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MB4 - GOTM24 Redux [civ3] Roster B

Peanut: I don't need to tell you I know... but for everyone else.. you are up (and I don't expect to get the save back ;) )
Excellent campaigning Gormdragan.

Fellow Generals, the marshal's baton is taken up. Stay tuned ... I will brave the first round tonight.

The coup de grace may yet be yours Madbax but only if I can't avoid it ...
Go get 'em Peanut.

There will now follow a shameless plug. The next GOTM SG will take place >>here<<

Only suckers for punishment need apply.

(The other teams have pretty much all signed up).
Preturn : Looks good ! I'll have to work hard to live up to Gormdragan's effort.

Inventory of Units : 13 settlers, 45 Oda workers, 2 explorers (!), 16 warriors, 15 muskets, 31 Cavalry, 38 infantry, 57 tanks, 1 cannon, 103 artillery, 2 ironclads, 16 transports, 6 destroyers, 6 Battleships, 11 armies (two empty), 1 samuri, 15 flag foot, 1 flag samuri, 22 Kensai. What a motley collection (except for the navy, tanks, artillery & armies of course).

Lets try out Cracker's lovely Kamikaze on New Canton just to see what happens ... switch prod in Yokkachi & New Kasugi.

Swap Azuchi to Tanks (love em !!). Lots more tanks next turn. 20 Airports on line, 4 more next turn. That's enough to airlift all our production I think.

We protect a worker stack outside Anan with an infantry.

Happiness and score bloating : Various scientists and entertainers put to work where they can be kept happy. Swap Chiba,Yokohama, Uwajima, Ichinoyama & Okazama to markets (more happiness per gold piece invested than a church - a sad indictment of today's world ...). Join workers to Hiroshima & Fukugawa up to happiness limit.

Tactics : Gormdbragan has set us up nicely for an assaults on Omuta, Canton & Anyang. And the Han have no rubber no more. Oh dear how sad never mind - hahahaha. Let's try out Madbax's Highly Offensive Settler trick on the Han and see where it gets us. I've never tried it before.

Diplomacy : The Han will make peace and pay about 400 g for the pleasure. No conceded cities at all. He may be smarter than he looks. We'll do this the hard way.

Ok ... lets go ... slow and steady wins the race (or at makes it less likely we will fall over and look stupid).

1550 IBT : 1 tank lost to cavalry (eh what ?), 1 cavalry lost, a few foolish and pointless assaults against infantry armies. Some naval bombardment.

1555 : Rush markets in Chiba & Uwajima. We're now broke. Tanks airlifted to New Ise.

Omuta : What a disaster. 1 tank lost, 2 redlined. Omuta holds out. What dolt forgot to send in a few battleship salvos before attacking ? Duh. New Suzuka & New Miriyama-ku founded and a few Shimadzu workers joined. They are not happy but just wait a turn ...

Canton : A bit more successful. Artillery pound the defenders into the red, and the city taken with no losses. 4 infantry & 1 cav defending. We occupy the city, move a settler forward, found "Royal Artillery Camp 1", and move all remaining artillery and tanks we can scrape up plus an infantry army. Sell assets in Canton (77g) and abandon.

Beijing : Pretty well the same. 6 redlined infantry & 1 cav killed with 1 tank casualty. Settle "Royal Artillery Camp 2", sell assets (50g) and abandon Beijing. Bye bye Newton's University, Shakespeare's Theater, The Great Library and The Great Wall. We now have a culture boundary problem so we settle "Royal Artillery Camp 3" on the Beijing Artillery stack and abandon Camp 1.

New Chengdu : These AI cannot help themselves. They are settling in the north. Not for long. One musket against a cavalry ... and a free Han worker joins our little collection.

Anyang : No artillery, so just brute force. Knocked the stuffing out of the army and a few tanks but Anyang is no more. We found "Irritating Outpost" on the road to Tientsin before selling Anjangs assets and abandoning it. We scrape up a few Cavalry to defend it - all our healthy tanks have seen action.

