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Make aliens *like* you?

Probably uses the same logic as a unit that gets trapped by expanding national borders (it would get pushed to the other side of the border or to a different landmass).
Yes you are right. If I remember correctly he said that they're teleported to a random place on the map.
Alien Nests count as a Xenomass well, not sure why the first one didn't count. Hope they will fix it before release.

Edit: It counts as a Xenomass well and gets yield bonus, only missing +3 food from base Xenomass well.
Felt a lot less than 50 turns, but you may be right. At any rate, I dislike the aliens being that controllable right off the bat. :sad:

I liked that he could control the aliens in about 50 turns, with the cost of not being able to explore to the northwest, not able to complete the early quests to kill 10 aliens, or a worm, and the aliens still exert ZOC, making movement more difficult...

And until he built the fences in his cities, the aliens prevented him from improving the hexes... a lot of trade offs, to get the frenzied aliens peaceful.
Where did he say this? He has a Nest on Xenomass in his territory, but his global Xenomass tally is still zero.

he did not get the xenomass in his capital with the nest, but he did get the xenomass in his expos, with the nest.... mave have something to do with when he researched the tech... From todays stream.
Where did he say this? He has a Nest on Xenomass in his territory, but his global Xenomass tally is still zero.
Later he gets Xenomass from other nests, not sure why is the nest in capital is exception.
And MadDjinn himself was a bit confused by this, apparently this is the first time that he befriended aliens. (He didn't know why he got 9 Xenomass when the ice city next to the nest was completed, and wasn't sure about if nests would benefit from the buildings.)
So no confirmation from him.
Alien Nests count as a Xenomass well, not sure why the first one didn't count. Hope they will fix it before release.

Edit: It counts as a Xenomass well and gets yield bonus, only missing +3 food from base Xenomass well.

On the plus side, it also lacks the 2e maintenance cost a xenowell would have.

But yeah, that was...strange. Awesome if intended, but the fact he didn't get the xenomass from the resource in his starting city suggests either a bug or the fact that maybe the ability to use nests as wells is linked to affinity levels.
It is likely a bug not causing the existing nest to update when he crossed that threshold that allowed them to be used as wells.
It is likely a bug not causing the existing nest to update when he crossed that threshold that allowed them to be used as wells.

I could see that. Basically he can now create wells, which are the only improvements allowed on xenomass. But...there's already an "improvement" of sorts with the nest, so the game gets confused and starts considering the new xenomass tiles "improved".
Peters LP, also stated with a nest in range, but even while he took 3 range fence, he made the really bad decision to remove the nest.
it sort of depends on what you want. Friendly aliens seem nice, but the lack of food from the well may not be enough.

I usually just play Harmony with aliens being genetic samples, but having them friendly helped get past that frenzied state that people asked for ;)
I usually just play Harmony with aliens being genetic samples, but having them friendly helped get past that frenzied state that people asked for ;)

You have no idea how envious I am that you can say "I usually play..." when it comes to C:BE

I've got nearly a month of downtime that would be perfect for C:BE binging, but noo, it has to come out at the end of my downtime. :gripe:
I don't think a Harmony player who befriends the aliens should be punished in any way for doing so. The nest should give all the same yields as the well. They could make it an affinity level bonus so only Harmony benefits fully from it if anyone is worried that it would make befriending them an "always do it every game" choice.
I don't think a Harmony player who befriends the aliens should be punished in any way for doing so.
Of course not, but Harmony had nothing to do with this.

Sure, there's trade-offs and things, which generally boil down to "you can't settle this small part of the map", but a) the AI can't settle there either unless they wipe out the horde of aliens, b) they were only a barrier against movement because Frenzied Aliens made them spawn in greater numbers (not to mention the landmass was smaller than usual), and c) 50 turns and "trade-offs", even if it's uncommon to be able to absorb a nest into your territory, is still a small price to pay to essentially neutralize the alien threat (which is supposed to be significant for at least a couple hundred turns) for the remainder of the game.

Call me harsh, but I would only allow blue alien relations to Harmony players of a certain level. Needn't be too high, but it shouldn't be something you can start working towards from turn 20 without significant investment into understanding the aliens (i.e. non-afterthought Harmony levels/tech).

Purity profits from their destruction, and would generally be disdainful towards the aliens at the very least, so it would make less sense for it to work toward complete peace with them. Supremacy, on the other hand, could easily pull this trick and not have to deal with them at all for 70%-80% of the game: no intrinsic profit to gain from killing xenos (unless they make it their mission via Might), and no critical resource existing under their nests.

So all in all, too much controllability. You shouldn't be allowed to take the aliens for granted unless you devote some real, conscious effort to it.
I could see any of the affinities wanting to domesticate the wildlife. After-all, when that fancy John Deere 10000RT model breaks down, who is gonna plow my fields for me?
There is a significant initial investment of time and danger, so I feel it should give the yield. But if alien nests give the same yield as a biowell it might become a no-brainer to befriend the aliens. So making the yield increase a harmony perk would give a harmony player more reason than other affinities to befriend the aliens.
I could see any of the affinities wanting to domesticate the wildlife. After-all, when that fancy John Deere 10000RT model breaks down, who is gonna plow my fields for me?
I think the actually harmless aliens are already harmless basic resources (i.e. Chicken Chitin, Resilin). You wouldn't use hyenas, lions and bears as farm animals.

There is a significant initial investment of time and danger, so I feel it should give the yield. But if alien nests give the same yield as a biowell it might become a no-brainer to befriend the aliens. So making the yield increase a harmony perk would give a harmony player more reason than other affinities to befriend the aliens.
There is no danger unless you go mindless Rambo on the aliens at the same time you're trying to befriend them. Which of course doesn't make any sense.

At the very least, an alternative (if not a complement) to a fair but not excessive number of Harmony levels would be an out-of-the-way Harmony leaf tech. Or appending the effect to an existing one. For instance, Swarm Intelligence or most likely Alien Adaptation, both tier-2 techs. Alien Domestication sounds even more fitting, but it's tier-3 and therefore too far. Maybe even a factional wonder instead, unlocked by such a tech and possibly affinity level. Yeah, you might say, "all that?! But it already takes a while!" Well, then just tweak the time-to-blue accordingly. Problem solved.

Conceptually, what I don't want is factions easily being able to gain major affinity-related advantages almost without trying. I still consider not only the Purity 1 but also the Harmony 1 bonuses low-hanging fruits with disproportionate rewards. Merely one easy quest/tech away for any faction. A free ability to befriend the aliens (as if green status were troublesome as it is) to all affinities is excessive in the same vein.
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