Update: I tried it on my end and couldn’t get it to work. It occurs to me this code, even if it were to work, needs to check for resources first so it isn’t putting an archaeology site on a hidden aluminum or something.
since @Enginseer made this code and this is his mod conversion originally I am loathe to change it, but since he added the hidden antiquity site, landmarks have been given a global happiness modifier, have had their base and increased, and their per-era scaler now adds too. I’m thinking that the free 10+ landmarks on empire would easily break this civ.
I really like what enginseer was trying to do with the archeology site though, which was to give other civs and incentive to “loot” Nubia for artifacts and put Nubia on the defensive.
I wonder if there is a way to give a free artifact via lua? Then civs could get a free artifact by pillaging a royal pyramid.
since @Enginseer made this code and this is his mod conversion originally I am loathe to change it, but since he added the hidden antiquity site, landmarks have been given a global happiness modifier, have had their base and increased, and their per-era scaler now adds too. I’m thinking that the free 10+ landmarks on empire would easily break this civ.
I really like what enginseer was trying to do with the archeology site though, which was to give other civs and incentive to “loot” Nubia for artifacts and put Nubia on the defensive.
I wonder if there is a way to give a free artifact via lua? Then civs could get a free artifact by pillaging a royal pyramid.