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Men shaving their legs/chest?

For a Chinese, I'm actually quite hairy. I have body hair on my forearms, legs and chest. And my facial hair grows so fast 2 days without a shave and I look like a bum already. :(

And to those of you who can't shave your own faces, :p. Even in the woods and without electricity, I can manage to shave with a hand razor, blind (meaning no mirror), and with only water (no shaving cream).

As for body hair, I cut the hair in my armpits periodically (to help in reducing BO, especially during summer), as well as my nose hairs for aesthetic reasons. That's all! Anything more will be a desecration of my ancestors' heritage. :mad:
Syterion said:
I can't believe you people have actually cut yourself shaving. I've never cut myself at all and I had no one to teach me.
Try doing it in 3 minutes flat at 8:30 pm.
I'm really hairy around the crotch and under the arms. Like Halfbadger who posted earlier, I trim my crotch hair because the missus prefers me like that... I also trim my 'pits because I hate having sweaty long underarm hair.

All my body hair is black, so I was surprised when I grew my first beard to discover that some of my facial hair grows in blonde and even ginger in places!! What's that all about?
Well, first of all, you shouldn't shave your chest, you shoud wax it. As for the legs, all depends on what reason you're doing it for, and how much hair you have. Personally I've never shaved or waxed my legs, or arms, because I'm not a swimmer or cyclist, and I don't have that much hair anyway. It's not thick and dark like what some people may have, so I just never bothered.

As for the chest and stomach area... it jsut depends on what kind (and how much hair) pattern we're talking about, and what kind of fitness level you're at.
I shave with cream and a razor, TLC. noncon, when I'm in a rush I just shave my mustache and goatee and whatever long strands are there with water. Still no cuts.
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