Many Leaders Game 2 - Sword Training

Hammy, Round 7 – Are we there yet?

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Wars against protective redcoats are mildly unpleasant. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

There’s no doubt who is number one in Hinduland:

One significant trade, with Mehmed. Astronomy in 1909 is not so impressive, but this has turned into a bit of a leisurely stroll, so I’m cool with it.

I had an Engineer rotting in Akkad for 2000 years or so, and waiting for him to invent the telephone just wasn’t working out, so it seemed like a good time to found a corporation:

In Delhi, home of the already lucrative Hindu shrine. A few years later, I completed Wall Street there:

That was during a golden age (a great sacrifice by a great spy), but even after that it contributed close to 300 gold to the economy.

Amusement of the turnset, what do you get when you discover a hut in the 20th century?


Finally, not much progress on the most important front, land percentage:

However, I’ll have tanks in 20ish turns. Plan is to finish capturing Winnie’s mainland cities, get him to capitulate (he has a 1 tile island city he can keep), and then bring in the tanks to roll over KK. That should be land enough to finish the game.


  • MLG2_1930AD_Hammurabi.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Actually, once you research Astronomy (the last tech poppable from a hut) you can only get cash, a warrior or barbs.

Yep, I was just surprised that the barbarians can apparently only be warriors. It'd be a bit more interesting if it was the highest draftable unit known to two or more civs or something similar.
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Turn 301- IBT Our brib… incentive to Pliny worked and he continues saying that we are the wealthiest of the world. The bulldog asks for help against Alex ( no way, continue to kill each other please :D ) and Fascism is in ( 1 more GP, a general ), with research set in Industrialism. The caravel slaying continues in Mongol an American lands....
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Turn 304 Alex and bulldog make peace...

Turn 305 Americans have frigates... Time to run away, privateers....

Turn 309 Halted research for some turns to upgrade Privateers

Turn 310 Pentagon done ( not needed, but let it out of AI hands )... Greeks have frigates as well....

Turn 311 Captured Apache ( a barb city ) and gave it to Hammurabi...

Turn 312 You don’t see this every day....
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Turn 314 Time for...
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CR is online

Another thing you don’t see everyday....
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Turn 315 IBT
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Choosed the second option.

Turn 316 Alex asks to cancel deals with Gandhi ( yeah, yeah... ). The guy is thinking on attacking me...
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Turn 317 Plastics is in, research artilery-> Rocketry

Turn 319 Gandhi asks ( again... ) to be our vassal. I really gave it a thought, but this guy as a vassal will give more problems that he whorts...And I’ve got a GM....

Turn 322 AP is online again???? Only candidate is Gandhi...Let’s see how loved is the guy....

Turn 323 Interesting....
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Turn 327 Made some backfilling with Ramesses and Wash and Mehemed make peace

Turn 332 AP proposal: DP between all the members ( could only come from Gandhi’s dirty mind...) Superconductors are in, research towards Fusion

Turn 333 Surprise, surprise.... DP prop fails ( only Gandhi votes yes :lol: ) I get another GE. Decided to start 3 GA ( fouth will be started with the Fusion GE )

Turn 338 More events:
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Turn 339 Gandhi asks us again.... to be our vassal :suicide:
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2 SS thrusters ready

Turn 340 Last privateer dies near Ottoman capitol... RIP :(

Turn 341
Fiber Optics is in, KK founds Creative constructions ,we finish all the thrusters and get a GE

Turn 342 This is getting interesting: AP resolution: stop trading with Hammurabi ( i want to see if it affects me )

Turn 343 AP resolution fails....

