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Medieval 2 Expansion Pack

Mar 30, 2002
Aberdeen, Scotland
Medieval II: Total War overruns Kingdoms

Sega is prepping the first expansion to the latest entry in its popular RTS series for a fall assault
By GameSpot
Posted Mar 31, 2007 12:08 am GMT

Today, Sega surprised few by announcing that it is readying the first expansion pack for Medieval II. Developed at The Creative Assembly's Australian studio, Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms will supplement the original game with four all-new single-player campaigns, including:

--The Americas, which casts players as Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés or the Aztec and other indigenous peoples who resisted his ruthless conquest of Mexico.

--The Teutonic Wars, which saw Christians and pagan tribes clash violently in Northern Europe.

--Britannia, which sees five factions fight for control of the British Isles.

--An expanded Crusades Campaign, which sees new opponents enter the infamous series of Christian-versus-Saracen conflicts.

Besides the new single-player campaigns, Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms features six new multiplayer scenarios and 20 new custom battle maps. It also adds 13 new playable factions and more than 150 new units to the game. It is due out in the US and Europe this fall.


Seems interesting, particularly looking forward to the British Isles scenario. It doesn't mention anything about adding anything to the original campaign though, which is a bit dissapointing.
Great! When we get a computer that runs MTW2, I get the expansion in some kind of gold-package! :p
Oh great every time I get around to getting Warlords something else comes out or gets reduced .
I hope theres some kind of 100-years-war-scenario, maybe a 30-years-war one as well? Makes sense to me. But what I really think should be done, but I'm sure won't, but what a mod should do at least, is do a version with Charlemagne, I really would like to see that. I know its alot earlier than Medieval starts, but it just seems like such a good and cool and fun idea! What do you think?
More stuff at the total war site: Link

Key Features

· Four new, epic campaigns – The Americas, Britannia, The Crusades, and The Teutonic Wars.
· 23 playable factions including Aztec and Native Americans.
· Over 150 new units, including the devastating Greek Firethrower
· Control multiple armies in battle – command reinforcement armies.
· New hero characters with powerful new battlefield abilities
· A huge array of historical characters and events.
· Build permanent forts to garrison troops or seize control of key strategic points
· New technology trees influenced by Religion and Prestige
· New Mission types
· 6 New Multiplayer scenarios and 20 new Custom Battle maps
· Compatible with the new Hotseat multiplayer mode

Moats! We get moats! Hotseat mode sounds interesting - I am hoping it's finally a TW multiplayer that allows us to play the main campaign.

Britannia campaign is slightly disappointing though - I wanted more than five factions to duke it out over the islands :(
· New hero characters with powerful new battlefield abilities

NO! NO NO NO! NO! I don't like that idea AT ALL.

However I DO like the rest of it, though I hope they make the maps a bit larger with more territories (I find the amount of territories to bit a little lacking, mind you I dont want too many, not as many as in EUIII or Rsik but more than they have, which I think will be better if the map is larger, not the borders gonig farther into africa, asia, just zoomed in a little more.)

I still REALLY don't like the sound of heroes with powerfull battlefield abilities.
Those heroes really sound weird, I hope that they're just more powerful generals. But no wizards or something like that.
Expansion should be good. Looks amazing with all those Aztecs and things. Trouble is, I have M2:TW, the games need so much room to play (RAM etc.). This is annoying because I can't play battles, and the game (even when not in a battle) is really slow and jumpy. I've deleted so much stuff off my computer and it's still slow.
But yeah, the expansion should be good. :)
Expansion should be good. Looks amazing with all those Aztecs and things. Trouble is, I have M2:TW, the games need so much room to play (RAM etc.). This is annoying because I can't play battles, and the game (even when not in a battle) is really slow and jumpy. I've deleted so much stuff off my computer and it's still slow.
But yeah, the expansion should be good. :)

I have the same problem as you. :(

And yeah a Mongol scenario would be good. Still this should be a great expansion.
And yeah a Mongol scenario would be good. Still this should be a great expansion.

The Mongol scenario from the Shogun expansion was very fun. There was very little focus on maintaining cities (I think you could only build a couple of things, and no units), and just pure warfare. Success on the battlefield and in capturing settlements meant you got additional units sent from the homeland to continue the offensive.

Would have been nice to do that in Europe.
The Mongol scenario from the Shogun expansion was very fun. There was very little focus on maintaining cities (I think you could only build a couple of things, and no units), and just pure warfare. Success on the battlefield and in capturing settlements meant you got additional units sent from the homeland to continue the offensive.

Would have been nice to do that in Europe.
What was the Mongol's goal in that game?
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