed to be part of your culture. Developing a good religion and expanding it within your own borders is going to be very important. You may not notice it at first, but once you imagine your soldiers entering an enemy's city and the citizens greet you as the liberators and you discover that most of them are followers of your religion, then it sounds really good, no?

The speed with which your religion will grow naturally will depend on how much are all the religions in there expanded, as well as your cultural level. Other religions' expansion in your territory will depend on your neighbours' cultural level, the Trade Level they have with you and the level of expansion of all religions within your territory. Of course, with Freedom of Religion available, all religions will advance at the same pace.

* For your official Religion: Increase = Culture*(100%-Other Religions)*X
X=1 if R<=20%
X=0.5 if 20%<R<=40%
X=0.2 if 40%<R<=60%
X=0.1 if 60%<R<=80%
X=0.05 if 80%<R<=99%
* For non-official Religion: Increase = Original Culture*TL/5*(100%-Other Religions)*X
X=0.5 if R<=12.5%
X=0.2 if 12.5%<R<=25%
X=0.1 if 25%<R<=37.5%
X=0.05 if 37.5%<R<=50%
Once a non-official religion reaches 50%, if you don't accept that religion as the official one you may risk civil war.
* Freedom of Religion: Increase = Culture*(100%-All Religions)*X
X=0.5 if R<=25%
X=0.2 if 25%<R<=50%
X=0.1 if 50%<R<=75%
X=0.05 if 75%<R<=99%

Benefits from Religion
Culture Bonus = (Official Religion-Other Religions)/10%
Money Bonus: for each 10% in other country, you earn 1 EC from Pilgrims.

Disadvantages from Religion
Possible Civil War if one non-official religion reaches 50%.
Possible appearance of sects (like Catholicism and Orthodox in Christianism) if your official religion reaches a 25% in other countries.


Indicates what is your nation investigating.

Starting with Bronze Age, each technology gives a bonus to the first nation that researches it. It can be a economy raise, military help or scientific improvements, to name a few. If two nations get the same advancement at the same time, the one who sent the orders first will get the bonus.

Every nation will get 1 free technology when it is formed.

When, in one continent, 3/4 of every nation in there have researched one technology, the remaining quarter will also get it.

Tire Factor

A new idea taken from Charles Li (thank you, man!), it will limit the speed with which you can create projects and thus improve your economy. In the template, 2/8 (12) states: current TF/max. TF (max Project Spending). You can raise your max TF and your max Project Spending investigating certain technologies and with certain kind of governments. The Tire Factor on itself will vary like this: - 1 every turn, +1 for starting a new project, +1 for finishing a project, +1 for spending in 1 turn the max PS allowed. Random factors may rise or drop your Tire Factor. Surpassing half of the Max TF will lose you temporarily as much EC as the difference between the middle point and your current point. Reaching the Max TF will make you temporarily lose as much EC as your TF is and you won't be able to work in projects until your TF lowers till a half of the max TF, recovering 2 EC per turn while this happens.


These will be needed in order to increase your EC. You will need certain technologies in order to build certain kinds of projects, although this doesn't prevent you from imagining projects that aren't covered in the Tech Tree and build them. Just use your good judgement when deciding what to build.

You must indicate which are the benefits your projects will have for your nation, and I'll decide the cost it will have. Remember that the price of each project will depend on the geographical situation of your nation: for example, building a set of roads along the North African coast will be cheaper than doing it across the Himalaya mountains.


Based on real life monuments, the Wonders will give you good bonuses when you finish their construction. All of them will require 1 technology as well as a minimum of culture in order to be built. They will be inherently costlier than normal Projects, but the benefits will be higher. Only one of each wonder may be built in the whole world.

If you lose the “wonder race” or you decide to retire from it, half the money you invested in the construction of the wonder will be repaid to you.


This is a unit you have to invent. You can base it on one of the normal units, giving it some extra advantages and some disadvantages and a fancy name; or you can create it from scratch (as I have done in the example). You can have 1 Army UU, 1 Navy UU and 1 Air Force UU. The Army UU and the Navy UU can evolution as the ages pass, but they will always have to have the same function and be similar. If you want to change UUs, then the UUs you have will have a probability of joining the normal army that will depend on your army/navy/air force level (the highest the biggest the probability is) and the number of UUs you have (the highest chance will be for the first unit, then decreasing for the next).

Other Rules


Land trade will only be allowed when the Wheel is discovered by both traders, and that only between countries bordering each other. Fishing will allow you to trade along a river (Austria and Romania along the Danube), Sailing will allow you to trade at medium distances through the sea (Greece trading with Egypt across the Mediterranean), Cartography will allow you to trade with nations along the coast you live (Ethiopia with the Zulus), as well as with non-neighbouring nations (Bolivia with Uruguay) and Astronomy will allow you to trade through the oceans (United States with Australia).

Commercial trade gives you EC that can be used for anything. For starters, it will give you 1 EC. Every 4 turns trade goes one without being undisturbed, your Trade Level will raise 1.

Once you have the technology Writing, you may engage in tech trade. You only can trade 1 technology in each turn, and that when the trade level between your civilizations is 5.

Trade levels can't be raised through projects, although the money you earn from trade may be raised through said projects.

La Resistance

Even after losing all your standing army and being completely invaded, you still have a last chance. Resistance/Freedom/Guerilla Fighters might raise against the invader (if your culture and/or religion is strong enough) and start a hit-and-run war that might make the enemy re-consider whether the idea of invading you was good (remember that Napoleon himself, in all his military wisdom, wasn't even able to get rid of the Spanish Guerrilleros). If a friendly army or nation helps you give the boot to them, so much the better.

I Condottieri

When someone gets Currency (an Iron Age Technology), mercenary armies will be available to everyone in the continent is discovered. There will be one or two per continent, and will fight for you if the pay is high enough. Of course, the possibility of a better offer coming from the enemy to turn the mercs against you is very likely, because the mercenaries work for the highest bidder. For starters, mercenaries will be NPCs, although if someone decides to make up and play one of them, he is welcome to it.

Name of the company/Player
Headquarters (City & Nation)
Other Bases (From where operations can be launched)
Income (starting 3 IC, represents the money earned from people that might ask for the mercenaries' help in any matter that doesn't require a whole army)
Treasury (self-explained)
Investments (like projects, but oriented to win money in merchantile experiments and acquiring better equipment)
Land/Navy/Air/Space Units (again, self-explained)
Special Unit (the UU)

The Hideyoki Brothers
Headquarters in: Edo, Nippon
Other Bases: Banga, Singodia; Al-Basra, Babylonian Empire; Memphis, Damietta
Income: 5 EC (-1 Upkeep)
Treasury: 2 EC
Investments: Special Banking System: Allows people to travel without money on them, as they can make a deposit in one of the company's bases and then retire the same money from other base. It also allows the company to give small loans to people for a small interest. (4/10)
Land Units: 4 Knights, 3 Pikemen, 3 Crossbowmen, 2 Mounted Knights, 1 Trebuchet, 1 Ninja
Navy Units: 3 Cogs, 2 Frigates, 2 Galleons
Special Unit: Ninja: used to launch assassination and spying missions. Cost: 1 EC.

Of course, the units cost would be the same as in normality, and to make up for the fact that they can't do much unless they are hired and that they are professional soldiers, their upkeep will cost half the normal upkeep (as in, 1 Upkeep per 10 Units).

Starting Mercenary Companies will have 5 EC worth of soldiers and ships, at level 5.

Important Information:
Spoiler :
For Beginners
Any doubt or question you may have about this game, you can ask me.
Once you start making your nation's template, remember that you have to choose a starting technology. In order to make it fair, you can't choose any of the money-giving techs as a starting tech.
If you decide to join the game, please make sure to read all of the ruleset before asking questions and see if any of the NPCs is of your liking before adding your own nations.

Project Benefits
When you build a Project, you can get the following benefits (base price):
Rise EC (8 EC per +1 EC)
Permanent Culture Bonus (6 EC per +1 Culture/turn)
Permanent Religion Bonus (4 EC per +1% Official Religion/turn)
Rise Army/Navy/Air Force Quality (12 EC per point)
Reduce Upkeep (10 EC per -1 Upkeep)

Prices may, of course, be subjected to possible augmentation if the circumstances aren't good. For example, trying to build a set of roads in a mountanious region will raise the costs a lot.