Turn 345 This I never saw before....
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Turn 350 And this one either....
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Just in time for a Last GA...
And traded fish for Hit singles with ramesses ( just to round the Sushi food ( now at 10 :food: )


  • Joao II AD-1930.CivBeyondSwordSave
    498.9 KB · Views: 60
Post 1930 ( you’re free to igonre now )

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Turn 351 Someone says that we are numero uno in power, Sattelites is in ( beep, beep, beep...), research composites.
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Turn 352 Vermin eats our food supplies in Lisboa and AP for all members DP is on table again ( Gandhi, wake up.... )

Turn 353 Resolution fails again and with the same results ( poor Gandhi, he just wants a peaceful world... )

Turn 355 We have composites... research set on Genetics

Turn 356 Both SS engines are done

Turn 357 Babylonians acheive the corporation expansion quest ( :confused: ... They only have 1 city with a corp, and that’s Sid Sushi....)

Turn 359 All the SS techs are in: Genetics is online. Research Flight ( for airports )

Turn 362 Gandhi tries again the DP prop in the AP.... Flight is online, research Mass Media ( for Hollywood ( like I was going to need it :p ) )

Turn 365 :
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Turn 366 Gandhi definitely is in the weed:
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Turn 367 KK makes the Mining inc

Turn 376 ( 1956 ) :
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Colonies seems a somewhat decent investement in peace, but ( at least in Noble ) they can’t keep pace with us and sometimes can became more a burden than a help. It seems that the colonies should be more helpful in higher levels.
In this game I made a serious mistake: i beaten Gandhi too much. As the only Fin civ of the game I should had used him as tech trader. But I destroyed his towns and blockaded his shores for more than 100 turns, completely crippling him :nono:
I really like the Portuguese UB; it can sustain easily the maintenance of a fishing village farfaraway or to pay the fee of people eating sushi. The Portuguese UU.... It doesn’t look strong enough to a full medieval naval landing, but it can seriously contribute for a overseas empire. More of a peace tool than a war one....
The traits... Imp/Exp are better used in ReXing, a thing that I didn't done here to full extent ( bad lands to east )... but helped a lot when mounting the colonies ( and to get more fish for sushi... ).

Oh well, most likely I could had done better... :blush:


  • Joao II AD-1956.CivBeyondSwordSave
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And a long hard slog it was too....
Still nowhere near winning though...

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Maybe a slight exagerration though my computer is really struggling to keep up, takes 2 minutes between turns. The game itself was really pretty straightforwards. I wanted to set up a couple of corporations this round and also look at city specialisation.

At the start of the round I was at war with Gandhi. Cannon and infantry against longbows and cuirassiers is really rather one-sided, I lost a rifle and a cannon at the end of the last round but didn't lose any more units finishing off Gandhi.

I captured Delhi in 1720 (AP, SM, Zeus, Mahabodi and a few more obselete wonders). Captured Pailipalit in 1745 and Vijanayara (Sistine) in 1755 and that was the end of India. I'd captured Athens earlier which had the Hindu shrine and even though it was earning less it was available earlier so I cash-rushed Wall Street there in 1755. I'd already established my first corporation in Athens in 1730. I went for Mining Inc and spread it to two cities only: my Ironworks city to help with the wonder-building and my HE/WP city to help with unit production.

By this point I'd conquered Greece and India and had a reasonable amount of real estate. Unfortunately England's cities were pinching tiles from my newly conquered greek possessions. War became inevitable. In 1795 I declared on Ch'ill, moved a stack to one of his cities and awaited his response. Ch'ill sent out a stack of 3 knights, 2HA and two trebs. they got massacred by infantry and cavalry in 1800, I captured the English city the same round and Churchill quickly and gracefully capitulated. I returned his city, threw him a few resources and a few techs and being fellow Buddhists we were back to pleased very quickly.

I'd given up trying to be friends with Khan but was still being nice to GW. I gifted him liberalism and bribed him to revolt to Free Speech, the diplo points for 'wise civics' soon moved us from pleased to friendly. Ok so far. Then came my first :smoke: move. GW asked me to stop trading with Mehmed in 1804. I agreed. I then realised that Mehmed had the world monopoly on sugar! Unhealthy, unhappy grocers! He wouldn't talk with me!

