Magnificient Mughals

That's what happens when you play from 3000 BC, it's always messed up.
Eh, Arabia and Mali are the only really unorthodox situations here, and Masqat had been Portugese for a long time before Mali captured it.
Besides Orthodoxy all over Europe, England not having Dublin, Christianity founded in Babylon, and Asia a center for religion.
Asia is largely a center for religion because of my efforts :p And is Babylon really that worse then Jerusalem? Anyway, let's go on.


For a long while, tensions were increasing in the Majlis. Hindu representatives and the merchants demanded greater legislative power, complaining about unfair Muslim domination of the realm's political life. Maratha representatives were increasingly militant in their demands, and Muslims, allying with some high-caste Hindu Rajput members (who considered the Marathas to be uppity low-born peasants), managed to pass a resolution outlawing the Maratha League as a party. That lead to a massive fight in the Majlis, with a lot of shoes flying in its hallowed halls. The Padishah-Elect had to use his personal guard to stop the fighting. After this, the most militant of Maratha representatives fled to the South, where they led a rebellion against Delhi under slogans of Hindu self-government. Its leader, Daulatrao Shinde, proclaimed to follow the traditions not only of Maharastra, but also of the old Gupta empire, taking the royal name of Chandragupta.

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Daulatrao Shinde

Most Sikh and Rajput warrior clans refused to support the Marathas, proclaiming in a so-called "Varanasi Declaration" their loyalty to the Majlis and the Padishah-Elect Aziz-ud-Din Alamgir. Many merchants, while resentful of the nobility's power in the Majlis, did not want a war, and were, at best, neutral to the Maratha independence.



Padishah-Elect Alamgir

While in faraway Europe, England and France debated over the status of Wales and Cornwall*, the newly-founded Maratha Confederacy was slowly, but surely subdued by the Mughal troops.

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As Mughal troops advanced south, the Maratha leadership decided to appeal to Tamil sensibilities, promising the restoration of old Tamil independence. Also, the Portuguese from their holdings in Ceylon secretly supplied weapons to the rebels. This meant that the Marathas, pushed to the far south, finally managed to pose a serious challenge to the Mughals.

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The Padishah-Elect agreed to grant a certain autonomy to the small kingdom of Tanjapuri in return for most Maratha leadership of the kingdom being replaced by local Tamil landholders.


The war wasn't as brutal as it could've been, but still, the damage done to the South was quite big. The cities suffered especially hard. Nevertheless, life went on, with new diplomatic contacts being established with Indochina.


But not everything was fine. What most worried the Padishah-Elect were not inner troubles, but reports from his spies in Europe that the rather small and uninfluential Kingdom of Great Britain desires to increase its power and wealth by invading India...**



* And yes, France is a voluntary vassal to the Arabs.
** Keep in mind that in my modmod the Europeans receive their Asian conquerors at Rifling.
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The British are coming! The British are coming!
The Song of Maratha Rebellion was very popular across India.


In the new, reforming Russian Empire, their loss of Central Asia and South Urals to the Mughals, an Asiatic power, was perceived as an affront to the national honor. Empress Catherine III knew what should be done. Mughals fortresses in South Urals immediately fell to massed Cossacks.


Many Christian Orthodox believers in Central Asia didn't mind the coming reconquest. Still, many also chose to escape the Cossacks by migrating to the south, forming Orthodox communities in the ancient cities of Delhi and Varanasi.

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Protestants from Namibia also were settling in the Mughal capital. Conservative nobility whined about the decline of old traditions in the cosmopolitan, multi-faith city of Delhi, but no one really listened to them.


The inevitable happened - Russian armies entered Kungrad, reconquering everything lost in the first Russian-Mughal war.

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And in England, the East Indian Company finally gathered enough capital to invade the Indian shores.


At least, the Russians, after their reconquest, didn't want to press on, signing a peace treaty with the Padishah-Elect.


But the British had captured territories in Southern India, while advancing in the North. Good thing the recently signed treaty with the Russians allowed Mughal generals to draw their armies back from Afghanistan.

