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MNotw VII-The Court of the Momus Game Thread

"Why is everyone so boring?
The King he might just be snoring,
remember that we're Balseraphs,
party's what we excel at!"

OOC: The next person to post a serious comment that isn't in-character of a Balseraph gets my vote.
Just for you, Chamberlain, I shall make an effort.

Two pirates were taking a bath. One pirate said to the other pirate, "Pass me the soap." The other pirate said, "What am I, a turnip?"

I believe it is understood to be humorous because pirates don't take baths.
Oh my, such a tragic even that has befallen upon us. Who could have done this horrendous deed? May there souls find piece. Were going to have to comb through the evidence to see what's what. Any ideas on who the perpetrator is? I've been preparing the two victims for there last rites.

(OOC: All of my postings are in character unless otherwise noted by the OOC: tag)
"Ah, if only I could get a message out..."
The falconer studies the group. With no idea who the culprit was, he could just hope that order would be installed before it was to late.

civplayer has two roles :(
GM comment I initially had in the opening post sprig's role listed as belonging to civplayah. That has been fixed.
This hardly the time to start making jokes minister.

Doctor! doctor! What do you know about poisons I wonder? Perhaps you know of an antidote?

OOC: Balseraph? I honestly never heard of that before. I assume it's something FFH? Can somebody provide a link for a little background info if it is needed?
It would probably be wise to protect the cow, Choxorn, just in case our current food stores are tainted.

You are not eating me. :p

TheLastOne36 said:
OOC: :lol: at Choxorn being a cow. I'd laugh if it was him that is our culprit.


Sorry, this cow-human translator device malfunctions... functions... functions MOOOOO at times.
"Yoohoohoo! Look at this I can make this chicken run without a head!"

*Sets loose a chicken and cuts its head off clean with his sword*

"Look at that marvellous blood fountain! HAHAHA!
Oh how I love headless chickens! Slave, I am thirsty! Get me some wine before I see if you can run without your head!!"

Spoiler :
That in character enough? :p Or have I misread madness?
This hardly the time to start making jokes minister.

Doctor! doctor! What do you know about poisons I wonder? Perhaps you know of an antidote?

OOC: Balseraph? I honestly never heard of that before. I assume it's something FFH? Can somebody provide a link for a little background info if it is needed?

Don't put me in an uncomfortable position please.
In this land of little rain
little me bears much pain
of harvests lost and harvests gained

I the farmer do declare
We the innocent must prepare
I'll lead us forth, this I swear

We'll hound them from dawn to dusk
My pet hamster smells of musk
Corn is grown in a husk
Therefore, the tramp must be put down.

(Winston Hughes)

OOC @ DE: Balseraph-y enough for you? I'm especially proud of the last stanza :p
I have a very interesting time.
Studying animals such as swines
When I was younger
And so i began to ponder

This cow is not what he seems
To change him into something else I ‘m keen
Because of the cows evil laughter
Which will reveal him after.

And so I speak to the others
Who normally hide under covers
If with your form, you’re not smitten
I can change you into a kitten.

Perhaps the tramp is tired of being smelly
Lets turn him into something with a great big belly
Sometimes he smells of a turd
So I suggest, perhaps a bird?
Arrr, me hearties! Don't be thinkin' ol' Weston be like some barnacle, stuck fast to life's fair bottom... In his day, ol' Weston were a feared pirate Captain, yes he were. Sailin' the good ship Weareallgoingtodie, he mastered the seventeen-and-a-half seas, yes he did, plunderin' loot beyond any landlubber's wildest dreams.

Alas, Lady Fortune is a fickle mistress, and ol' Weston fell on hard times, yes they were. Got a taste for the rum, he did. And the gambling. And the women too. Arrr...

But now ol' Weston's clean as bistle, so he is, and ready to start afresh!

The Tramp stares blankly into the middle distance for a few moments.

If I might beg your leave for a moment, ladies and gentleman, I feel the time has come to introduce myself...

I am the honorable Count Weston of Abandonallhope, third son of Lord Watchouthehasaknife, and I am here to save the day. Being an ace detective, a fearsome swordsman, and an all-round thoroughly decent chap, I can guarantee you that the villains won't be able to elude me for long. Give me a couple of days and this whole mess will be sorted out fine.

The Tramp stares blankly into the middle distance for a few moments.

Repent! Repent, I say!! The day of Judgement is upon us!!! Gather ye around, my children, and allow Father Weston to guide you on the path to enlightenment!!!!

There is still time before the reckoning, my children... Listen well to the Truths I bring unto you all, and your souls may yet find Ourheadsstovedinwithabigrock!

The Tramp stares blankly into the middle distance for a few moments.

Bonjour messieurs et mesdames, je suis M Weston, et j'ai une allergie au fromage. Μπορεί να εξετάσει όπως εγώ είμαι άστεγοι, αλλά στην πραγματικότητα και εγώ είμαι λίγο πολύ, πολύ ενδιαφέρον στους γαιοσκώληκες. سگ هفت پاها, چند آیا شما با آرنج شنا كردن كنند.
this lovely day,
A feast was being prepared.
The Balseraph King Perpentach,
Fell all over his head.
No one knows who killed the fellow,
I know it isn't I
But rest assured we'll find out soon
And he'll eat humble pie
I really haven't got time to talk in silly rhyme
Especially in this sort of time.

So I'll stick to telling stupid jokes and juggling.
OOC: I have a feeling this is going to be a fun game, if only for the ic posts ;)
I have seen many things,
many things, many beings,
I have seen things work like magic,
but to this day i'm a sceptic,

As a doctor I don't believe in myths,
certeinly don't believe in magic,
the fact that this doesn't rhyme,
is evidence that we should lynch this fake,
that we call Sprig.
And for you dear doctor
I think we should do this proper

i could turn you like choxon into a cow
Or perhaps you would prefer a sow?

Little piglets you could raise
Which would feed us for some days.
I'm getting suspicous of TheLastOne,
He is... something that rhymes with the previous line.

@Winston: That wasn't the sort of tramp I was thinking of. :mischief:

The steward pauses and glances around the room, "I wonder what happened to the noble, Nictel. He seems to be awfully silent."

OOC: I don't play FFH, nor do I know its history, nor do I intend to speak in rhymes. Call me a spoil sport.
Methos the Steward, spoil sport
To you I offer this retort
Rhyme with us, you'll have more fun
Surely you're not one to be outdone?

Just one stanza, just one line
Pretend you've had a bit much wine
Poems are as poems do
It's not that hard, you'll see it through!
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