Time for another war. But first I had to build a fleet. I knocked up half a dozen destroyers and transports, loaded them with infantry and artillery and set sail. En route I rolled over a couple of barb cities that I gifted to my island-hopping colonist Hammurabi. By the time I'd done all this I didn't declare on Mehmed until 1826. I hadn't really brought along enough troops to finish things off quickly and while my tech edge stopped me from taking casualties a lot of tedious rounds passed until I captured the sugar city of Giantezup in 1836 and Malayta in 1844. Then followed my second :smoke: move. I returned Malayta to Mehmed purely for the sake of it and then discovered that while I had the sugar island half of my army and navy were hemmed in by Mehmed's closed borders. Dumb move.

In the meantime I established my second corporation in Athens in 1832, Standard Ethanol was my choice. This is my primary export corporation. I'm not bothered about giving free oil and the AI were so far behind on research that they needed every beaker they could get. I did however set up a branch in my science city; its only 30 base beakers but after multipliers its a useful boost.

Built a few world wonders: Pentagon (1780), Kremlin (1802), Versailles (1808), Broadway (1824), Three Gorges (1846), Eiffel Tower (1856), RocknRoll (1858). Two turns from completing Apollo.

Research was ok: Fascism, Combustion, Scimeth, Biology, Communism, Astronomy, Physics, Medicine, Artillery, Electricity, Industrialism, Plastics, Refrigeration, Radio, Flight, Rocketry, Mass Media, Composites and currently researching Satellites.

I had my first vaguely interesting event in 1860:

For the sake of a few gold coins I got +3 with Khan (went from -5 to -2). Ch'ill and GW have discovered Free Religion so they're only pleased with me (+8). Mehmed seems to bear a grudge (-9) but Hammurabi likes me (+30).

As I said earlier I've been focussing on city specialisation:

Ironworks (my ironworks city), IW, factory,forge, 3GD, a few specialists and extra hammers from Mining Inc.

Science city with academy, specialists, buildings, Oxford and Standard Ethanol.

Goldwall Athens: Shrine, 2 Corp HQs, buildings, specialists, Wall Street.

Thought I'd try out National Park and Forest Preserves for my National Epic GP Factory.

Military city with Mining Inc, MilAc, 2 MI, WP, HE, currently producing 15xp units (tho not coastal so that was a bit of a mistake).

Tried running my capital as a spy city but even with buildings, scotland yard and a few specialists its only runing 168ep/turn.

I don't really trust Khan so I've got some units near his borders:

And as I said earlier I've got some units stuck in the Ottoman Empire:

But the demographics are looking ok (ish).

So I'm hoping to pull off a win, probably space though I might knock up some modern units and play soldiers with Khan or Mehmed (or both) while waiting for Alpha Centauri. i haven't tried any active espionage so I should give that a go as well.

@Ozbenno. Moia would have given me an extra 5 base hammers in Ironworks, which would convert to +15/+20 after modifiers which may well have been worth doing. I used Moia to turn a naff city into a half decent city. I suppose I could put Red Cross in Ironworks and use it to produce supporting units (transports, infantry). I should also chop down the forests in science city and turn them into cottages. I'll leave general conclusions for later.
If anyone wants to continue my game feel free to. I don't really have time or motivation anymore..

For victory condition I thought:
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Make nukes. Blow off the earth. Might take a long game to do that so feel free to do something else if you wish to
I've finished playing my turnset... but need to do a proper writeup for it. Not got the files at work, but will do when I get home. ETA - about 3 hours from this post...
And here it is!

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It was a fairly quick turnset. I raced for space, with the closest AI competitor still dithering round Steam Power/Sci Method. Snagged wonders along the way, although being careful not to delay any parts. The sheer number of highly productive cities made that pretty easy!

The AI's were sniffing around a little until I built my first ICBM - at which point they decided to fight one another. Wise! Perhaps they heard my threat to raze to the ground the next one who invaded my peace loving nation. Had built a kick ass army, air force and navy if any of them felt like messing. Carrier groups and navy seals were poised to obliterate Ghandi if he got feisty.