Please, don't post until I tell you you can.
Stats of your nations.
Spoiler Africa :
Berberia / ZeletDude
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Rabat
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Dark Pink
EC: 7/6 (-2 for Upkeep)
Trade: Arago (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4), Carania (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (2/4), Eskimogypt (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (2/4), Mitanni (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Tripolitania (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4)
Army: 4 Riders, 1 Slinger, 2 Warriors (3)
Navy: 6 Oar-Ships (3)
Culture: 11
Religion: Imshal (34%)
Research: Mysticism, Sailing, Bronze Melting (5/10)
Projects (5): Migrating Herds (+1 EC)
Land UU:

Carania / NPC
Government: Theocratic Monarchy (Doubles official religion growth rate (A), Extra 20% culture per turn (A), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Cargo
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Mauve
EC: 7/0
Trade: Arago (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Berberia (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (2/4), Eskimogypt (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Tripolitania (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (2/4)
Army: 1 Warriors (3)
Navy: 1 Oar-Ship, 1 Trireme (3)
Culture: 24
Religion: Molok (56%)
Research: Masonry, Sailing, Writing
Projects (6): Stables (+1 EC, +1 Culture/turn)
Land UU:

Demit / NPC
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Saba
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Bluish Grey
EC: 5/0
Trade: Khambat (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4)
Army: 1 Slinger (3)
Culture: 2
Religion: Jedidiah (7%)
Research: Writing (5/10)
Projects (4): Great Sholomon Port (+1 EC)

Eskimogypt / Arian
Government: Despotism (Upkeep reduced in a 25% (A), Max Project Spending reduced on a 25% (D))
Capital: Nunapolis
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Cyan
EC: 6/4 (-1 Upkeep)
Trade: Berberia (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Carania (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Iudea (Lvl 3, +3 EC) (0/4), Khambat (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Tripolitania (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4)
Army: 1 Slinger, 3 Axemen, 1 Lancer (3)
Navy: 1 Oar-Ship (3)
Culture: 12
Religion: Trianglism (43%)
Research: Bronze Melting, Sailing
Projects (4/3): Holy Obelisks of Trianglism (+1 Culture/turn, +1% Trianglism/turn)
Land UU: Terror Camels (NEEDS ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, ARCHERY AND BRONZE MELTING) are tamed camels, bred for war. They have an appetite for human flesh and will eat their enemies. The best warriors of the Empire ride the beast, equipped with bows for ranged combat and spears for close combat. (3/2/5/2/2 EC)

Oyo Empire / NPC
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Yoruba
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Pale Pink
EC: 5/0
Army: 1 Warrior (3)
Culture: 2
Religion: Ifa (9%)
Research: Masonry (4/10)
Projects (4): Quarries (+1 EC)

Tripolitania / NPC
Government: Theocratic Monarchy (Doubles official religion growth rate (A), Extra 20% culture per turn (A), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Tripoli
Age: Stone Age
Colour: Green
EC: 7/0
Trade: Berberia (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Carania (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4), Eskimogypt (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Mitanni (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4)
Army: 2 Slinger, 2 Warriors (3)
Navy: 1 Oar-Ship (3)
Culture: 18
Religion: Elemental Spirits (44%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Stone Mining, Wheel, Masonry, Mysticism
Projects (6): House of Weapons (+1 Culture/turn), Northern Trade Pass (+1 EC)
Land UU:

Spoiler America :
Azteca / Charles Li (1 Strike)
Government: Despotism (Upkeep reduced in a 25% (A), Max Project Spending reduced on a 25% (D))
Capital: Tenoch
Age: Stone Age
Colour: Purple
EC: 7/11
Trade: Kingdom of Utul (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Maya (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4), Taino (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Tototl (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4)
Army: 1 Eagle Elite, 1 Slinger, 2 Warriors (3)
Culture: 14
Religion: Quetzalcoatl (44%), Mayan Polytheism (9%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Stone Mining, Wheel, Masonry, Sailing (1/10)
Projects (6/5): Temple of the Gold (+1 EC, +1% Quetzalcoatl/turn)
Land UU: Eagle Warriors: Armed with deadly Obsidian Swords, Slings with polished wood spiked with Obsidian and a shield of Ironwood, these warriors dedicated themselves to Quetzalcoatl. Swift on their feet and reknown for their leaping and grouped attacks, these members of the Elite can turn the tide in many a battle, and leave with countless prisoners for slavery. (4/2/2/2/3 EC)

Ciboney / NPC
Government: Tribal Confederacy (+1 Max Project Spending (A), 1 research point lost per turn (D))
Capital: Portaprin
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Light Brown
EC: 7/7
Trade: Taino (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4), Wanalu (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (2/4)
Army: 1 Slinger, 2 Warriors (3)
Navy: 3 Oar-Ship (3)
Culture: 7
Religion: Animism (28%)
Research: Agriculture, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Hunting, Wheel
Projects (5): Port Araw (+1 EC), Union of the Animist (Ciboney and Taino become 1 nation) (19/20)
Land UU:

Confederacy of the United Tribes of New York/Omega124
Government: Tribal Confederacy (+1 Max Project Spending (A), 1 research point lost per turn (D))
Capital: Syracuse
Age: Bronze Age
Color: Royal Blue
EC: 4/0 (-1 from loss of capital) (-1 from occupation)
Army: 1 Mohawk Warrior (3)
Culture: 2
Religion: Iroquois Mythology (6%)
Projects (5):
Land UU: Mohawk Warrior- Replaces Warrior, goes through the Axe path. (4/3/0/2/2.5 EC)

Kingdom of Utul/D'Artagnan59
Government: Provincial Monarchy (+1 Max Project Spending, Extra 20% Culture per turn, 10% of Civil War in each turn (5% from throne aspirators, 5% from provincial governors)
Capital: Xanatl / Grebb
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Pink
EC: 11/5 (-1 Upkeep) (-1 from Raids)
Trade: Azteca (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Taino (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Tototl (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4)
Army: 3 Slingers, 3 Talocs, 3 Warriors (3)
Navy: 4 Timaloc (3)
Culture: 28
Religion: Utulian Pantheon (46%), Cannabism (10%)
Research: Agriculture, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Stone Mining, Wheel, Masonry, Pottery, Sailing
Projects (7/5): Xanatl Fishing Port (+1 EC), The Good Book (+1% Cannabism/turn) (3/4)
Wonders: Hanging Gardens (+3 PEC/turn/river, +2 Culture/turn) (12/30)
Land UU: Taloc: A speedy axeman. Awful at long-range, but is rumored to be able to dodge an arrow in midair. (3/2/0/1/1.5 EC)
Sea UU: Timaloc: A fast but large ship built to attack the enemy from afar and colonize. (0/1/2/2/1 EC)

Maya / DarthNader (1 Strike)
Government: Theocratic Monarchy (Doubles official religion growth rate (A), Extra 20% culture per turn (A), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Mayapan
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Brown
EC: 6/30 (-1 Upkeep)
Trade: Azteca (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4), Taino (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4), Tototl (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4)
Army: 4 Kohqatun, 1 Warrior (3)
Culture: 52
Religion: Mayan Polytheism (89%)
Research: Agriculture, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Wheel, Pottery
Projects (4): Noh Ishim Qaash (+2 EC, +2 Culture, +25% extra from trade) (10/24)
Land UU: Kohqatun (Puma Soldier). The Kohqatun is a unit of soldiers who are trained in to fight like the large cats of Mesoamerica. They are ruthless fighters who stalk enemies, then strike when they have the greatest advantage. To graduate from training, a Kohqatun must stalk a Puma for 2 days, and slay it, thus besting the expert in its own form of combat. Kohqatun work best in jungles and grasslands, but can only perform similarly to normal soldiers elsewhere. (4/2/3/0/2 EC)

Sioux Tribes/germanicus12
Government: Tribal Confederacy (+1 Max Project Spending (A), 1 research point lost per turn (D))
Capital: Great City
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Dark Brown
EC: 4/0
Army: 2 Warriors, 1 Wolf Warrior (3)
Culture: 1
Religion: Great Religion (6%) (Worships several Gods/ God of Sun/God of Moon/and so on)
Research: Archery (1/10)
Projects (4):
Land UU: šunktokeca Warriors (Wolf Warriors), these warriors are trained in the ways of the Wolf, they travel and fight in groups. They are experts in ambushes, using even the smallest hill to conceal their location from invaders. They move stealthy and quickly when trailing an army or prey. Able to use signal fires or scouts to organize larger scale ambushes. Should an enemy scout attempt to trail these warriors, they would be hard pressed to find a single mark or trail left behind. It would be as if these warriors vanished. (5/2/1/5/2.5 EC)

Taino / NPC
Government: Tribal Confederacy (+1 Max Project Spending (A), 1 research point lost per turn (D))
Capital: Onetan
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Pink
EC: 7/0
Trade: Azteca (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Ciboney (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4), Maya (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4)
Army: 3 Slingers, 1 Warrior (3)
Navy: 4 Oar-Ship (3)
Culture: 10
Religion: Animism (31%), Mayan Polytheism (7%), Utulian Pantheon (2%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Stone Mining, Masonry, Mysticism, Writing
Projects (6): Union of the Animist (Ciboney and Taino become 1 nation)
Land UU:
Notes: +1 EC from Utulian Cobba

Tototl / Haseri (1 Strike)
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Tunatlan
Age: Bronze Age
EC: 7/0 (-1 Upkeep)
Trade: Azteca (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Kingdom of Utul (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4), Maya (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4)
Army: 5 Warriors (3)
Navy: 2 Oar-Ships (3)
Culture: 25
Religion: Xolapan (53%), Mayan Polytheism (5%), Utulian Pantheon (3%)
Research: Calendar, Masonry (2/10)
Projects (5): Totco Bridge (+1 EC), Maize Lands (+1 EC), Xollec Citadel (+5% Xolapan/turn) (9/30)
Land UU: Yaxtlon: Elite warriors. These are warriors who have proven themselves in battle. They are strong of reslove and will almost never withdraw, unless it would be catastrophic if they didn't. (2/2/0/0/1 EC)
Sea UU: Yaxtlan: Swift ships that move silently and quickly over the water. They are useful for making raids on coastal cities under the dead of night. (2/3/1/1/1)