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War with England and Russia? It's the Reign in Spain all over again!
Aren't those redcoats a little bit too buffed? Extra strength for Cossacks seems fine, but redcoats in your version of the mod apparently have no contemporary counter at all... (except heavy cannons of course).
That's a lot of cossacks you got there!
Aren't those redcoats a little bit too buffed? Extra strength for Cossacks seems fine, but redcoats in your version of the mod apparently have no contemporary counter at all... (except heavy cannons of course).
Well, the Redcoats' strength was 16 in Civ IV Vanilla, and I always thought their Warlords nerf to be misguided. And note, that I took their Gunpowder bonus away, while compensating them with weaker bonus versus Archery.
That's your tea and your opium! Don't let those brits keep anything!
In the North, the British advanced on the road to Varanasi and Azimabad. Mirza Najraf Khan, a Mughal commander of Persian descent, who was elected by the Majlis to lead Mughal troops, expected an assault on either of two cities. He fortified Varanasi, giving its troops new rifles, and was prepared to leave Azimabad to its fate, hoping to recapture it later. But Field Marshal Warren Roberts, commander of the British Northern Army, instead moved northwest, occupying small towns north of Varanasi, hoping to capture Delhi. The British artillery was left behind at Kolkata, since Roberts considered it incapable of crossing the Ganges. British press heavily criticized Roberts for that decision*.



Mirza Najraf Khan

The Battle of Basti, a small village north of Varanasi, defined the fate of Northern India. Elephant-mounted Mughal artillery decimated the British redcoats, 'till a detachment sent by Roberts managed to force its way though Mughal troops at their most disorganized point and destroy the artillery. British ordered formations then defeated an flanking attempt by disorganized cavalry, made chiefly of the Mughal nobles, but the British casualties were quite high. Then Najraf Khan ordered his specially trained Grenadiers to come into the fray. Ordered British troops cracked under the grenades thrown at them, allowing the Mughal riflemen and the remaining cavalry to mop them up. Then cavalry detachments were sent to Kolkata, easily destroying British cannons left there by Roberts.

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Indian Riflemen in the Battle of Basti.

London was outraged at the news of Roberts' defeat. Even Queen Elizabeth IV, who was renowned for her politeness and grace, sternly remarked "We are not amused".


English caricature on Roberts.

Scottish poet William McGonagall even composed a mourning ode to the defeat:

'Twas in the year 1840, and on the 20th of February,
The British Army attacked Najraf Khan right manfully.
The Mughal Army numbered 40,000 in strength,
And showing a front about two miles length.

The British force amounted to about 10,000 strong in all,
But although their numbers were but few it didn’t them appal;
They were commanded by General Roberts, a man of courage bold,
But, alas! the British army was defeated be it told.


Then the Mughals, with increased numbers, made another desperate charge
On that red line of British bayonets, which wasn’t very large;
And the wild horsemen were met again with ringing volleys of musketry,
Which was most inspiring and frightful to see.

But then Najraf Khan, vile and cunning, demonstrated his plan:
Mughal Grenadiers, shouting, up to British ordered regiments ran.
Alas! the British force were massacred in cold blood,
And their blood ran like a little rivulet in full flood.

’Tis lamentable to think of the horrors of war,
That men must leave their homes and go abroad afar,
To fight for their Queen and country in a foreign land,
Beneath the whirlwind’s drifting scorching sand.

In India, however, the Victory at Basti proved to be a boom to patriotic sentiments.


An automaton constructed for Najraf Khan by Delhi artisans, displaying a British soldier devoured by an Indian Tiger.

The Indonesian Delegation expressed full support to the Mughal Majlis.


The South, however, was still in British hands. After a ten-year de-facto cease fire in Central India, with only very minor engagements, during which Najraf Khan was recruiting a new army, the Majlis approved the renewal of hostilities.


The British succeeded in the unlikely capture of Hyderabad and the annexation of Tanjapuri**, even as it opened Najraf Khan the way to Govapuri.