Well, landed in 1931. The save is from the turn before and simply pressing enter will complete the game.

Completed my variant and had all 6 golden ages. For future reference, I think 4 was an excellent number, but the last 2 were a bit too costly for my liking. Probably slowed my game up a bit collecting all those GPPs and spending them on frivilous festivals, but it was fun. :)

I really enjoyed playing Lincoln - he is a rockin', shockin' leader - great fun. Charismatic and Philosophical go together well. Never got to use the UU in anger, but the UB is awesome - if a little late to make much difference. +20% gold really helped with the corporation costs and was most noticable.

Speaking of new BTS features, got no mileage out of espionage - apart from the passive ones. However, the corps were great - only really used Sids Sushi, but it allowed me to add an extra 5 specialists/worked tiles onto each of my biggest cities - which totally rocks! Health was a minor problem with this, but not too huge. Had Mining Co, but the impact seemed pretty small for the cost - and I didn't have enough feeder resources.

Anyway, thanks Oz for setting this up and running it. Been really cool and enjoyed you guys reports no end - need to catch up on the last sets now.

Thanks! :)

One final Ninja Edit point - I find it funny that you can develop ICBMs and fly to Alpha Centari without actually learning flight. :p

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And my fave demographic - what 6 golden ages does to your gnp graph! :)

What happened
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Science: Satelites > Ecology > Superconductors > Composites > Fission > Laser > Fibre Optics > Fusion > Genetics > Flight :p > Facism > Advanced Flight > Stealth > Mass Media

3 gorges dam - 1864 - DOH! Causes 2 pollution points from power now... this hurts! :)
Rock n Roll - 1866
Cristo Redentor - 1868
National Park - 1872
Eifle Tower - 1878
Manhattan Project - 1909
SDI - 1914
Maoi Statues - 1916
Mount Rushmore - 1923

SS Docking bay - 1876
SS Life Support - 1882
Thrusters 1 - 1888
Thrusters 2 - 1894
Thrusters 3+4 - 1896
Thrusters 5 - 1898
Casing 1 - 1901
Casing 2+3 - 1902
Casing 4 - 1904
Casing 5 - 1905
Cockpit - 1909
Engine 1 - 1916
SS Statis Chamber - 1920
Engine 2 - 1920
1920 - LAUNCH!
1931 - Landing

Great People:
Engineer - 1866 - Rushes 90% of Cristo Redentor
Great Prophet - 1902 - Builds temple of Solomon for a little more income.
Great Merchant - 1905 - Sent to London to raise cash. (2700g)
Great General - 1919 - facism - built an accademy in Chicago.
Great Prophet - 1923 - founds Islamic holy city in HOuston.

Other -
Traded Military Science off Kublai for some junk techs.
1905 finally sees the back of caste system as emancipation sweeps the world.
1911 sees my first ICBM constructed!

The Save
How is everyone else going with their games (especially those who have yet to submit 6th round)? Would be good if we could get all those still playing up to 1930AD this week.
I've finished playing, as well. Didn't make it to 1930AD, though. ;) I've still got the report to write up, though. I should be able to post it sometime tonight.

@Ozbenno. Moia would have given me an extra 5 base hammers in Ironworks, which would convert to +15/+20 after modifiers which may well have been worth doing.
I also put Maui and IronWorks together in my capital. A bureaucracy fueled Maui in the early game is quite powerful. Even more so with a Dutch Dike. :shifty: And even after shifting out of bureaucracy, I could still build any unit, tank, boat, etc in a single turn. It was a great combo. I don't recall exactly, but I think every tile in my capital had hammers.
TriviAl said:
One final Ninja Edit point - I find it funny that you can develop ICBMs and fly to Alpha Centari without actually learning flight.

My two personal favourites are that you can build Destroyers and transports without learning Sailing and build Broadway and Rock and Roll without learning Music (There may well be a ROTQM game in the future celebrating this, Rock On! The Quietest Musical).