Wanalu / TheLastOne36
Government: Theocracy (Doubles official Religion growth rate (A), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D))
Capital: Carac
Age: Stone Age
Colour: Bright Orange
EC: 7/19
Trade: Ciboney (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (2/4)
Army: 1 Slinger, 2 Warriors (3)
Culture: 12
Religion: Jaguapi (48%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Wheel
Projects (4): Roads of the Wanalu Lands (+1 EC)
Land UU: Lagu Archer: An elite group of archers. Lagu means "sniper assassin", they never miss their target and are very deadly. If the victim survives the shot, they will die in half an hour due to the poison on the arrow's tip. They wear light armor because they hide away from the site, above hills looking downwards onto the battle field or hiding in tall trees. Highly organized although they are only an Elite group so they number in few, although the few get the job done. (1/1/6/2/2.5 EC)

Spoiler Asia :
Abalonia / NPC
Government: Despotism (Upkeep reduced in a 25% (A), Max Project Spending reduced on a 25% (D))
Capital: Banga
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Dark Red
EC: 10/0
Trade: Khambat (Lvl 4, +4 EC) (0/4), Ming (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (2/4)
Army: 1 Slinger, 2 Warriors (3)
Navy: 2 Oar-Ships (3)
Culture: 7
Religion: The Holy Cow (30%), Khambian (8%)
Research: Bronze Melting, Calendar, Masonry, Pottery
Projects (7/5): Great Farms (+4 EC), Local Sun Dials Level 1 (+2 EC/Level) (9/16)
Land UU:

Empire / NPC
Government: Theocracy (Doubles official Religion growth rate (A), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D))
Capital: Hestath
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Red
EC: 7/0
Trade: Iudea (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4), Khambat (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4), Mitanni (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4), Sedlan (Lvl 1, +1 EC),
Army: 2 Chariots, 1 Rider, 1 Warrior (3)
Culture: 18
Religion: Ancestor Worship (67%)
Research: Chariotry, Masonry (9/10)
Projects (4): Holy Temple of Hestath (+1% Ancestor Worship/turn, +1 Culture/turn), Great Mother's Garden (+1 EC)
Land UU:

Feicui Empire / Cynovolans
Government: Despotism (Upkeep reduced in a 25% (A), Max Project Spending reduced on a 25% (D))
Capital: Haikou
Age: Stone Age
Colour: Lime Green
EC: 6/4 (-2 Upkeep)
Army: 4 Slingers, 5 Warrior, 3 Yuoni (3)
Navy: 3 Oar-Ship (3)
Culture: 12
Religion: Yu Qiong (46%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Fire, Fishing, Stone Mining, Ceremonial Burial
Projects (4/3): Jade Mines (+1 EC) (1/8), Taiiyu (New Capital) (3/20)
Land UU: Yuoni: the sacred soldiers that fight for Yu. They carry small pieces of jade with them so Yu may grant them luck in their battles. They move in smaller regimes than most of the army for maneuverability and swiftness. They were originally founded to protect temples but after a war they turned out to be valued soldiers as they could take a small village in less than a day, and with a large group a city could be taken quickly. (6/4/0/2/2 EC)
Navy UU: Shan: the lightning galley that moves fast. It is smaller and lighter than most ships but in groups can easily surround an enemy ship. (1/2/3/2/1.5 EC)

Holy Arcadian Empire/Nuclear kid
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Pendragon/Incheon
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Royal Blue
EC: 10/4 (-1 Upkeep)
Trade: Yang (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4)
Army: 3 Imperial Guards, 1 Slinger, 2 Warriors (3)
Navy: 4 Oar-Ship (3)
Culture: 19
Religion: Christianity (28%), Yazida (39%)
Research: Sailing, Writing (2/10)
Projects (4): Great Holy Ports (+1 Navy Quality, +1 EC) (6/20), Yazidi Roads Lvl 1 (+1 EC/Lvl) (5/8)
Land UU: Imperial Guard: (4/3/0/2/2 EC)

Iudea / Menanish
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Telabib
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Light Green
EC: 8/0
Trade: Attica (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4), Empire (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4), Eskimogypt (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (2/4), Khambat (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Mitanni (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4)
Army: 2 Archers, 2 Warriors (3)
Navy: 1 Oar-ship
Culture: 17
Religion: The Eye That All Sees (35%), Khambian (1%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Hunting, Stone Mining, Archery, Masonry, Writing, Bronze Working (9/10)
Projects (6): Wandering Traders Level 1 (+1 EC/Level), Port of Telabib (+1 EC), Monarch's Road (+1 EC) (4/8)
Land UU:

Khambhat / Abaddon
Government: Theocratic Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), Doubles official Religion growth rate (A), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Khamb
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Purple
EC: 7/4 (+1 EC)
Trade: Abalonia (Lvl 4, +4 EC) (0/4), Attica (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Demit (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Empire (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4), Eskimogypt (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Iudea (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Ming (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4), Sedlan (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4)
Army: 1 Rider, 1 Slinger (3)
Navy: 2 Oar-Ships, 1 Trireme (4)
Culture: 34
Religion: Khambian (70%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Fire, Fishing, Stone Mining, Wheel, Sailing, Masonry, Calendar (3/10), Writing (3/10)
Projects (6): Agricultural Project (+1 EC)
Wonders: Oracle (2 free techs, +2 Tech EC/Turn, +3 Culture/turn) (20/40)
Land UU: Sedlas: A full family unit, these people are a defensive unit. They are however also trained both in basic fortification construction, and basic agricultural learning. They are designed to agressivly colonise new areas, ship or march them off and they are ready equipped to establish new settlements. (1/1/1/2/1 EC)
Notes: +1 EC till turn 16

Ming / NPC
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Guan
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Grey
EC: 8/1
Trade: Abalonia (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (2/4), Khambat (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (3/4), Yang (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4)
Army: 1 Atlatl, 1 Warrior (3)
Culture: 15
Religion: The Path (33%)
Research: Archery, Calendar, Masonry
Projects (6): Great Rice Fields (+2 EC), Great House of Learning (+1 Culture/turn)
Land UU:

Mitanni / c&cciv3
Government: Tribal Confederacy (+1 Max Project Spending (A), 1 research point lost per turn (D))
Capital: Washshukanni
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Dark Blue
EC: 8/2 (-1 Upkeep)
Trade: Arago (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Attica (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (2/4), Berberia (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Carania (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Empire (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4), Eskimogypt (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Iudea (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (0/4), Tripolitania (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4)
Army: 3 Chariots, 2 Tribal Horsemen, 1 Warrior (3)
Navy: 2 Oar-Ships (4)
Culture: 9
Religion: Cavalloism (36%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Fire, Fishing, Hunting, Stone Mining, Wheel, Archery, Chariotry, Sailing
Projects (5): The Great Ranches (+2 EC), The Great Mitanni Road System – Level 1: Dirt Roads (+2 EC/level) (5/16), Monument to the Sailors (+1 Culture/turn)
Land UU: Tribal Horseman – With most of Mitanni people being able ride, in time need the chieftains can on the people to help as Tribal Horsemen. If you compare the Tribal Horsemen to the Mitanni Riders they not as well equipped and weaker with them just arm with Warrior equipment but because of this they faster and more manoeuvrable an Riders. This makes them able to escape from ambush's and other surprise attacks that other units can't. (2/1/0/0/0.75 EC)

Sedlan / NPC
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: New Khamb
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Green
EC: 5/0
Trade: Empire (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Khambat (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (2/4)
Army: 1 Warrior (3)
Culture: 5
Religion: Khambian (22%)
Projects (4): Great Port of New Khamb (+1 EC)
Land UU:

Yang / Seon
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Beij
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Purple
EC: 7/1 (-1 Upkeep)
Trade: Holy Arcadian Empire (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (1/4), Ming (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (2/4)
Army: 2 Rider, 1 Slinger, 4 Warriors (4)
Culture: 5
Religion: Blak'n'vuait (28%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Fire, Fishing, Stone Mining, Bronze Melting, Masonry, Writing (5/10)
Projects (6): Terraces (+1 EC)
Wonders: Colossus (All TR start on Lvl 3, +2 Culture/turn) (9/35)
Land UU:

Spoiler Europe :
Albion / NPC
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Iceni
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Red
EC: 4/0
Army: 1 Slinger (3)
Culture: 2
Religion: Mona (9%)
Research: Mysticism (1/10)
Projects (4): Port of the Queens (+1 EC) (7/8)

