MNotw VII-The Court of the Momus Game Thread

GM Statement If you read the evening post, I said it would come in 48 hours. That's tonight in about 75 minutes. That puts us back on the schedule I planned. There will be two days a week. Normally, the days will be Saturday night to Monday night, and Tuesday Night to Thursday night, at 8 pm EST (GMT-5)
Breakfast, Day 2
Morning dawned in Jubilee, and everyone began to settle back into their normal routine.
They looked around to see if anyone had died in the night, and for a moment they thought that the tramp had. But there was a new face among them, a dwarf, and the dwarf was wearing the tramp's rags. After a moment's consideration, they decided that Winston Hughes had simply undergone a bizarre transformation, whether for the better or worse, none could decide.
Suspicious of each other, everyone prepared their own meal of bread and jam, except for the cow, who seemed to just be chewing his cud. Over breakfast they began discussion of who should receive the dead doctor's herbs, and of course, who might satisfy Keelyn's wrath. In addition, they decided that if Perpentach showed no signs of life before then, he would be buried at noon.
Votes for the Herbs in Bold Olive
Lynch Votes in Bold Black
Support votes in Bold Green
Anyone who wants to speak at the funeral, pm me what you want to say.
Night result PMs will be sent out shortly.
Night falls in 48 Hours
Please include me in your PMs, or at least give me summaries, it really helps me do a better and more enjoyable job.​
And so we have a winner
I told you I was no beginner

And with my magic hands
And to the sound of a band

I rubbed Winston up and down
While wearing the gloves of a clown

Various vials I poured down his throat
Of my own concoction I must gloat

And with my Cauldron I did stir
The other ingredients such as myrrh

The results of which I must conclude
Is as almost as good as getting screwed

Before we had a smelly tramp
Whom I suspected of being a vamp

And now we have a cute little dwarf
All due to my wonderful morph
GM Update Thewesley just quit. Backwards Logic is replacing him as the contortionist, effective immediately.
The chamberlain looks at the dwarf and can't belief his eyes.

Good thing no one was killed during the night but instead our tramp has transformed into a dwarf!
Well, once a tramp always a tramp if you ask me. Sprig, you claim responsibility for. Care to elaborate? And please woman, don't show your breasts. Keep some dignity.
The Interior Minister sneers at the Chamberlain. His pointy shoes and his mustaches gleam.

EXCUSE me for saying so, but any man who DISDAINS a woman's breasts is no true citizen of Jubilee. And you do not possess so much as an amusing set of cuff-links. WE HAVE FOUND YOU OUT, CHAMBERLAIN! (J-man).

Also, your signature yesterday was only in DUPLICATE, when it is clearly required to be in TRIPLICATE. This is quite possibly even WORSE.
Your accusation is insane, minister. First of all, I do not DISDAIN her breast, I just don't have to see them. I just think they are a bit small.
I've seen a lot of breasts of Jubilee woman. They where not small but big. When I see small ones it would just ruin my fond memories.

As for my signature, YOU are LYING minister. I suspect you of FORGERY! (Renata)

EDIT: fixed a misstake
Oompa, Loompa Doopity Do
I've got a little story for you
Oompa, Loompa, Doopity Dee
If you are wise you'll listen to me

What do you get when a killer's afoot?
a graveyards that filling up and a jar of soot
Who could be behind this monstrous deed?
It's the cow! Get 'im!

(OOC: Choxorn For reasons I mentioned last time)
The chamberlain is boring and got everyone snoring
The minister was dull and everyone started to mull
Some suggested to kill the cow
It can't bow, it can't dance
It's meat may be tough I don't want to take that chance!

Where is the jester to make us laugh?
Haven't heard as much as a single cough
No sight of Bananalee in such a while
I think putting an axe through his head will make me smile!
The Interior Minister takes a careful seat at the table -- many of the chairs are by now smeared with cow slobber, among other unpleasant substances. He has a set of lists, mostly unpopulated, topped by such esoteric terms as "OMGUS", "Skimming", "Unmotivated Bandwagon", " and "Protests Too Much". Under "OMGUS" he writes "Chamberlain" in a neat, bold script. His pen wavers over the "Protests Too Much" header; he's still trying to decide on that one when a comment by the Noble catches his attention.

Oh, my. I do believe I need a new category.

Atop a fresh sheet he writes "Trying to Lynch the Jester" and underlines it twice.

(J-man, Nictel)
Oh my, what has the cow done?
Yes, I know, last time my reasons were crap.
I'm aware that Nictel wasn't taking a nap.
But everyone else said that he was sleeping too,
So why vote for me? I can't kill you, I just MOOO.

And I still think Nictel is not innocent, even if I can't come up with a good reason while rhyming.
Just take one bunch of herbs, give them to me, fry them gently in a little Backwards Logic, and then serve on a bed of hot buttered dwarves. Mmm. That's gooood eatin'.

The Dwarf stares in to the middle-etc.
Lunch Day 2

They were just settling down to lunch, which had been kindly prepared by the guard Love, when Keelyn entered the room, dressed appropriately in motley for her father's funeral, and carrying a large crate.
"Look, it's my new idea, given the spate of poisoning, a boxed lunch!"
She sat down on the floor, opened the box, and started pulling out beetles and cockroaches and eating them. The people turned back to their lunches and dug in, when J-man fell dead across the table.

Since Perpentach had shown no sign of stirring, they picked him up and carried him out to be buried. On his gravestone, the following epitaph was inscribed, the only known instance of the Momus not speaking in rhyme:
"There's more than one way to skin a cat."
"But of course, you can start at the back or at the front."
"And not only that, you can use a knife, or an ax, or even sandpaper in a pinch."
In silence, they lowered Perpentach into his grave.
Returning to the capital, they examined the chamberlain's room and found only a small blue vial.

Votes so far:
Spoiler :
Nictel-2-Choxorn, Renata
Choxorn-1- Diamondeye

Night will fall in 24 hours.
Votes on the Vial are to be in Bold Blue.
I'll agree with the cow , Nictel should come forward.

As for the vial, mmm anything special about it?

Nictel HAS come forward. That's the whole reason I'm voting for choxorn; he called nictel out for being quiet AFTER he had already come forward!
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