Nice win.

@Conroe - With Maoi, levee and Universal Sufferage, all my land tiles had at least 2 hammers, the sea tiles 1.
Dutch Civilization
Turns 300 - 350

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To recap from the last report, Prince William is attempting to win by either domination or back-door domination. Whichever comes first. The first war was started last round against Mehmed II. Dutch Marines were sent in to do battle against Ottoman Longbowmen and Cuirassiers. Support was provided by both the Royal Dutch Navy and the Royal Dutch Air Force. Casualties thus far ... none.

The war began on Mehmed's northern island, with those 3 cities being captured during the last round. My initial thoughts were to capture the cities and then use them to form a colony. Unfortunately, you cannot do that until the cities come out of revolt. I would later decide against the colony idea and opt instead to keep the cities. A vassal's land only counts 50%, as I understand it, towards the domination limit. I had a strong economy and a huge tech lead, so I decided to keep the cities.

I also decided, at the start of this round, to open up a second front against Alexander. This Greek War began by upgrading all of my swords and axes to Infantry, at a cost of 4000 gold. I sold Scientific Method to my friendly vassal, Ghandi, in order to pick up Military Tradition. I wanted MT so that I could upgrade my 3 mounted units (yep, that's all I ever built) to Cavalry. I then spent a further 2000 gold to upgrade all of my Cannons, Catapults, and Trebuchets to Artillery.

And then -- finally -- the UN vote I had been waiting for all last round ... Me against the Khan!

I decided to give Alex a reprieve on the invasion until after everyone voted. Not that it would do many any good. :sad:

Arrgghh! My mistakes from last round continue to haunt me! :gripe: Let this be a lesson to all: Never build the UN unless you know how the votes will fall!

Alexander's empire consisted of 6 cities. The basic plan was to be speed. I was getting hit hard by War Weariness from Mehmed. I needed for the Greek war to be short. Athens would be the prize, the city where I would build my Forbidden Palace. I started with his copper city (Mycenae) in the north. At the same time, my forces were marched towards Sparta. Both cities would fall without resistance.

But just as the war was getting started, I receive a message that I had made peace with Alexander. I have? When? It seems Alexander capitulated to Churchill, thus ending the war. Oh, come on! In order to finish off Alexander, I would have to declare on Churchill. But I'd been trying to get on Churchill's good side. Besides, declaring on Churchill would have cost me 2 happy faces in lost resource trades. Not the thing to do when battling war weariness.

And thus ended the shorter-than-expected short war with Alexander ...

Meanwhile, the war with Mehmed continued on his big island. Because the island was shaped like a big "W", it meant all of his cities would be coastal, and thus accessible to my Marines. But, it also would mean a long drawn out affair for the boats to sail to each succeeding city.

The Ottoman Task Force consisted of a Battleship, several Destroyers, Carriers, and East Indiaman Transports. The East Indiaman UU has the same capacity as the Transport, so I had not bothered to upgrade them. A contingent of 12 Fighters and 12 Marines were assigned to the Task Force.

City by city, the plan was the same: Bombard the city defenses to rubble with the boats. Then send in the air support of halve the defenders. Mop up with Marines. Airlift, from the Dutch homeland, a newly trained CG2 Infantry to defend the just captured city. Rinse. Repeat. I was able to do a city a turn with this method. Sometimes 2 cities in a turn if they were close enough together and I had enough healthy Marines.

The Ottoman cities of Malatya, Izmir, and Zonguldak were the first targets on Mehmed's big "W" island. My Marines were attacking Longbowmen, Janissary muskets, and Cuirassiers. It wasn't much of a fight, especially after being hit by the air force.

And with each successive battle, the war weariness would continue to mount at an alarming rate. Most of my cities had already had a jail built for the espionage benefits. The main production centers already had Theaters, as well. But the culture slider just kept climbing with the amount of War Weariness. At one point, my culture slider was sitting at 30% and my larger cities were still starving!