Arago / NPC
Government: Fanatic Theocracy (Upkeep reduced in a 25% (A), Doubles official Religion growth rate (A), Max Project Spending reduced on a 25% (D), religious civil war if other religion reaches 25% (D))
Capital: Zarago / Mraatoer
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Gold
EC: 9/0 (-2 Upkeep)
Trade: Berberia (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (2/4), Carania (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (2/4)
Army: 4 Slingers, 5 Warriors, 2 Sveloni Riders (4)
Culture: 12
Religion: Akabarala (46%), Ytrism (13%)
Research: Masonry, Mysticism
Projects (6):
Land UU: Sveloni Riders: Based off the old Nossair of the Nation of Aruhn, these soldiers are given a long lance and several short ones for charges and long distance attacks. (4/1/2/1/1.5 EC)

Attica / Eltain
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Athena / Karjan
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Blue
EC: 9/12 (-5 Upkeep)
Trade: Iudea (Lvl 2, +2 EC) (1/4), Khambat (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (0/4), Mitanni (Lvl 1, +1 EC) (2/4)
Army: 11 Slingers, 11 Warriors (2)
Navy: 3 Oar-ship, 2 Galleys (3)
Culture: 16
Religion: Attian Polytheism (28%), Lathanism (7%)
Research: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bartering, Ceremonial Burial, Fire, Fishing, Hunting, Stone Mining, Wheel, Sailing, Pottery
Projects (4): Port of Hellespont (+2 EC, +2 Navy Quality) (6/40), Roads of the Monarchs (+1 EC) (4/8)
Land UU:

United and Indivisible Kingdom of Marsi / Flavius Aetius
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Marsi / Milano
Age: Stone Age
Colour: Light Green
EC: 7/0 (-3 EC from loss of capitals) (-2 EC from occupation)
Army: 2 Marsian War Bands (3)
Culture: 19
Religion: Marsian Tricotheism (44%)
Projects (4):
Land UU: Marsian War Band: An all-around good unit, very manouvrable, equipped with a light meelee weapon (Club, that will evolve in Sword, ecc) and a Long-Ranged weapon (Slinger, that will evolve in Bow, ecc). (1/1/1/1/0.75 EC)

Videslav / NPC
Government: Monarchy (Extra 20% culture per turn (A), 5% of civil war in each turn (D))
Capital: Jyll
Age: Bronze Age
Colour: Turquoise
EC: 5/0
Army: 1 Warrior (3)
Navy: 1 Oar-Ship (3)
Culture: 2
Religion: Ludher (9%)
Research: Calendar (3/10)
Projects (4): God Roads Lvl 1 (+1 EC/Level)

Spoiler Alliances :
Arawak Alliance: Ciboney, Taino (Economic, Militar, Religious)
Northern Alliance: Berberia, Carania, Eskimogypt, Tripolitania (Economic, Militar)
Two-Rivers Alliance: Attica, Empire, Iudea, Mitanni (Economic, Militar)
Spoiler Tech Tree :

Spoiler Stone Age (Cost = 5 EC) :
Agriculture: your people have discovered that some plants can be grown in a certain way, giving them a big source of food. Allows Farming projects.

Animal Husbandry: your people have realized that there is not as much of a need of hunting animals, as taking care of them will allow you to have a nearer source of food. Also, there are some animals that can be ridden... Allows construction of Riders and Farming Projects.

Bartering: the idea of exchanging raw or manipulated goods between people is becoming very useful, as it allows specialization within your nation and thus your people give the first steps towards a powerful economy. +1 EC, needed to start trade agreements.

Ceremonial Burial: you feel that there must be something else beyond death. That's why the dead ones must be buried using rituals so that he can find his way towards “the other side” and given objects and food so that they won't feel the need to come back. +5% Official Religion, allows Temple Projects.

Fire: this is not the discovery of what fire does, but about a fast and easy way to start a fire. It will give your nation a small increment in income, as it will give your people the ability of preserving things better. +1 EC, allows army/navy improvements.

Fishing: the waters of the sea and ocean actually hold many small animals that can feed a person. Allows creation of Oar-Ships, allows Ports.

Hunting: this being the quickest way to obtain food, it may become a very useful source of meat and other materials until you find other ways to do it. Allows construction of Atlatls.

Stone Mining: some of the people in your nation learn how to find the best kinds of stone for the weapons. Of course, this means that they will also know how to pull out stone blocks to build better houses and buildings... Allows Building Projects.

Wheel: It's certainly an important invention, as this will allow your people to transport things easily. Allows Road Projects.

Spoiler Bronze Age (Cost = 10 EC) :
Archery: NEEDS HUNTING. An even better weapon than the Lance-propeller, it allows the archer to kill an animal (or a human) from a very long distance. Allows construction of Archers, 1st to discover gets a free conversion of all Atlatls into Archers.

Bronze Melting: NEEDS STONE MINING AND FIRE. The strange metals in the ground can be extracted from it and be mixed to create strong tools and weapons. Allows construction of Axe-Men and Lancers, 1st to discover gets a +1 raise in Army Quality.

Calendar: NEEDS AGRICULTURE. Ever since your people started to grow plants, a way to find when the best times for planting and raising the plants has been searched for. Now, your people will be able to go at the meter of the stations. +1 EC on one Farming Project, 1st to discover gets extra +2 EC on one Farming Project.

Chariotry: NEEDS ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND WHEEL. Your Riders can be subjected to a horrible future if their horses get scared and throw them to the floor. Perhaps using something similar to what the settlers use to reach other place, the cart, can be adapted to war... Allows construction of Chariots, 1st to discover gets free conversion of all Riders to Chariots.

Masonry: NEEDS STONE MINING AND WHEEL. The knowledge of how to better construct buildings is sure a very important thing, as it will reduce costs and will improve the quality of buildings. +2 MPS, 1st to discover gets a 25% input in the wonder they are building.

Mysticism: NEEDS CEREMONIAL BURIAL. The nebulous aspect and live(s) of your god(s) is now clearer to your religion's priests. The god(s) now wish for you to build temples to his/her/their major glory. +2 Culture, 1st to discover gets +10% for the official religion.

Pottery: NEEDS FIRE AND AGRICULTURE OR BARTERING. The mud on the floor can be used to make beautiful "pots" that make storing foodstuffs (especially grain) easier and keep it away from vermin. +1 MPS, 1st to discover gets a small extra expansion in all directions.

Sailing: NEEDS FISHING. Your sea-men have attached a piece of cloth to their ships and now the wind can take them further away than oars could! Allows construction of Triremes and trade through sea (not ocean), 1st to discover gets a +1 raise in Navy Quality.

Writing: NEEDS ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. The knowledge of writing is a powerful tool for those who understand it, as well as a very important instrument in the managing of a nation. +5 Culture, 1st to discover gets 5 Tech EC.

Spoiler Iron Age (Cost = 15 EC) :
Alphabet: NEEDS WRITING. An improvement over the use of drawings and arbitrary lines as long words, this assigns a sound to a symbol, greatly reducing the complexity of the writing and thus allowing to store knowledge. +5 Culture, allows Library Projects, 1st to discover gets 5 Tech EC.

Currency: NEEDS BRONZE MELTING OR POTTERY AND BARTERING. Bartering can be quite a hard thing, especially when you believe that what the other person is offering you is of a very low quality. What if you used bronze or pot pieces to fix the prices according to their quality, offer and demand? Even people may offer their services for the adequate price... Gives +1 EC, allows Mercenaries, allows Market Projects, 1st to discover gets +1 EC or 2 Project EC/turn for 5 turns.

Iron Melting: NEEDS BRONZE MELTING. Something harder than bronze has found its way into your empire, your army and your people. It's time to use it for something. Allows construction of Swordsmen, allows Forge Projects 1st to discover gets +1 raise in Army Quality.

Mathematics: NEEDS WRITING. Using long words just to write how many animals you have in a farm it's quite complicated. Those symbols the scribe living in front of you to represent the numbers are suddenly more interesting to you... Allows construction of Catapults, allows Library Projects, 1st to discover gets +1 MPS.

Parchment: NEEDS CALENDAR. Either from the skins of the animals or from plants and trees, a surface that can be used to write quite cleanly can be made and easily stored, not like in the past when you had to write on wax or stone. 2 Tech EC, 1st to discover gets extra 3 Tech EC.

Priesthood: NEEDS MYSTICISM. Before now, religion was hardly organised, thus making it a chaotic thing that couldn't be controlled. Now, the priests can take control of it, making sure that as many people as possible can be converted to it. Allows you to spend money on expanding your religion, 1st to discover gets a 15% extra on his religion.

Rudder: NEEDS SAILING. Using sails to direct a ship, while fast, isn't always precise. The use of a special oar in the back of the ships allows you to direct the ship with far more precision, making transports and warships better than before. Gives 1 of your Navy UU, 1st to discover gets +1 Navy Quality.

Slavery: NEEDS BARTERING AND CALENDAR. Sometimes, people aren't able to pay their debts and are forced to offer themselves as servants. Other times, prisoners of war are forced to work for rich families in exchange of practically nothing. +1 MPS, 1st to discover receives +1 MPS.

Warrior Code: NEEDS BRONZE MELTING OR MYSTICISM. Every honourable warrior must abide to a code that implies respect for the enemy, obeying your superior's orders and not to become cruel against the defenceless. +1 Army UU, 1st to discover gets +1 Army Quality.

