... the epic continues ...
1575 continued : The settler ship has docked. Marvellous. Time for some more Offensive Settling.
Tsingtao : We settle "Tsingtao's Doom". Look - we are now in artillery range. As a bonus, some kamikazes have come along to share the glory ! So we shell the city nearly to rubble and Crikey! - a kamikaze takes out a defending infantry ! Perhaps we should have built these earlier, my fellow generals ? Anyway - 1 tank lost, a settler & an artillery piece captured and Tsingtao is history.
Paoting : Han's last refuge (unless there is a Settler on the high seas ...). We settle "Paoting's Doom". Poop. Didn't look closely enough. We are not close enough - that's a hill in the way. So we settle "Paoting's Other Doom". Ah that's better. Ok Tanks - move to the front and centre please - it's time for Death or Glory !
... But wait ... Let's have one more chat with Han just to see how he is feeling. He will accept peace and will throw in his entire treasury (83 gold). But he would be insulted if we demanded Radio as well. Ho ho ho ! Is that so ? Ok, perhaps our scientists can work out what those strange talking machines can do, as they sift through the rubble of the Han laboratories in a few minutes time.
Back to the battle ... A hilltop size 9 city. 5 Tanks redlined and four killed, but now it's rubble and slaves, and ...
Bye bye Han !!!
Hmmm .... what to do now ? We have 88 Tanks, 121 Artillery, 38 Infantry and 12 Armies. With one city left in the world that is not ours. A size one Mori city with two Tank armies and two tanks parked at it's front gate. With no movement points left. Aargh. What shell-clad clod planned this invasion ???
Ah well ...um... Ok. How about a bit of blatant score pumping. Lets switch EVERYTHING to wealth, settle to up to the maximum level and throw a huge fin de siecle party for all our citizens !
... Many keystrokes and clicks later ... we're on 80% lux, all cities are full, and everyone is partying (except for some cranky expatriate Mori, Han and Shimadzu citizens). 15 tiles from Domination and 5625 points.
1575 IBT : Nothing. Well, what is Mori going to do anyway ? Hurl insults at us ? He's probably hiding under his King sized bed in the Palace.
1580 : The Tank army moves in to visit Mori. He named his city Oda (in our honour perhaps ?) but it will do him no good at all. Against 1 Rifleman and 1 Musket, it's not a long, drawn-out affair. We raze Oda and destroy Mori.
Now ... but what the ... what happens now ... oh yes. Click for next turn ...
1585 : Victory. Final score 8053. We are allegedly "Magnificent".
The End Game
Thanks my fellow Generals for a fun ride. Whether we win by a nostril hair or come a distant, embarrassing last, it doesn't matter. This was my first SG and it was a most enjoyable way of playing the game. I must try it again, but not GOTM14 revisited I think. That one was just plain evil.
Thanks also to MadBax for orchestrating this match. Particular thanks to Cracker for a finely crafted game, your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Added the final save file and some cut-down images if anyone is interested and fixed poor spelling