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Some of the Indian poets pushed a humanist outlook even in this bloody war:

In this world the Padishah is human,
And the lowest beggar is also human.
A human recites prayers at a mosque,
And he who steals his boots is also a human.
A human gives up his life for a human,
And a human kills a human with a sword.
A human can be more precious then a ruby,
And a human can be lower then dirt...
O Nazir, better then everything is human,
And worse then everything is also human.

- Nazir Wali Muhammad***


The Mughal army recaptured Hyderabad. An uprising in Chennai returned the area back under the Mughal green-yellow flag. Soon after the uprising, last British troops were thrown out of Tanjapuri, which this time was directly annexed to the realm. The British threat was over.

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* Composed mostly from actual bits of McGonagall's poetic gems.
** The city was captured by the British; I don't know why it shows as razed on the screenshot.
** Aka Nazir Akbarabadi, lived 1735-1830 IRL.
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It took me a while to realize where you got Warren Roberts from :lol:
During the war with the British, Turkish government secretly smuggled weapons to pro-Turkish rebels in Gwadar, resulting in the uprising, during which the Mughal troops were kicked out. Since the Turkish army was very strong and modernized, the Majlis had no choice but to silently accept the loss.


Desperate conditions of the low castes were a hot topic in debates across India. Krishna Menon, a famous Hindu writer and the creator of modern Indian Critical Realism genre, drew attention to this issue in his novels.


The movement of the Untouchables and other low castes managed to make some changes in the legislation, with the Majlis granting them the right to vote and implementing some basic affirmative action programs. Still, local governments often ignored the Majlis' edicts, and the system of bonded labour for low castes was not abolished.

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The Majlis feared that Turkey might be unsatisfied with only taking Gwadar, since it was massing armies on the Turkish-Mughal border.

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The Mughal Secret Service devised a project code-named "the Sarama Plan". Few things are known about that plan, which involved agents in the governments of Arabia and Germany, but it resulted in a world war, with Turkey being pitted against Arabia and Germany.

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The Sarama Project in action.

This had major consequences around the world. Even traditionally isolationist Confederate States of America entered the war, using it as an excuse to annex all French holdings on the continent.*

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While the whole world was at war, the Indians - well, at least, those who could afford it - could rest and enjoy their sophisticated culture.

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Varanasi announced a bid to hold the first Olympic games around the world. 20 years later, the warring countries finally agreed on a temporary truce on so that the Olympics could take place.

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The stress of war caused a socialist revolution in Russia. It, however, failed to spread to other countries except China.**

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Amsterdam was quickly overrun by the German troops. The Mughal governor of Namibia decided to get into the game after the collapse of Dutch authority in South Africa.

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The People's Republic of China decided to intervene into inner affairs of Mughalistan, sending guerillas - most of them actually Khmer - into Bengal. They distributed Little Red Books and formed guerilla formations of untouchables, minor tribes and landless peasants.


The Indian Army, with its new rifles, had no problem putting down the uprisings.

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Finally, Chairman Mao decided that he can't commit many troops to support the Bengali Uprisings, and so he promised to stop sponsoring them if India reveals the secret of its new rifles. "Political power, after all", stated Mao, "grows out of the barrel of a gun". The Majlis, after some debate, accepted his proposal.***

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The world in 1962. As you can see, the Turkish threat pretty much no longer exists.

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* And yes, that's Mali in Central America. They got a city though Congress and then started to conquer the surrounding cities.

** Note that everyone is in Capitalism. Another case for buffing Totalitarianism and Egalitarianism.

*** If you focus your attention at the scoreboard, which is visible though the interface, you'll discover the existence of Airstrip One. The Indian Majlis had generously provided asylum to Emmanuel Goldstein.
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In RFC-DoC, the US is named CSA if it has Forced Labor or Agrarianism as one of its civics. Pretty elegant solution to including both sides of the war here.
Hmm... I've never seen Arabia's capital in South America before.
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