Spoiler Classical Age (Cost=20 EC) :
Cartography: NEEDS PARCHMENT AND RUDDER. Your best drawers can make now descriptions of the lands surrounding your nation, which will allow traders to go and come without getting lost. Gives 1 EC for each trade route you have, allows coastal trade, 1st to discover receives 5 Project EC plus 1 Project EC from each trade routes.

Construction: NEEDS MATHEMATICS AND MASONRY. Buildings will now be even better, as specialized people called architects now know how to design them and make sure that less resources are spent in them, yet making them even more secure. +2 MPS, 1st to discover gets a 25% input in the Wonder they are building.

Drama: NEEDS ALPHABET. Among your people, a person has realised that writing isn't always needed to make an account of how many cows live in a farm, but that it can be used to express feelings and to represent scenes from real life in an stage. Gives +5 Culture, 1st to discover gets +1 MPS.

Legislation: NEEDS ALPHABET AND SLAVERY. Your country's laws are hardly known by anyone save a few sages, who keep it on an oral basis. However, you have just put them into words and make it known to everybody, which means less law-breakers and more money into your coffers as those who still break the law have to pay fines. Gives +6 Treasury, 1st to discover gets +3 EC.

Maritime Warfare: NEEDS RUDDER AND ARCHERY. As your ships become faster and sturdier, so do your enemy's. Merely assaulting the ships doesn't help much, as the other sailors are quite difficult to kill. Why don't you apply what you know from land warfare to the sea? Allows construction of War Galleys, 1st to discover gets +1 Navy Quality.

Meditation: NEEDS PRIESTHOOD. As people find themselves more in need of communing with their god(s), the idea of creating houses where people can retire and find themselves nearer to them and relax. 2 Tech EC, 1st to build gets +5% Official Religion.

Metal Casting: NEEDS IRON MELTING. Did you have any problem in the past when making metal instruments, having to hammer them to make sure they have the wished form? No more! By using a ceramic cast, you can make anything from swords to nails without exhausting yourself! Allows construction of Pikemen, 1st to discover gets a +1 in either Army or Navy Quality.

Philosophy: NEEDS WARRIOR CODE. “Why do we exist? What is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything Else? Cogito, ergo sum?” These questions are now being asked by several people in your cities and towns. However, alongside with these, philosophers are making other questions that have applications in real life. Gives 5 Tech EC, 1st to discover gets 10 Tech EC.

Sanitation: NEEDS CURRENCY. Now that your cities are cleaner (thanks to those recently built sewers) your people will live in a healthier place, which will let them do a better work and have more children. Gives +1 MPS, 1st to discover gets a small extra expansion towards all directions.
Spoiler Land Units :
Warriors: Your main starting unit, it's just a group of cavemen with clubs and little protection. They are really bad against long distance weapons, but make an excellent ambush group. 1/1/0/0/0.5 EC &#8594; Axe-Men/Lancers

Axe-Men: NEEDS BRONZE MELTING. Their bronze axes and their light leather armour make them a very fearful enemy when they get near, but they will have to do a big run if they want to survive the enemy's lances and arrows. 1 2/1/0/1/0.75 EC &#8594; Swordsman.

Swordsmen: NEEDS IRON MELTING. These man, trained in the art of war and using a hard leather armour and shield for protection, use their iron swords to kill any enemy in their way. They suffer from the same problem as the Axe-Men, but their shields provide them with a small protection against archers. 3/2/0/2/1 EC &#8594; Knights

Lancers: NEEDS BRONZE MELTING. These soldiers wear protective metal armour and have a bronze lance as a weapon. When surrounded, lancers can keep their lances around to keep the enemy soldiers away, and riders are easily killed by them. However, their relatively heavy armour makes them slower than their counterparts, so a fast unit can surround them and attack before they have made the correct moves. 1/2/0/1/0.75 EC &#8594; Pikemen

Pikemen: NEEDS METAL CASTING. Their iron armours and helmet give them a better protection than the Lancers' bronze armour did, and their pikes do more damage to the enemies. The horses and other mounts will die easily when they are faced with them. However, their armours are now heavier than the Lancers', so a fast surrounding tactic will work really well against them. 2/3/0/2/1 EC &#8594; Grenadiers

Slingers: These people know how to throw stones using a leather sling at a short-medium distance. It can make them quite deadly if they manage to hit you on your head. 0/0/1/1/0.5 EC &#8594; Atlatls

Atlatls: NEEDS HUNTING. The first long distance fighters, they carry a propeller with them, which allows them to shoot lances further than the human arm alone can. They fare badly at close quarter combat. 0/1/3/2/0.75 EC &#8594; Archers

Archers: NEEDS ARCHERY. This unit uses a bow that allows them to shoot arrows at longer distances and higher speeds than a mere propeller would do. Long distance is their strength, but put them against an enemy that is near them and they will drop like flies in the middle of winter. 1/2/4/2/1 EC &#8594; Crossbowmen

Riders: NEEDS ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. The first mounted warrior, it carries one lance that can be thrown or used to charge at the enemy. Does good against many units, but suffers heavily in tight places. 3/1/1/1/1 EC &#8594; Chariots

Chariots: NEEDS CHARIOTRY. Riding a two-horse-pulled cart is more secure than riding the horses directly. The two-man team can alternate directing the horses and shooting deadly arrows or lances to their enemies. 4/2/2/2/1.5 EC. &#8594; Mounted Knights

Catapult: NEEDS MATHEMATICS. The best scientists of your kingdom have managed to construct this siege weapon that will throw the rain of death over the enemies in the form of rocks. Its crew, specialized in taking care and managing the catapult, will only be cannon fodder if they try to engage the enemy directly. 0/1/6/1/2 EC &#8594; Trebuchet

Warriors (1/1/0/0/0.5 EC) &#8594; Axe-Men (2/1/0/1/0.75 EC) &#8594; Swordsmen ( 3/2/0/2/1 EC)
Warriors (1/1/0/0/0.5 EC) &#8594; Lancers (1/2/0/1/0.75 EC) &#8594; Pikemen (2/3/0/2/1 EC)
Slingers (0/0/1/1/0.5 EC) &#8594; Atlatls (0/1/3/2/0.75 EC) &#8594; Archers (1/2/4/2/1 EC)
Riders (3/1/1/1/1 EC) &#8594; Chariots (4/2/2/2/1.5 EC)
Catapult (0/1/6/1/2 EC)

Spoiler Navy Units :
Oar-Ships: NEEDS FISHING. This vessel is the first thing you can use to cross bodies of water. However, they can only be used to cross at narrow passes. 3/3/0/1/1 EC -> Triremes

Triremes: NEEDS SAILING. Although it still uses oars to propel it if there isn't any wind, this ship will let your navy travel further than the oar-ships can thanks to its sails. 4/5/0/2/1.5 EC &#8594; War Galley

War Galleys: NEEDS MARITIME WARFARE. This ship is the first one to be specially prepared for wars in the sea. Its fast and sturdy form makes it a quite excellent place from which arrows or even stones (with a catapult) can be thrown. 6/6/3/3/2 EC &#8594; Cog/Galleon/Frigate

Oar-Ship (3/3/0/1/1 EC)&#8594; Trireme (4/5/0/2/1.5 EC) &#8594; War Galley (6/6/3/3/2 EC)

Spoiler Wonders :

Spoiler Bronze Age :
Colossus: NEEDS BRONZE MELTING. All your trade routes raise to level 3 from the start, +2 Culture/turn. Cost: 35 EC. Obsolete with Banking.
Hanging Gardens: NEEDS POTTERY. +3 Project EC/turn for each river in your nation, +2 Culture/turn. Cost: 30 EC. Obsolete with Crop Rotation.
Mausoleum: NEEDS CALENDAR. Raises your Army Quality by 2 if you are battling on your lands, +4% State Religion/turn, +1 Culture/turn. Cost: 25 EC.
Oracle: NEEDS MASONRY. Gives 2 free techs and +2 Tech EC/Turn, +3 Culture/turn. Cost: 40 EC. Obsolete with Theology.

Spoiler Iron Age :
Art Of War: NEEDS IRON MELTING. Raises your Army and Navy Quality by 1, Upkeep reduced on 2, +2 Culture/turn. Cost: 40 EC. Obsolete with Military Theory.
Chichen Itzá: NEEDS PRIESTHOOD. Any improvement of your state religion in any turn is doubled, +3 Culture/turn. Cost: 35 EC.
Colosseum: NEEDS MATHEMATICS. +2 Culture Points/turn, +4 Project EC/turn, +2 Culture/turn. Cost: 40 EC.
Great Library: NEEDS PARCHMENT. Every tech you don't have and 3 other nations have, you get it free, +3 Culture/turn. Cost: 50 EC. Obsolete with Electricity.
Parthenon: NEEDS PRIESTHOOD. +5 Culture Points, +2 Culture/turn, expansion, +3 Tech EC/turn, +3% State Religion/turn. Cost: 45 EC. Obsolete with Artillery.

