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Apedemak Archer renamed to Pitati
Promotion: Blessing of Apedemak (river movement) replaced with Mercenary (no gold maintenance)

I found that the river movement was water in a unit that still loses all movement by crossing the river.

Ai seem to buy many medjay from nubia hence providing them with much gold. I dont see why nubia would suffer from finance

I also found that an early archer rush was hampered by nubia’s inability to field more than 4 archers without going bankrupt.

That’s a good point re: the power of maintenance free UUs having an intense synergy with the UA’s garrison bonus. Is that too good?
I don't think it is a big issue. Honour already gets free units to garrison with and I'd assume you will be honour most of the time with an aggressive civ like this. The ability is pretty powerful and I would assume it is pretty easy to have a garrison in every city when evaluating its power level.
Honour already gets free units to garrison with and I'd assume you will be honour most of the time with an aggressive civ like this.
Authority gives :c5war:supply-free units, this is :c5gold:maintenance-free units.
Authority also has a -25%:c5gold: maintenance tenet, so you could argue that an early maintenance-free unit is an anti-synergy with authority.
Authority gives :c5war:supply-free units, this is :c5gold:maintenance-free units.
Authority also has a -25%:c5gold: maintenance tenet, so you could argue that an early maintenance-free unit is an anti-synergy with authority.

Sure but those supply free units are best as garrison units because you can't replace them and they obsolete out fairly rapidly. If you are going to have units to garrison with anyway having free gold units doesn't help you garrison.

While you are sort of right that free gold units provides less of a benefit I think overall it is still synergy because everything that makes war easier adds up and snowballs. You can have more units because they are cheaper in two different ways.

Unique Promotion integration is here! Thank you to @Asterix Rage for his continued support and hard work.

Ta-Seti, Mercenary, and Temple Guard promotions now have unique graphics.
In light of @Recursive's new AI approach flavor adjustments, I have updated Nubia's AI flavors. Piye now has a much lower Wonder flavor, but has much higher competitiveness for Wonders. This means He is much less likely to build wonders himself now, but his negative diplomatic modifier for beating him on a wonder he was building is very high.
If I'm not mistaking, Nubia has generic events. I have an idea for one of them, based on Nubia's history:

When at with another major power in which Nubia was declared upon, this event can trigger, ending the war with mutually beneficial terms for both participants:

+ Happiness and production for Nubia
+ Happiness and border growth points for the declaring civ
+ Diplomatic relations between the two

The idea is based on the Nubian/Roman war.
Also, how do I enable the 4UC option for Nubia, Phoenicians, Philippines and Canada? I have the mod activated but in the screen where you choose your civ, the names mentioned only show their original two icons
I need to write an FAQ or sticky this post somehow....

works fine on my PC, but this has happened to lots of people before.
Could be a mod load order issue. Go into the .modinfo files, add a space at the end of a line and then save. Sometimes changing the order in which the files were last edited makes them load in a different order.

If that fails, and you never plan to use these civs without 4UC, then you can simply remove the conditional triggers that gate the 4UC components.
1. search the folder for "BUILDING_GERMANY_TEUTONIC_ORDER"
2. Change any line that looks like this:
INSERT INTO Civilization_UnitClassOverrides
        (CivilizationType,             UnitClassType,             UnitType)
to this:
INSERT INTO Civilization_UnitClassOverrides
        (CivilizationType,             UnitClassType,             UnitType)
Note the change from SELECT to VALUES, and make sure it ends with a semi-colon.
This change means the game will not look for 4UC before unlocking those extra components anymore (it's looking for Germany's unique wonder) and just give them to you by default.
I need to write an FAQ or sticky this post somehow....

works fine on my PC, but this has happened to lots of people before.
Could be a mod load order issue. Go into the .modinfo files, add a space at the end of a line and then save. Sometimes changing the order in which the files were last edited makes them load in a different order.

This solution worked
I played a few short games over the last few days. I have not really found any weird errors or anything.

But the tooltip notification on the right side somehow feels a bit off. Even when you buy them yourself the tooltip states that "Medjay mercenaries have been contracted aboard. You gain gold.". Perhaps you just can't have different tooltip for when you buy the unit and someone else does. While I guess the wording in "any civilization" is correct, as in you are also in any, it seems odd when it says abroad to include yourself. This relating to yourself getting the kickback from buying the units.

About the kickback of 75 gold. It doesn't scale with game speed. That might be intended. But then it's a bit unfair or weird that the cost of the unit scales with game speed. So in some regard it becomes a worse unit or even more expensive unit the higher (or should that be slower, you game speed is?).

Anyhow on standard I assume the cost is 200g and you get 75g back. On marathon it's 410g but you still only get 75g back. Somewhat less impressive so to speak, from roughly a third back to less then a fifth back. So you in essence double the cost but the kickback is static and remains the same. Shouldn't it also double?

