Somewhere I've still got a screenshot saved from the most ridiculous starting position I've ever seen. Unfortunately, it wasn't my starting position - it was an AI one. Joao II started with 2x gems, 1x gold, clam, fish, and rice in the BFC. An incredibly easy continent layout meant one relatively nearby blocking city secured enough land for 9 cities without any fighting or rush; he also had easy early access to Ivory. So to recap: An expansive, imperialistic leader, with 3 food resources and 3 high-commerce tiles in his capital's BFC and 3 happiness resources almost immediately accessible, plenty of space to lay down 9 cities without fighting any wars, with only one choke-point city and only one immediate neighbor, Mehmed II, but a second neighbor accessible as an additional trading partner. Oh - and there were 5 small post-astronomy islands, 3 of which had truly great city sites, which the Carrack should let Joao settle first, in addition to another continent with the other 4 civs.
If I'd still had the 4000 BC save from that game, I might have WB'd the save and bumped the difficulty up to Deity - if ever there was a start I ought to be able to compete with Deity on, that has to be it!