Note: the +X State Religion/turn act as the normal religion gaining, with the parametres as they are at the ruleset.
Order Example:
Spoiler :
Message Title: MilarNES: Tartessos, Turn 20
Last Turn Stats:
Tartessos / Milarqui
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Tartes
Age: Iron Age
Colour: Dark Green
EC: 20/6 (-2 upkeep)
Army: 5 Swordsmen, 3 Archers, 2 Riders, 2 Guerrillas (6)
Navy: 4 Galleys, 1 Oar-Ship, 1 Colony Ship (7)
Culture: 10
Religion: Gaianism (50%)
Research: Alphabet (5/15)
Tire Factor: 2/8 (10)
Wonders: Temple of Gaia (gives +3 gold, +3 culture, reduces chances of cultural flip) (12/20)
Land UU: Guerrilla: soldier trained to ambush and make sneak attacks against unprepared enemies and supply trains. 2/1/1/1/1 EC
Sea UU: Colony Ship: a special vessel that allows you to bring settlers to other places and establish new cities and trade ports, but has no true weapons in it, making it quite a weak enemy. 0/2/0/1/1 EC.

10 EC on Alphabet
8 EC on Temple of Gaia
5 EC on Iron Melting
1 EC to expand Gaianism's influence within Gaul

Have the Colony Ship travel to the Canary Islands and take settlers there.
The Guerrillas will storm into Carthage's territory and cause havoc, while the Swordsmen launch melée attacks and the Archers do their best to kill the enemies from afar. The Riders will attack from the sides when the enemy is distracted by the Swordsmen.
Attempt to rise the Gaian Gauls into revolt against their Monarch so that they either join up with Tartessos or they impose Gaianism as the official religion.


Spoiler :
Cobba War (150-200 AB): Kingdom of Utul vs. Taino
Result: Utulian Cobba passes to Taino
Iberian War (150-350 AB): Arago vs. Nation of Aruhn
Result: Nation of Aruhn ceases to exist, annexed by Arago
Marsian Civil War (150-350 AB): Maternite Marsi vs. Paternite Marsi
Result: Paternite Marsi ceases to exist, Maternite Marsi transforms into United and Indivisible Kingdom of Marsi
Eastern War (250-400 AB): Attica vs. Sessentia
Result: Sessentia ceases to exist, annexed by Attica
Utul-Prisma War (300-350 AB): Kingdom of Utul vs. Nation of Prisma
Result: Nation of Prisma ceases to exist, annexed by Kingdom of Utul
Yazidian War (350-400 AB): Holy Arcadian Empire vs. Yazidi Order
Result: Yazidi Order ceases to exist, annexed by Holy Arcadian Empire
These are the people that have helped me in this game:
- Sid Meier, for creating Civilization IV.
- Crezth, for CrezNES: ARTOR, from where I drew inspiration for this game.
- EQandcivfanatic, for the longest NES I've ever played (and which I am still playing) and for being such a good mod.
- Vertinari118, for offering himself as the co-mod of this game, playing for the NPCs (although it increasingly seems that he is going to pass on this offer).
- Charles Li, for being a great ally in war and for giving me a couple of ideas that have become important.
- Every player of MilarNES I, as I really enjoyed modding the game with you.
- All those that have put their sand grain in the Pre thread.
- Anyone that joins this game, as it is really great to have you guys here.
If I already posted my template in the pre-thread, Do I have to post it another time?
City-State of Marsi / Flavius Aetius
Marsi (OTL Marseille) / start me in Marseille and surrounding territories...do I really need to put a map?
Starting Government: Monarchy
Starting Tech: Agriculture
Religion Name: Marsian Tricotheism (A religion where there are three main gods: Ersereo, God of Air, Lightings and Time, and also the protector of the Courageous; Tharos, God of Earth, Fire, Void and also protector of the Powerfuls, Aita, Godness of Ocean, Ice, Space, and also protector of the Wises. Each Marsian belive in the three Gods, but choose only one of them as a "personal" God. There are Temples for the Three Gods combined, or only for each one alone.)
Your first unit: Warrior
Your nation's culture: the Tricotheism is the basis of the Marsian culture: when someone choose a protector God, in the ceremony to reach maturity, also select a path for his life: Ersereo for a merchant/farmer, Tharos for a warrior/farmer, Aita for a "reseracher". The choice is not binding, and anyone can became a warrior even if he chose Aita, and anyone can become a Farmer even if he chose Tharos. The King is the heir of the family chosen millenium ago, as the legends says, to represent and bring to the Marsian the Tricotheism.
Land UU: Marsian War Band: An all-around good unit, very manouvrable, equipped with a light meelee weapon (Club, that will evolve in Sword, ecc) and a Long-Ranged weapon (Slinger, that will evolve in Bow, ecc) 1/1/1/1
Naval UU: not decied yet
Air UU: not decided yet
Colour: Light Green
Name of Nation/Player The Nation of Aruhn, Sylon

Capital/Starting Place Mraatoer,

Located at the light blue L. Don't mind the fact that it's an L. Don't discriminate against it because it happens to be L, or light blue. Discrimination is bad. Move along.

The Aruhn
Spoiler :
The Aruhn were originally a nomadic tribe from the North. Long winters and famines, however, led them South in search for more hospitable lands. After wandering the plains on horseback for several months, the Aruhnites came across the fertile Strait of Gibraltar. Weary from their long trip and of the nomadic lifestyle in general, they decided to settle the lands. Mraatoer means just that: To settle.

Starting Government Theocracy
Starting Tech Animal Husbandry
Religion Name Ytrism

Spoiler :
Ytrism is the worship of the god Ytri (Pronounced Yee-tur).

Ytri is said to take the form of the stars. Not a single star, or a constellation, but every single star there is. As such, every night where the stars can be seen is considered holy by the Aruhnites.

He is credited with saving the Aruhnites from certain destruction several times in the past, along with giving them their mounts and the knowledge of stargazing.

Your first unit Slinger
Your nation's culture

Ahrunite Culture
Spoiler :
Aruhnites are a highly religious people, and have a tendency to attribute many things to their god, Ytri- Even when any other primitive nation would be able to tell otherwise. While they do not actively seek out war, they are highly protective of their lands, which they see as Ytri's gift to them as a means of salvation from the famine.

Being a developing nation, they consist mostly of farmers or workers, along with some ranchers, mystics, and warriors. Their society, as it stands, is simply not developed enough to have a proper caste or class-based system yet, though it is beginning to take root.

The Aruhnite's nomadic culture still has a strong influence, and as such they are often taught to ride on horseback and fend for themselves in the wild at an early age. Due to the widespread availability of these horses and men capable of riding them, it is a simple matter to put together a force capable of fighting back any enemy.

UUs Nossair 4-1-0-1-0.75
Replaces Rider

Spoiler :
"You call us 'religious horsemen'. To us, that is the same as saying 'religious priest'. It is redundant- To be a Nossair is to be religious." -General Boris Istra II, First Regiment of Cavalry

'Nossair' is the Aruhnite word for 'horseman'. Or, to be specific, a warrior riding a Sveloni. A warrior riding anything else is called a 'Bhruts', which is a very offensive term in Aruhnite culture.

Nossairs make up the bulk of Aruhnite forces, if only by the sheer availability of both riders and mounts and the high esteem they are held in in Aruhnite culture.

Nossairs are usually armed with a lance. These lances are too heavy to be thrown effectively, but the same weight adds to the power of the initial charge. While the weight of these lances make them even more cumbersome in close range when not charging, a well executed charge and flank will ensure that no such combat happens by utterly decimating the enemy ranks.


Additional notes:

Sveloni Whites
Spoiler :
Sveloni Whites (See-lo-nee)

Sveloni Whites are a breed of horse used exclusively by the Aruhnites. Their coat is white, with large splotches of black, much like a cow's. They are generally tall, robust, and have good stamina, making them excellent horses for riding. They are also rather intelligent (For horses), but rather stubborn at the same time.

Sveloni Whites play a large part in the mythology of Ytrism, where the god Ytri gave it to the Aruhnite people as a sign of his favor. They are said to have been crafted from the night and the stars.

As a supposed gift from god, crafted from his own body, Sveloni Whites are held in high esteem throughout Aruhn. An Aruhnite is forbidden to kill or harm a Sveloni White unless it is something they would do to their loved ones (A mercy killing, for example, or disciplinary action). If an Aruhnite comes across an injured Sveloni, he or she must tend to it. If they come across a starving Sveloni, they must feed it. And at all times, they have to be treated with respect.

Aruhnite families typically possess at least one or two Sveloni Whites. They are generally treated well, as one would treat a beloved pet. They are also used as/for transport, beasts of burden, religious symbols, sports, and a myriad of other uses. It would not be incorrect to say that Aruhnite civilization is heavily reliant on these 'holy' creatures.


I'm fine with any color for my nation.
Name of Nation/Player: Tototl/Haseri
Capital/Starting Place: Tunatlan

Starting Government: Tribal Confederacy, with some Meritocracy (see below)
Starting Tech: Fishing
Religion Name: Xolapan - Less of a religion with gods, more of a way of living.
Spoiler Mythos :

It all started with a journey.
None know where we began. Some say it was a place much like this. Others say different. Whatever our origin, we kept walking. Some would stop. But we kept walking. Because we are strong.
Why did we stop here? Because we know it was right.