I started Mount Rushmore in my highest production city that didn't already have two national wonders. But then I finally figured out what was up! I remembered the new Statue of Zeus that doubled war weariness. Sure enough, it was owned by Mehmed in his capital.

Needless to say, the Marines immediately set sail for Istanbul, sailing past a couple Ottoman cities to get there. After the capture of Istanbul, my war weariness fell considerably. And it would no longer be a noticeable factor in the game.

But as I managed to solve the war weariness problem, along comes UN Secretary General Kublai Khan with an offer to help even further ...

At this point, I'm really starting to hate the UN! Fortunately, the resolution would fail. The Ottoman war would continue ... with the Marines capturing the canal city of Samsun, followed by Konya, Gaziantep, and Diyarbakir. The Royal Dutch Marines were unstoppable!

I would later spend 3500 gold to upgrade all of my Privateers to Destroyers. I also built 5 Transports and loaded them with Tanks and the troops from the ill-fated Greek campaign. Destination: not Burma ... but Mongolia!

I Declare on Kublai Khan ... I land the troops ... I'm ready to begin the assault of Mongolia! And then ...

Have I mentioned just how much I hate the UN? At least let me take a city first! Just one city! Please?

Fortunately, Khan was the only one who voted for it and thus it failed. Phew! I went on to capture Ning-hsia with my infantry and sent my Tanks south to his capital of Karakorum. With Bomber support out of Ning-hsia, the tanks easily captured Khan's capital. I also razed the city of Sanchu that was sitting on a 1-tile island.

Meanwhile back on the Ottoman front, Mehmed is ready to capitulate. I was tempted to do it. Its not that the offensive was running out of gas or anything. The Marines were healthy. They had plenty of air support. I was airlifting in a CG2 Infantry to defend the captured cities ... the war was going well. No, I was afraid Mehmed might pull an Alexander and vassalize to someone else. Since vassals only count 50% towards domination, I wanted the big "W" island all to myself. So I decided to risk continuing the fighting ...

Mehmed had only 3 cities left on the big "W" island. The Marines did what they always do and captured Edirne, followed by Bursa. The city of Ankara was Mehmed's last vestige on the island. But Mehmed knew when he was beaten. He was still willing to capitulate, and he would even throw in that last city.

The Ottoman war was now over. But, the Mongolian war would continue. Mehmed joined in the fray because of the vassalization. Like Gandhi before him, he would not contribute to the war effort.

A Dutch armored division captured the city of Beshbalik, while Dutch Infantry captured the city of Samarqand. The Bombers of the Royal Dutch Air Force were credited with an assist.

But then things took an ugly turn. Khan mounted a major offensive against his former capital of Karakorum. Wave after wave of troops were suicided against the city. Eventually my CG2 Infantry fell, followed by the two Tanks defending the city. When the city finally fell, it took four of my Bombers with it. :sad: Khan had over 30 units remaining from the engagement with which to reinforce the city.

I moved 5 Tanks, accompanied by a Medic III General, outside the gates of Karakorum. Even with Blitz promotions, it was slow going. With each passing turn, more Tanks would arrive. But it would still take quite a few turns to clear out that hornet's nest that was Karakorum.

After what seemed an eternity, the Marines from Mehmed's island arrived in Mongolia. First order of business was the Mongolian city of New York?!?!?! Rather than keep the city, I gifted it back to Washington, in the hopes of better relations. After switching to his religion earlier, I was up to a +8 with him. As it turns out, there is no diplomatic bonus for liberating a city. Oh well. As a result, Seattle and Philadelphia would not be so lucky. Their mine! Mine, I say!

The next city to fall would be Old Sarai. Some Paratroopers that I built would land on one of Khan's islands and take the city of Kazan. Then our Tanks finally clear out Karakorum and it falls ... again! Houston, we have a problem! The Dutch are taking all of our cities, but the cry fell on deaf ears. The Marines had already paid a visit to the Mongolian city of Houston.