We clear some Han Infantry off our gems near new Koromo 2.

We discover a tank that has not been airlifted .. so we ferry it to the mountain overlooking New Canton. And we try our kamikazes on a Han destroyer. A lousy 1 hp each. Ah well. We top up towns with workers where necessary. Our conquests have raised some cash so we sell a library and a university and do a market rush in Ichinomiya. End 1555 - score 5427, 149 tiles to domination.

1555 IBT : Han bombard a few useless bits of coastline. Some ineffective attacks. Some exposed workers captured.

1560 : Palace expanded ! Wow !

Rush market in Yokusuka, Harbour in New Moriyama-ku 2.

Build two tank armies in New Ise 2. They jump onto Transports heading for the Han / Mori / Chosogage island.

Chinan : Move up Artillery stack. 48 rounds later, 1 tank lost. 50g from asset sales.

Kaifeng : Captured by brute force - 1 tank loss. 5 artillery captured. 94 gold from assets. And look - it is in artillery range of Xinjian ! Goody. 51 artillery moved up for some gunnery practice.

Xinjian : 5 defenders, captured with 1 tank loss. 1 artillery captured. 84g from asset sales.

Nanking : After some judicious settling, the surplus Chinan artillery move to within range. Captured with 1 tank loss. We raze it. Bye Bye Great Lighthouse.

Omuta : 2 rounds from the battleships this time. 3 defenders, no losses. Shimadzu joins the ranks of the dearly departed. How sad. Remember when he declared war on us just for the fun of it ? Well how's it feel now Shimzo me ol' mate ?

Tientsin : our few remaining unused artillery pound it then ... 1 tank loss, three redlined. Aargh ... no more tanks. So ... 1 cav lost, next wins. Razed.

New Canton : Our tank is up against a Pikeman. He redlines it (How ? Sticking his pike up the exhaust pipe ?). Captured. Razed.

1560 end summary - 5475 points, 75 tiles to domination but some culture expansions due next turn which may chew it up. In two turns Han have lost Canton, Beijing, New Chengdu, Anyang, Chinan, Kaifeng, Xinjian, Nanking, and Tientsin. Oh, and the Shimadzu have departed.

Sorry this has been a bit slow but this is the long weekend here before the school year starts, and we had thumping big thunderstorms the last two nights including the most spectacular lightning display I have ever seen - half an hour continuous before the rain hit us. Stunning. Stay tuned folks ...
Nice going Peanut. We are getting to the point where we can afford heavy losses in taking a town. Every unit, every gold piece, every non-happy building that we are left with on the turn we win just represents a loss in score, and can even cost us turns.

There can only be 20 cities left, and we can probably build ten tanks per turn. If you lose 15 tanks per turn it wouldn't be a problem... though I wouldn't recommend it.

I really hope you do it Peanut. Go for it. :)
The epic continues ...

1560 IBT : Han bombard a few useless bits of coastline. A weakened Tank killed by a Han Cav. A Destroyer off Kanyang sunk by a cowardly Han Battleship that steamed out of harbour attacked and sailed back. Just you wait. An optimistic Barbarian flings himself at a tank. He bounced off with messy consequences.

1565 : Two tank armies landed on the island - to visit Kanyang & our old friend Mori. One army each. Four more tanks are to unload next turn (no movement left)

The fun continues ...

Shantung : 1 Cav lost. Razed.

Tatung : 1 Tank lost. Razed.

Shanghai : The big one. Lying on the Shanghai plains behind a ring of mountains. Let's try a set of stepping stone offensive settlements. We get closer but Shanghai's culture is too strong. So we assemble a stack of doom to march through the mountains towards Shanghai.

A Barbarian camp cleared. Our Surplus temporary towns abandoned as we have insufficient defenders available.

Markets rushed in more size 12 towns & a harbour rushed on the little ex-Shimadzu island.