(There are a lot more stories, including a long epic, which I will post with any other stories in a series. Which will, most likely, be made up on the spot)
Your first unit: Warrior
Your nation's culture: The Totol culture is based around a weak caste system, known as Kama. Males are born into these castes and women are born with no caste, but is married into them. The castes are distinguished, however, by what you do, rather than anything else.
Spoiler Castes :
Kamachiil - The farmer caste. However, they are not just farmers. They are anything involved with primary industry, which will later include mining, herding, fishing, etc. Regarded as the backbone of the nation, but they are seen as rather unlearned.
Kamachootl - The scholar caste. Any learned person from priests to leaders. They are often those others will turn to in a crisis and, as such, are effectively the leaders. However, despite the respect they command, they are seen as lazy and weak.
Kamaitlatl - The merchant class. They sell what the artisan class (below) make. They will one day, eventually, be the traders of the nation. They are portrayed as greedy and paranoid by their detractors.
Kamamal - The artisan caste. Anything that involves taking something and making something out of it. This includes tailors and cooks. As they don't have to worry about making the raw material, or selling it on, they can concentrate on making it perfect. Small to begin with, but get larger as time goes on. Seen as a little perfectionist and as introverts by other castes.
Kamaolzec - The entertainer caste. When the main tribe that made up Tototl were still nomads, some told stories. Now that they have settled, this caste perform in their respective villages stories from their mythos regularly. Well loved by most, some fiind them annoying.
Kamatlan - The mariner caste. Anyone who formally works on any sort of boat that isn't used for fishing is in this class. This is where thet navy comes from. Their sterotype is boisterous and rude.
Kamatlon - The military caste. This is where all the land based soldiers that fight for the nation come from. They are seen as honourable, but proud.

Land UU: Yaxtlon (Replaces Warrior) - 2/2/0/0/1
Elite warriors. These are warriors who have proven themselves in battle. They are strong of reslove and will almost never withdraw, unless it would be catastrophic if they didn't.
Sea UU: Yaxtlan (Seperate) - 2/3/1/1/1
Swift ships that move silently and quickly over the water. They are useful for making raids on coastal cities under the dead of night.
This hurts me to say but I am way to busy to participate so the ganges river delta is open.
Where did I say I wanted to be? I forget...
Government: Theocracy
Capital: Hestath the Loyal City (OOC: The name is explained in the culture section of Backstory below)
Age: Stone Age
Colour: (Will take any)
EC: 4/0
Army: 1 Warrior (3)
Culture: 4
Religion: Ancestor Worship (5%)
Tire Factor: 0/5 (4)
Land UU: Flying Warriors
The Flying Warriors are warriors with all training designed around fighting against superior numbers. They also have a cult-like adoration of the glory they are told can be achieved by defeating superior numbers, to the point they actually have higher morale against them. Their weakness is that they will actually rebel if ordered to fight except against superior numbers, even if their Emperor orders them.

Location: OTL Moscow
Starting Tech: Animal Husbandry

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to it's own arrogance, the Empire does not see the world in terms of Westphalian states or nations, but in terms of an ever-expanding Empire and rebellious vassals. It considers the world rightfully it's...

The town-states of Hes and Tath were at war since literally the time of their existence- their peoples were at war before. More powerful at the time then any contender, they would between them over their history suceed in getting every state in the area and some even they hadn't heard of to formally accept vassalage. (Although betrayals were rife) This fact, actually due to an enormus power disparity at the time, began to be justified in myth as due to Hes and Tath once being one state, and it's ruler being rightful ruler of the world.

It was an informal tradition that when both powers were sufficently weak a Peace would be established, solidified by intermarriage. Eventually, by such a peace Hes would inherit Tath (the Tath royal family would launch a coup the next generation, but they would still control both). By this time, the two town-states were so close together and had conquered sufficent neighbours to make up a city and surrounds.

This is why Hestath (as in the third generation since unification it would be formally made) was known as The Loyal City. It was, as they saw it, the only city not to break it's oaths of vassalage.

It was time. To conquer the world...


The Imperial Caste System:
Because the religion, a feudal system exists where people can literally order around their descendants even when they are adults. There is also a caste system of families, up to the First Family (that of the Emperor). Hes and Tath are theoretically united, but there are still two seperate hierarchies of families culminating in the Emperor- higher family heads can order around lower family heads or even kill them on a whim, in theory no questions asked.

In practical terms, this power is limited by the fact that each Family Head has a roughly equal portion of the people in his family, and if a majority of the Family Heads were to rebel they would probably win and be able to force what terms they would. Families take pride in the number of families their Head can order around, but even then do not consider rebellion out of the question.

The hierarchy is backed up by religious rules- each Family has it's own myth about why it has the status it has, and these form part of a long (if mythical) tradition. Interestingly enough, Emperors and important families have both attempted (sometimes suceeding, sometimes failing) to consciously tamper with these traditions to serve their own political interests.


Imperial Ancestor Worship:
Unlike OTL's China (the base of the idea), rightful rule of the world is justified in the religion and Ancestor Worship is literal. It is believed that each male creates a "shallow copy" of his lifeforce when he reproduces, making each generation inferior to the last. After death, each male (yes, they are sexist) achieves his full potential, becoming part of a heavenly hierarchy below his own ancestors. (There is a heretical idea from The Border Regions (ie- what used to be the border regions between Hes and Tath) known in their history saying females can do so as well, but it is a 'literary' tradition that being a believer of that is used to show a character is stupid)

Within this hierarchy, the Head of the Family makes appeals to the youngest male direct ancestor (he is unworthy of anything more). He will use what power he can or appeal up the hierarchy in order to answer prayers. The other family members can pray, but appeal only to parts of his spirit (based on personality traits he had- prayers are believed to fail if they appeal to a trait which didn't exist). It is known occasionally for very arrogant family members, those in rebellion, and those who think themselves the rightful head of a family (for whatever reason) to pray to the head of the family or the head of a higher family, but this is an act which is considered deserving of the death penalty (and legally, that is the consequence).

So far, the Empire has not had sufficent contact with other religions to know that they exist yet (partially due to insularity and partially due to lack of contact with other civilisations even if they wanted it). The result is that a policy on the matter of religious tolerance does not yet exist.


Imperial Military:

1- Formal military:
There is actually no formal military, or class set aside for military service. According to law, every man, woman, child, and even animal is obligated to serve the Emperor at war. In practice, the Emperor is well aware that he can only get away with sending the men to war if he wishes to avoid rebellion, but there is a myth of the first King of Hes being overthrown after trying to get the women, children, and even babies to fight as well. Every man, however, knows that he could be sent off to war at a moment's notice, and in practice due to cultural tradition there is nothing he can do about it.

The concept of a formal army exists, but the (currently decimated) Flying Warriors are the only formal army that traditionally does exist. A formal Imperial Guard made up of a set of families near the top of the hierarchy, they have a cult-like devotion not to the Emperor but to the idea of fighting against superior numbers and the resulting glory. They also have contempt for "straw men", which does not mean fictional people or portrayals used in a logical fallacy but all soldiers except the Flying Warriors. This is part of their stereotype, and they are seen by the lower classes despite their military effectiveness as tough bullies.

2- Tactical Doctrine:
In war, the traditional way of fighting amongst Hes, Tath, and the nearby barbarians is for the two armies to approach each other and begin intimidating each other with various methods whilst the army's slingers prepare slings. Both commanders try to keep control, but even they cannot completely control when one army or the other charges directly at the enemy lines. The objective of this charge is to break the enemy lines, but this usually doesn't work, and the Flying Warriors and Riders have to extricate the Warriors (the enemy Flying Warriors stay in reserve if they have them, and their Riders to deal with later charges). The Warriors then fall back, and the cycle begins to repeat itself.

Both sides did, however, have their own unique variations of warfare. In traditional Tath doctrine, spies would be sent to try and trigger defections amongst the enemy and would often suceed. If it did, warriors would upon order shout at them to defect when the commander told them to (or, if he was a very weak commander, earlier). The theory was that this disruption in the ranks would allow the charge to suceed and break the enemy army. This was also taken advantage of in order to try and create distrust before the main charge, thus reducing to a degree the cohesiveness of the enemy army.

In Hes doctrine, during the main battle very small teams of Flying Warriors would sneak around and charge into the enemy during the main contest. The objective was again to reduce the cohesiveness of the enemy before the main charge finished them off, as well as satisfying the desire of some of the Flying Warriors for battle against superior numbers. The disadvantage was that the commander would have to restrain other Flying Warriors from doing this when they had been specifically ordered not to, thus reducing his potential reserves in the case of a failed charge.

3- Philosophy:
In the Imperial view, absolutely every other state, would-be state, or enemy of the Empire is a rebel of some variety (they do classify them based on the amount of power and percieved legitimacy they have). Consequently, soldiers are supposed to have the highest contempt for their enemies as rebels- the Imperial languages do not use their word for "war" to describe any conflict after the union of Hes and Tath, instead calling them suppressions of rebellions. Theoretically there are different tactical doctrines for each case, although in practice they are very similiar.

