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MilarNES: Birth of A Civilization

OK, I might pull out the punishment ON THIS UPDATE ONLY. The punishment thing is there so that you guys send things faster, because, mainly, you don't send things until it's last hour and thus it makes my job as a mod busier.

@Abaddon: no, you won't get punishment since you sent orders in time, the problem with your orders was that they were vague and there was no mention of scientific development of any kind. For example, "build units" could mean "build as many warriors as you can" or "build X Oar-ships and Y Archers".
I do not wish to scientifically advance this turn.
MHWC's please
I merely want to capture all of India a.s.a.p. :D
You know, I've just realised that this NES is eating out a lot of my time, and the enthusiasm of you lot seems lukewarm for most. I think I might drop hosting this NES altogether, although I will start it again on summer after revising the ruleset to make sure no one gets lost with it as it has happened in this first iteration of the game.

I'll post the next update with an awards list for the best and worst nations of the game, if you want me to.

It’s a shame that you are abandoning this NES. There have been a lot of NESes that have suffered false-starts or early aborts lately and it’s too bad. Yours, while it lasted, was quite enjoyable.

If I were you I would openly ask for criticisms of this NES and of your modding style and, accepting that you might not like everything you hear, try to take some of the comment that may be provided to heart in your next attempt at moderating a NES.

For my own part, I quite enjoyed this game (which I think is evident) and I had big plans for world domination. I also enjoyed the stories people wrote and thought your updates made good reading and were well organized. In addition, your modding style was organized as well which I think is always good (something I lack and can very much appreciate when I encounter it in others)
As a new player to this NES, my opinion may count for less then that of the veterans, but I'd prefer it if you kept on modding this NES as I enjoy playing it. Having said that, I fully realize how demoralizing it can be to mod something and receive little appreciation, so if you do decide to end this NES, I understand and I'll definately be interested in participating in your next installment.
Well, it would be nice to see your opinions on my modding abilities, which is something I'd be glad to know about. I think that abandoning this NES it's the best thing I can do, especially since the ruleset has been changed too many times and has become quite difficult to understand.

I promise that I will re-start this NES (with the same ruleset, but slightly more simplified) in summer, when I will have enough free time to post good updates in less time than usual. Until then, you guys could post hear your suggestions regarding changes that could be done to the rules, the tech-tree and other things.

Thank you all for your support. And I will definitively give out awards in the next update (as it is the last).
K, start with the bad:
no need to hurry people on their orders so much... maybe just post who put orders in and who didn't. you already got a lot better about this throughout the set so that was nice to see.
no need to punish people. either you accept thier orders or not.

K, end with the good:
very good and very simple tech tree... needs some small balancing (as you yourself have said) but it was very promising and the rate of increase was good- i think).
culture stat was interesting- was looking forward to seeing its effects
projects for infrastructure development was cool- made us think about the 'flavour' of our infrastructure
update timliness- awesome- we knew you were involved because you were always posting on time

Now---- one quick thing: these fresh start NESes tend to start slowly and grow once they hit a certain stage (in my VERY limited experience when the players start to war with each other). At first there is a huge interest because people like starting new projects but that interest sort of wanes until it gets to the exciting stage.... its normal for interest to be less then huge until that phase... i don't think your problem is with the NES, its with the fact that we haven't hit that 'interesting phase' yet. I don't have a LOT of exeprience to draw on but in my own NES (linky in signature) there was definately a 'boring set-up phase' of approximately 7-8 turns and it only got interesting for players after that (as measured by player involvment, etc) when they started to scheme against each other and do some back-ground diplomacy to take each other out (or gang up on the NPCs).
IF you stick it out, i think you will see revived interest on your own part and on the part of the players... hey- we are just getting to spies in the next couple turnsets and that should make things MUCH more exciting (hey! who burnt my harbours down?)

Anyway, if you continue this or if you start again i will play either way.

I think you should continue this. It is a great NES, especially for a new Mod, and I enjoied it; Also I can say that currently this is the only NES I'm playing in. Yes, this NES has a some flaws, but they can be fixed without stopping it. I hope you continue this, and anyway, if I'm still able to, I will send orders in two/three hours.
My criticism is this. Rules are to simulate realism. No rules we humans can make will ever perfectly simulate the way the world operates, thus the rules must be bendable at certain points. I point to the tech tree for example.
I'm pretty sure it has to do with Amon's comment about rules. Roads and fences guide where people should go within reason. Your rules should do the same.
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