At this point, Kublai Khan has lost 11 of his cities. He is vastly out-numbered and out-gunned. Will he accept capitulation? No, he would refuse to surrender. Whatever ... you're funeral, buddy!

Next up was the city of Turfan, captured by the Marines. Dutch armor would roll into New Sarai. While those two cities were not all that consequential, Khan is now ready to capitulate. He even throws in the Tundra city of Tabriz. Hey, land is land!

I now had 49% of the required 62% land for domination. With all but a couple of the Mongolian cities still in revolt, it was just a matter of waiting for the cities to come out of revolt. I set most of my core cities to building wealth and cranked the research slider up as high as it would go and started pressing enter ...

Slowly by slowly I acquired more land ... 49% to 52% then 54% ... and then an AP vote comes up? Ghandi, what are you thinking? Give Sparta to the Greeks? You're supposed to be on my side!

Fortunately, it failed. I voted never and Churchill also voted against it. Although with my culture slider at 50%, there was probably no danger of the defy unhappiness affecting my cities.

I would also capture the barb city of Uzbek. I used the Paratroopers for that one.

I then finally win the UN election to be Secretary General. :rolleyes: What? A hundred turns after I build the &@*%# thing! And the two folks that I'd been courting -- Washington and Churchill -- still wouldn't vote me. Yep, that UN plan was doomed from the start.

My land area would go up to 56% and then 57%, as most of the former Mongolian cities came out of revolt. With only a couple cities left in revolt, I realized that I wasn't going to make the domination limit. Alexander's capitulation to Churchill was the problem. I needed that Greek land. Of course, that would also mean war with Churchill. Eh! No big deal.

The war plans were drawn up. The Marines (I love those guys!) were moved into position. The armored divisions were positioned on the Greek border. The Infantry and Artillery moved to the English borders. I even had a Settler on hand.

In the meantime, I had been offered the opportunity to propose a UN resolution. I decided to go for the victory, even though I felt that there was no chance at all for winning. But, what the hey, right?

I got a bruise on my chin from when my jaw dropped and hit the floor. I won the election!?!?! Amazing! I knew Ghandi would vote for me, but Mehmed and Khan, as well? I can only assume that there is something in the code that says a vassal has to vote for the master.

I was rather concerned about having vassals because of all of the negative press I had read about them from Warlords games. Frankly, I'm not sure what all of the hoop-la was all about. Vassals seem to be quite a powerful feature.

For those interested in the costs of fighting an overseas domination war ...

Keep in mind, that figure is with Courthouses built in most cities. There were a few cities that had not completed the Courthouse, but most had one. If it wasn't for my huge tech lead, and being able to dial down the research slider, this campaign probably would not have been possible.

I also referred a couple of times to my use of Paratroopers. I wanted to have a look at this new BTS unit. They were rather pointless in Civ III. And while the BTS version has a great animation graphic, I cannot say that I am very impressed with the utilitarian nature of the unit. They can only launch from a city that is not in revolt. And then they cannot attack a city on the same turn that they para drop. And frankly, isn't that the point of having a Paratrooper?

Anyway, it was an enjoyable game. Despite the huge tech lead and the tedium of fighting a modern war against outdated units, I had fun with the game. I was able to explore some of the new BTS features, as well as the [new-to-me] Warlords features. Thank You, Ozbenno, for hosting this game!

The attached save is from the turn after victory ...


  • Willem van Oranje AD-1920.CivBeyondSwordSave
    467.4 KB · Views: 76
@Conroe - With Maoi, levee and Universal Sufferage, all my land tiles had at least 2 hammers, the sea tiles 1.
They could have all been at least 2 hammers if you'd had a Dutch Dike. :D
Congrats , Conroe ! Nothing like a backdoor diplo win, isn't it ;) ?

And thanks for the organization of this games, Ozbenno. From my little experience organizing the LHC games, I can only imagine the work you had to put this working.....
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