The Geekren Wars:

1- Introduction:
In the past the Empire has had large numbers of reigments of Warriors, Slingers, Riders, and Flying Warriors avaliable to the point that the only real threat was internal. However, since the humiliating battle against the town-state "rebels" of Geekren, their military has been by historical standards quite pathetic.

Not only did Ha-Geekren and Noscrati (who will be got to later) manage to put their names into the history books, but it is estimated that between them they set back the Empire by at least a century. The wars they fought created what would be the most humiliating affair in the Empire's history so far...

2- The First Geekren War:
The First Geekren War was a barbarian affair that Emperor Laarus was attempting to manipulate from behind the scenes to force Geekren to become a vassal without having to actually fight a battle.

The two competitors were the Tomati (ruled by the self-proclaimed King of Geekren) and the town-state of Geekren- they were fighting over the ostensible issue of the self-proclaimed King of Geekren, Ha-Geekren (in the local dialect, "He who serves Geekren". The name was chosen for propaganda purposes). In reality, Ha-Geekren wished to unite his tribe against a common foe by playing up minor border raids into a full-scale war and had up to a point lost control of the situation.

The Tomati were outnumbered two to one, but Laarus wanted them to be strong enough to actually threaten Geekren. As a result, so-called renegade Flying Warriors were sent to help them in the battle against Geekren. He believed the situation was under control- after all, He-Geekren believed them to be genuine defectors. (The cover story was that they had fled for their lives after their immediate families were executed, which they actually were)

The intial result was the indescisive First Battle of Tomati (in which an attempted Geekren offensive was fought to a draw). However, realising that the Geekren forces were dying from starvation and disease in far greater numbers then his own forces, Ha-Geekren anticipated an enemy retreat and humiliated the enemy in the Second Battle of Tomati. The Geekren force still existed, but now Ha-Geekren had a chance at the offensive.

Laarus saw all this as going his way, and sent an offer to Geekren of aid in exchange for submission. The offer was accepted (although unknown to Laarus it was a bluff), and all factions initially decided to wait out the winter, Geekren and the Empire to build up forces and Ha-Geekren to avoid the Battles of Tomati happening in reverse.

However, upon recieving reports (by luck- most powers around the Empire's borders don't actually have scouts) that Laarus had not advanced his forces into Geekren, Ha-Geekren saw his chance. Effectively killing off large numbers of his men for the advantage of suprise, he force-marched his army to the walls of Geekren.

This gamble may not have been such a good idea- the Geekren force now outnumbereed him by nearly two to one, and fleeing peasants meant the Geekren knew he was coming. But by exploiting his men's desire to escape the cold and the high morale of his Flying Warriors, Ha-Geekren managed to kill the enemy commander personally and capture Geekren.

This was not an entirely sucessful victory though- he did not have the support of the people in Geekren. Additionally, he had only a hundred soldiers left of various sorts and knew perfectly well that once winter ended Laarus would move to finish him off and conquer Tomati as well.

Here was where Ha-Geekren began to show some brilliance...

3- The Second Geekren War:
There is a good case that the Second Geekren War was actually a continuation of the First. The war had changed into a battle between the Empire and the Tomati instead of Geekren and Tomati, but the Empire had taken up Geekren's cause and had always been a player behind the scenes. None the less, in Imperal tradition (probably because they do not want to admit they were crippled in a single war), the break for the winter and the lack of any formal declarations of war or supressions of rebellion (All wars fought by the Empire are called supressions of rebellions) was excuse enough to call it two.

Ha-Geekren saw this as an extenstion of his struggle to take Geekren once and for all. Desperate for reinforcements, he put out the Royal Declaration (as mentioned, he was trying to portray himself as King of Geekren). This consisted of significant concessions to major local families, offers of Tomati and Geekren lands to other tribes in exchange for aid, calls to rally practically every Tomati man, strong boy, and even woman for new armies, and a token denounciation of the "usurper" and the Empire.

Before the winter ended, his force had increased from 100 to 1000 at Geekren itself (still less then a unit, though). An additional 1000 was raised at Tomati, and 1000 more from all the tribes who agreed to aid him put together. By contrast, Laarus had raised a combined force of 10,000, and whilst he had only just learned of the fall of Geekren he now extended his ambitions to the full annexation of both Geekren and Tomati.
The Nation of Prisma / artbell

Color: No preference. Whatever milarqui chooses.

Government: Monarchy

Capital: Grebb

Starting Tech: Fishing

First Unit: Warrior

Land UU: Neflim - The Neflim are the elite fighting force employed by the Prisman armed forces. Endless swimming and running along the coast, agility exercises, and hand-to-hand combat training prepare Neflim to excel in a wide range of battle situations. Utilizing stealth and speed, the Neflim strike quickly and deftly avoid opponents' blows. Particular advanced techniques aid Neflim in evading or avoiding some long-range attacks while always maneuvering in an attempt to gain any advantage in combat. (2/2/0/1/1.5 EC)

Starting Location:
Spoiler Map :

Religion: Cannabism - a rudimentary religion that provides the people some sense of understanding of creation and the afterlife, but not necessarily a moral code by which to live.

Spoiler Religion :
The oral history of the religion of Cannabism (not to be confused with cannabalism, as most Prismans abhor the practice of eating human flesh) is brief and mostly symbolic, but the tenants of the belief have a very powerful hold on the people of Prisma. Cannabists believe that other-worldy beings descended to Earth In the Beginning and created all that exists. These nameless beings "fertilized the ground with the seeds of humanity" and by breeding with native humans, created the advanced "chosen" people of the world, the Prismans.

Individual morality is not a major theme in the teachings of Cannabism. Rather, most stories tend to focus on the concepts of the greater good and sacrifice for one's community. It has been enough for Prismans to believe that their purpose on the planet is "to tend to the garden of life" and "to create a better place for future Prismans to continue the bloodline of the Nameless Ones."

Evolution of the beliefs of Cannabism has become somewhat stagnant, though the precepts of the religion are no less important to most Prismans than they have ever been.


Spoiler Culture :
The Nation of Prisma is not much more than a tightly-knit gathering of coastal villages. It's people have a long and storied history of fishing for the village's food needs, fighting when they need to (particularly as a means to settle disputes) and slow but steady expansion of the nation's 'borders'. Prismans are not a warring people by nature, but their legends do contain stories of epic battles in ages past.

Prismans exist under a Monarchy of sorts, all but worshipping their king, or Noory, who resides and appears to rule from the capital city, Grebb. The Noory is accepted by the people of Prisma to be a descendant of the creators with nearly superhuman powers of prescience and unerring judgment. The Noory relies on the leadership of the leaders of his villages, or the Joans, to manage the empire and keep the traditions of the Prismans intact, as well as serve as the Noory's tax collectors.

What Prismans do not understand is that their religion and highest levels of government have been directed and run by just a small group of men for many generations. These men have quietly and secretly accumulated wealth and control over the years through shrewd business and political practices, currency control, funding both sides of conflicts, and of course murder. They are the unknown elite of Prisman society, pulling the puppet strings from high above the geopolitical stage.

This group, known amongst themselves as the Bilders, believe themselves to be direct descendants of the creator beings through carefully maintained and documented bloodlines. As such, they believe they can endlessly propogate their bloodline and retain the power they have gained forever. The Bilders believe it is their rightful duty to expand the power, control, and luxury they enjoy at virtually any cost. At times, this cost to the people of Prisma has been truly great.
I am happy with my starting location
EDIT: Have been asked to move my stories to the main template.
The Yazidi Order / Dannydehz
Capital/Starting Place Incheon

Starting Government Theocracy
Starting Tech Stone Mining
Religion Name Yazida
In the beginning, there was one God, who can not be named. His sacrifice created the universe and all life, who lived in darkness for ages, until a man called Yazid rediscovered the divinity within himself. He taught his fellow man that it is the sacred duty of all men to rekindle their divine spark by doing good in life and thus bringing light to the darkness. Thus was born the Yazida, or the path of Yazid.
Your first unit: Warrior
Your nation's culture
The Yazidi Order is focused on following the Yazida, the path of Yazid, by doing good and bringing light to the miserable lives of the poor. Hard work, piety and justice are valued most of all and those living in the lands of the Yazidi Order are expected to work towards the common good. All life in the Yazidi Order is centered around the temples and and the clergy. Not only are they houses of worship, they are also responsible for collecting, storing and redistributing the nation's wealth.

The farmers are at the bottom of the social ladder, above them are the craftsmen and artists, with the clergy serving as the societal elite. Social migration is possible within the Yazidi Order, any bright and pious child can serve at the local monastery, effectively giving even the lowliest peasant family the chance to see their child grow up as the country's elite.
- Yazidiori, the protectors of the Yazidi, are monks dedicated to protecting their communities. Dedicating their lives to hard work and training, the Yazidiori train daily with their spear and sword. Leather armor, shield, and fanatical religious dedication give them staying power beyond most other warriors and they act as the core, the bastion in the Yazidi army formations.
- Turtle Ship. Called a turtle ship, because it is more heavily armored then most other ships, the Yazidi vessel is slow going, but heavily armored and manned with dedicated Yazidi, which makes up for its slower speed with increased staying power, ramming might and a crew that excels in boarding action.
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