1565 Summary - 5525 points, 41 tiles to domination.

1565 IBT : Mori asks us to push off. We respectfully decline seeing as we went to so much trouble to renew our old "aquaintanceship". We are now at war with Mori.

1570 : Hagi (Mori Capital) captured. Beijing (the second) razed - these AI just cannot help themselves when they see some open territory. A Leader created - we build yet another tank army.

Kanyang holds out against our tank army ... for now. Remaining tanks landed. We will clear the island next turn.

Ningpo : Shelled into the red. Razed.

The Oda Stack of Doom is now poised on the mountain ridge above Yongbyon and the Shanghai plain.

A few more markets rushed. Temporary settlements razed. 5575 points, 37 tiles to domination.

1570 IBT : Naval potshots at the coast. I tank lost to Cav. Barbarians pointlessly attack cavalry. Barb galley attacks a Battleship - promotes battleship ! Unguarded Transport lost.

1575 : Kanyang razed. Quitaigyon razed - the Chosogabe depart our company. Been nice knowing you.

Now the fun begins ... and the notebook just gave me a battery-low warning !! Better be quick.

Yongbyon : Shelled into the red, 2 tanks lost, razed.

Shanghai : 12 or so defenders. Shelled into the red. Razed. Two Han cities to go (I think), with some artillery yet to fire plus lots of tanks itching for action. If the settler reinforcements have reached port then this turn may see the end of the Han. Although, I wonder if they have sent a settler sailing off somewhere ? Hmmmm ...

Stay tuned folks ... gotta power down now befo
Did you take the city off our North west coast? I forget the name of that one.

If not I suggest a quick peace treaty to acquire and abandon that city, Then break the treaty immediately.

... the epic continues ...

1575 continued : The settler ship has docked. Marvellous. Time for some more Offensive Settling.

Tsingtao : We settle "Tsingtao's Doom". Look - we are now in artillery range. As a bonus, some kamikazes have come along to share the glory ! So we shell the city nearly to rubble and Crikey! - a kamikaze takes out a defending infantry ! Perhaps we should have built these earlier, my fellow generals ? Anyway - 1 tank lost, a settler & an artillery piece captured and Tsingtao is history.

Paoting : Han's last refuge (unless there is a Settler on the high seas ...). We settle "Paoting's Doom". Poop. Didn't look closely enough. We are not close enough - that's a hill in the way. So we settle "Paoting's Other Doom". Ah that's better. Ok Tanks - move to the front and centre please - it's time for Death or Glory !

... But wait ... Let's have one more chat with Han just to see how he is feeling. He will accept peace and will throw in his entire treasury (83 gold). But he would be insulted if we demanded Radio as well. Ho ho ho ! Is that so ? Ok, perhaps our scientists can work out what those strange talking machines can do, as they sift through the rubble of the Han laboratories in a few minutes time.

Back to the battle ... A hilltop size 9 city. 5 Tanks redlined and four killed, but now it's rubble and slaves, and ...

... Bye bye Han !!!

Hmmm .... what to do now ? We have 88 Tanks, 121 Artillery, 38 Infantry and 12 Armies. With one city left in the world that is not ours. A size one Mori city with two Tank armies and two tanks parked at it's front gate. With no movement points left. Aargh. What shell-clad clod planned this invasion ???

Ah well ...um... Ok. How about a bit of blatant score pumping. Lets switch EVERYTHING to wealth, settle to up to the maximum level and throw a huge fin de siecle party for all our citizens !

... Many keystrokes and clicks later ... we're on 80% lux, all cities are full, and everyone is partying (except for some cranky expatriate Mori, Han and Shimadzu citizens). 15 tiles from Domination and 5625 points.

1575 IBT : Nothing. Well, what is Mori going to do anyway ? Hurl insults at us ? He's probably hiding under his King sized bed in the Palace.

1580 : The Tank army moves in to visit Mori. He named his city Oda (in our honour perhaps ?) but it will do him no good at all. Against 1 Rifleman and 1 Musket, it's not a long, drawn-out affair. We raze Oda and destroy Mori.

