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MNotw VII-The Court of the Momus Game Thread

Locked in a room

With nowhere to move

Here we are to room

Even though in high society do we move

Our great king has been put to sleep

Upon his death the king clutched his breast

Blocking my chance with his daughter to sleep

And so the murderers should make a clean breast

I think this is an original form of poetry, no?
There was once a noble from Nantucket
Who was here when the King carked it
We all could tell
His name was Nictel
And his silence means he'll kick the bucket
There once was a noble who needed to sleep
However the others thought he did so too deep
So when he rose
From his bed of dose
He spew out the chicken feathers
and put on some leathers
It is a beautiful day
so someone will pay
The elder doesn't speak
But he does leak
Something starts to smell
So Seon must ring the bell!
Stop throwing the votes around

As much as a falling ferret hits the ground

Because everyone can see

, did the dee...d

A rhymer I am not
A guard I am, a big slop.
Having stared blankly into the middle-distance for a while, the Tramp now sashays sexily across the floor to speak with the Steward.

Hello, big boy... My, you're a handsome one, aren't you? Perhaps you and I could get to know each other a little better tonight... I do so hate a cold bed...

The Tramp stares blankly in the middle-distance for a few moments.

Murderer! I can see it in your eyes, you poison-dripping cad!!

Well let me tell you, Methos (if that is your real name, which I doubt), I've rumbled your game! You won't take me down without a fight! Let's have it out, here and now. Come on, put up your dukes!

The Tramp stares blankly into the middle-distance for a few moments.

Fascinating... In contrast to the other subjects, it seems that the one calling himself Methos is attempting to hide the true extent of his insanity, setting up a complex system of psychological safeguards, focused around a notion of analytical competence totally at odds with both his surroundings, and his own underlying nature. I hypothesise that this unusual condition has been brought on by a combination of stress, shame and guilt. With regards to treatment, it seem that the only reliable option is to set him on fire, and see where that leaves us.

The Tramp stares blankly into the middle-distance for a few moments.

I am but a wandering bard,
Whose job ain't not really so hard,
Since my aim is to find,
Those with hate in their minds,
And see them off safely to hell.

So shared as I have of my ethos,
It is time now to lynch that guy Methos,
Not the steward he claims,
But the one who's to blame,
For the crime by which Perpentach fell.
It's really very clear (in my eyes at least,)
Lynch Nictel, problem solved, then we shall feast!
The Elder had not shown himself
Clear it was
How the king that was murdered
Had a beautiful daughter
Who could only marry
those of noble blood
Some disagreed
And after the secrecy of poison
They now openly declared war
Is it anarchy they seek?
To throw the nation in to chaos?

The poison could have only come
From someone close to him
So who else to kill
then the good doctor TheLastOne36

This tale, that does not rhyme
Has many truths and no lies
A plot to overthrow this nation?
But why then kill the one most kind to its people?
On second thought, it looks not
like TheLastOne36 is guilty, he hasn't got
or done anything that seems suspicious, but, well,
The nobleman is too quiet, so I vote Nictel.


Nictel, Nictel, shouts our pet cow
He's been so quiet, look and how!
But in the realm of reality
or as close to it as dwell we
The noble spoke but half hour ago
To long for Choxorn not to know!

Too bad everyone is deaf
I'm suspicious of the one known as TheLastOne
Oh and Nictel

Your a noblemen, and thus have the most to gain in the death of our king AND have the greatest resources of anyone here to do such a thing.
Lunch, Day 1

After the shocking start, things began to calm down a little bit. Following Keelyn's lead, everyone began searching for a poisoner. Most of the suspicions seemed to fall on the doctor and the nobleman. Using typical Balseraph logic, the courtiers decided that those two should therefore prepare lunch, given that the cook was dead. The Noble prepared braised mushrooms with a side of ducks, while the doctor made a chicken soup with a turnip base. Everyone gingerly started in on their meals, but no one keeled over dead. A little disappointed, everyone hurried through their meals and then adjourned for another round of slamming poetry.
Spoiler :
Voting so far:
Nictel-5-Methos, BananaLee, Civplayah, Choxorn, TheLastOne36
TheLastOne36-4- Love, Nictel,Civgeneral, Diamondeye
Methos-1-Winston Hughes

Day will end in just under 26 hours.
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