Members Photos X: A perfect 10

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Couldn't find a job for this summer (though I'm still looking), so I decided it was time to do something radical and try and grow a mustach. As you can see I'm not entirely pleased with the result. :D

As I normally tend to be naive, and girls dig it, I'll ignore sarcasm thrown at me in all ways except expressing that I am now somehow enlightened what people were speaking of. :)
Hey, I am really fine :) I just stated that I tend to be naive - a lot.

Nevertheless, the legality of this is almost embarassing, so:

It's me and my girl (from her profile on Arto)
Hey, I am really fine :) I just stated that I tend to be naive - a lot.

Nevertheless, the legality of this is almost embarassing, so:

It's me and my girl (from her profile on Arto)

Ahh you emos! You are so much fun. If we ever have a Danish CFC meeting you must promise to be there! You can bring the pink arto lady too. ;)
I very much agree ;) Though, I'm not as pale as in that pic - not really being emo. But many of my friends are emos, so I guess I'm in that genre nevertheless. :)

How many Danes are in here?
Are we counting active ones only?

I know of a quite a few, but many don't post much anymore.

You, me, Storealex, Isak, Cimbri, Insurgent and a few more whose names I can't recall.

Btw I actually met Isak once. He gave me a new video card so I could play Civ4. :D

The People's Democratic Barbeque.
No I know why you like Ricky. You look kind of like him (I mean this in a completely neutral way, btw).

JR, your date is cute.

TKIL, here's a pic of me and my homie Twain who I'm going to Las Vegas with to hit the National Open (chess tourney)

Since I can't afford a digital camera, I will supply my own self-portrait, made using the modern magic of techno-paintings.
Spoiler :

The four stars, blue, yellow, green and red represent my virtue of logic, fondness for cheeses of all varieties (except of course for Brie which is not a cheese at all but simply half-frozen milk), affinity with and unlimited compassion for all living things and my unrelenting passion to better myself. :)
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