Now ... but what the ... what happens now ... oh yes. Click for next turn ...

1585 : Victory. Final score 8053. We are allegedly "Magnificent". The End Game

Thanks my fellow Generals for a fun ride. Whether we win by a nostril hair or come a distant, embarrassing last, it doesn't matter. This was my first SG and it was a most enjoyable way of playing the game. I must try it again, but not GOTM14 revisited I think. That one was just plain evil.

Thanks also to MadBax for orchestrating this match. Particular thanks to Cracker for a finely crafted game, your contribution is greatly appreciated.

Added the final save file and some cut-down images if anyone is interested and fixed poor spelling
Congratulations on your fast finish, Team B. I think your Jason score comes in ahead of ours (Team A) by three or four hundred, mainly by virtue of your 130 years lead. [unclenches teeth]. Now we can all go and throw Peanut(s) at PTW.

Thanks for your entertaining last turnlog, Peanut. I look forward to seeing more of the same in future games. Let's hope we can arrange a rematch real soon?
Congrats Team B!! A fine performance and a fun competition.
Well done to you all and congratulations on a most entertaining game.

Even the most finely crafted "game master style" game experience requires committed and informed players to take up the challenge and play with the spirit and focus that they, their peers, and the game deserves.

You all contributed to again raising the bar of play another notch in both the style and challenge categories.

Congratulations again to each of you!!!

Now, where are those PTW laggards. :rolleyes:
Pity Oda was only size 1. Capturing Oda as the last click of the Game would have been cool.

What can I say but :goodjob: to all.
I ran Tean A and B's scores through the Jason calculator

Year Firaxis Jason

Team A 1715 8591 7594

Team B 1585 8053 7840

To the victors go the spoils. Congrats Team B.

[Edit - Sorry can't make it into a nice chart. %&*$#]
Well played indeed: looks like this time it was *our* socks... ;) (sorry, Alan, I just loved that expression :D ).

Congrats to all the team and to each player, really. If we deserved Cracker's interest, we really gave life to an entertaining event... :thumbsup:

And of course, everybody is now expected to participate in SG 14 (not to mention 25...)
I am surprised we came out ahead of team A. I am really interested in knowing what team A did that resulted a higher raw score at each and every spot on the chart. We were always about 10% behind score wise even though we were roughly the same in territory. Did you guys build lots of cathedrals early? Or was there some other factor?

I am interested in the sequence of major military campaigns: for us it was Kuroda, Tokugawa, Takeda, Mori, Chogosabe, Shimazu and Han. I'm ignoring the mop up wars later. Was it any different for team A?

As for why we finished earlier, I think it all started with gormdragan's very impressive blitzkrieg of Tokugawa. Gorm's 10 turns completely gutted them. No AI lasted long after that. We were always able to take out the target civ quickly.

Another factor in our earlier finish was the hundred plus workers we had on hand at the start of steam. That let us rapidly boost production and provided the advantages of the strategic rail net. mad-bax deserves the credit for driving us to produce so many workers.

However we did not optimally use our workers after that. A more careful, thorough and systematic approach to rail/improve the tiles and cities in our core areas would have boosted our production 30 or 40 turns earlier. That might have shaved some turns off the end. Also we did not optimize all the corrupt hellholes early enough. That also could have taken a few more turns off the end date.

Keeping a keener eye on trade opportunities during the midieval age might have help take a few more turns off. Remember the shock of seeing Mori cavalry! If we had had cavalry/cannons earlier we might have shaved even more turns off.

Comments anyone?

A most enjoyable game everyone. Thank you.

edit: I got Tokugawa and Takeda mixed up
For team A, our sequence was:

Tokugawa, Takeda, Kuroda, Mori, Chosogabe, Shimazu, an abortive attempt on Baejke, Han.

At the end of our thread, we started going through an after action analysis.
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