On that note. I don't think I have ever seen the AI buy one, or I don't get notifications or gold for it. No notifications of them buying them (they have the embassies, tech etc) have ever appeared that I can recall seeing over multiple games.
I have definitely seen the AI buy them, but other civs need an embassy with you to buy medjay, which is on the opposite side of the tech tree from the medjay’s unlock.

I will update with a version that removes the gold bonus when Nubia buys their own medjay, and I will add a GameSpeedModifier
Is them having an embassy with you enough? Cause I usually sell them mine but I don't until much much later (or when a city-state quest requires it) get an embassy with them.

As I mentioned I know they have the tech (I can see their swordsmen) and embassy with me (since I sold it to them). They also have the gold. I just have not seen it being a big seller, or any seller for that matter. But I'm willing to give it a few more goes.

(edit) Whoo! Someone did buy a Medjay. It appears just a one-sided Embassy (they have mine) is enough. About that tho. It would be interesting to know WHO bought it and not just that it has been bought. Is that possible to have like %Nation or something inserted into the tooltip so you know where it was shipped off to? "Medjay hired by X" on the top row of the notication perhaps?

Also I note that the Notifcations when you sell one are not merged like a lot of other similar notifications are. That said it's not like they are flying off the shelves or anything. In the entire medieval age I sold like 5 of them (not including the once I bought myself).

That said now I'm wondering why nobody bought them in the previous games. Did the same things with the embassies, they had tech and gold. Who knows.
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Gain +500:c5goldenage: Golden Age Points and +5XP for all Units for each World Wonder in a newly conquered City.

That ability is super exploitable. Find a city with a couple of wonders. Take it and then let them take it back and then repeat forever or how ever many times you like. It will pay out the reward each time. So it's not just for newly conquered cities, or I guess it is. If you consider taking the same city over and over and over again as newly conquered. At least it's not like a lot of other abilities capped at the first time you do it like city conquest normally is.
I can't buy the Medjay in my game, even after getting the tech. They required the policy "Medjay Mercenaries" which does not exist. Is this an instal error, or is the Medjay only meant to be bought by other civs and not Nubia itself?
It's probably an error of some kind. I didn't have any problems to buy them as Nubia, that said they only exist as an option to buy/be bought for a somewhat limited time -- about one era or two.
I think I found the problem. For some reason, no players are granted the Medjays policy, but I'm not sure how to fix this. Any help? I think this is the code responsible.

function NubiaMercenaries()

if MUCfVPcheck == false then return end

if Game.IsCivEverActive(eCivilizationNubia) then
print("Nubian Medjay for everyone!")
for iPlayerLoop = 0, GameDefines.MAX_MAJOR_CIVS - 1, 1 do
local pPlayer = Players[iPlayerLoop]
pPlayer:GrantPolicy(GameInfoTypes.POLICY_NUBIA_DUMMY, true)

function NubiaMercenaries(iPlayer)

--Grants Medjay to Nubia automatically
local pPlayer = Players[iPlayer]
if not (pPlayer:IsAlive() and pPlayer:GetCivilizationType() == eCivilizationNubia) then return end
pPlayer:GrantPolicy(eMedjayDummyPolicy, true)

--Grants Medjay to all civs with an embassy with Nubia
local pTeam = Teams[pPlayer:GetTeam()]
for team in pairs(Teams) do
local pOtherTeam = Teams[team]
local iOtherPlayer = Teams[team]:GetLeaderID()
if (pOtherTeam:IsEverAlive() and iOtherPlayer ~= iPlayer) then

--if team has an embassy with Nubia, give them Medjay
if pOtherTeam:HasEmbassyAtTeam(pTeam:GetID()) then
Players[iOtherPlayer]:GrantPolicy(eMedjayDummyPolicy, true)

--revoke use of medjay if team doesn't have embassy with Nubia
Odd, as per my previous posts above I had no issues buying my own Medjay. My issue then was that nobody else bought them. But I restarted another game then then the other civs for some reason started to buy them. My issue was more then along the lines that the possible rewards didn't scale with gamespeed (and a few other issues).
I can't buy the Medjay in my game, even after getting the tech. They required the policy "Medjay Mercenaries" which does not exist. Is this an instal error, or is the Medjay only meant to be bought by other civs and not Nubia itself?

I'm also having similar trouble with the Medjays. Managed to isolate it to "Nubia4UC.lua", as it's working with the lua from the september 22 version of the mod. I think it has something to do with the last changes to the Medjay gold, but I'm no programmer myself, so instead of fixing it, I just reverted back to the 22 lua file and downsized the gold bonus so it doesn't feel like an exploit. You need to do it before unlocking Iron Working in order to be save compatible, if, by chance, you're still playing that save file.
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