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[MOD] Fall from Heaven

Holger said:
I've got some strange Python error msgs at first, some debug pop-up windows, game has frozen after the 1st move etc. The I've cleared trash from CustomAssets folder (the one in MyDocuments\etc.) and now everything is perfect :) Maybe you have similar problems?

Thank you for a great work, Kael. Keep it up!

You could also try de-installing the game, then deleting the My games/Civ4 folder and re-installing. (using a reg cleaner after de-installing and then rebooting could be worth a go)
Kael said:
Im actually going to europe for 3 months for work, flying out on the 26th. My goal is to get 1.0 out and then take my trip time to really dig into phase 2 design work.

I will actually have more time to work on the mod when I am in Europe because I will be away from my family with not much else to do.

But I do plan on making Phase 2 a much more collaborative process, I already have the templates up for the team to start going through, making recommendations and checking off tasks. Thusfar Talchas is the only one working on the Phase 2 stuff, since he wasn't involved in Phase 1 he was free to start on the new stuff without having to worry about feedback and such on Phase 1.

Well i hope you get to enjoy europe, you seem to have a great many fans there. I am so very excited to see each civ as distinct (.95 my workers kept destroying my lovly forests again :(, and I'm not much for micromanagement). Drink some Gewurstminer for me, and enjoy the phase two process.

-El Scotto
cordas said:
You could also try de-installing the game, then deleting the My games/Civ4 folder and re-installing. (using a reg cleaner after de-installing and then rebooting could be worth a go)

I had problems running the game a while back, and the kindly answer i had was in deleting the stuff in "custom assets." It ran fine (as does .95). De-installing (or "uninstalling" for the smallfolk), the game should work as long as it gets back to vanilla civ, plus the 1.52 patch. Dont forget that all important patch!

-El Scotto

EDIT: {This is a continuation of the conversation, not a comment to Cordas directly}
Also you have to be sure that the directory path prefixed in the installer is ok for your instalation of civ4, that could not be the case if you are running a non-english version of windows. I have to change it and 0.95 is running fine.
I have run into another bug, Warriors no longer seem able to get the Mobility upgrade. I am playing as wood elves, have tried giving them the basic level 1 combat upgrade that unlocks other upgrades but still no joy.

*DOH* my bad, didn't have the wheel.... *HANGS HEAD IN SHAME*
No 1.0, well that's a no bueno, and we're supposed to get iced in here in Dallas this weekend. I think I'll hang back on the .95 until the whole thing comes out. I'll give the GOTM a shot this weekend.

Kael, you need to let whomever it might concern, that the event we/I/you are waiting for is late.

Come on Firaxis! What's the deal. I need my fantasy civs, and I don't want them watered down.
My favorite was the Agg/Org combo.

Also, it seems to me so far after a game through with a Seafaring civ that that trait is *extremely* underpowered. I would suggest giving water tile bonuses to seafaring as well, and a faster ship build speed, just like Arcane with mages.
Starship said:
No 1.0, well that's a no bueno, and we're supposed to get iced in here in Dallas this weekend. I think I'll hang back on the .95 until the whole thing comes out. I'll give the GOTM a shot this weekend.

Kael, you need to let whomever it might concern, that the event we/I/you are waiting for is late.

Come on Firaxis! What's the deal. I need my fantasy civs, and I don't want them watered down.

Having some minor glimpse into what Firaxis is doing I can only say that these guys are working incrediably hard to make sure we have the best game possible. We have all played games that were never supported after release, even when released in a practically unplayable state. Firaxis us setting the bar on what support should be. It may take a litle more time. But the delays aren't because anyone is twiddling their fingers, they are working hard.

Remember other games just have to make sure the functions they made are working. Firaxis is trying to make sure any (valid) function can be used with their game engine. I can't even begin to grasp how much more difficult that made their job, and the fact that we are able to make mods like this (the first version of FfH came out 6 weeks after Civ4 was released) is testament to their success.

That said, try out 0.95 if you get a chance. I need as much polish/tweaking feedback as possible for 1.0.
Secular said:
ooo self extracting sexyness

Yeah, I got tired of answering the "how do I install" questions.
kandalf said:
What's the diplomacy text you posted on filefront?

Its all of the custom audio tracks I use for the different leaders when they open a diplomacy window with you. They are all in 0.95.
General error or is it me only?
When choosing tech for research from tech tree window (mining to be exact) after I've finished research and gone to "Show me the big picture" (or smthing) I've got python msg:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvScreensInterface", line 576, in forceScreenUpdate

TypeError: updateTechRecords() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
ERR: Python function forceScreenUpdate failed, module CvScreensInterface

Haven't selected tech for research from pop-up window.
But mining is researching anyway.
Holger said:
General error or is it me only?
When choosing tech for research from tech tree window (mining to be exact) after I've finished research and gone to "Show me the big picture" (or smthing) I've got python msg:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvScreensInterface", line 576, in forceScreenUpdate

TypeError: updateTechRecords() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
ERR: Python function forceScreenUpdate failed, module CvScreensInterface

Haven't selected tech for research from pop-up window.
But mining is researching anyway.

Hmm.. I bet this would be everyone. Let me see if I can fix it.
I just tested the new version and I couldn't switch my state religion. There was just the "Cancel" Button, neither "Exit" nor "Convert". The rest looked fine, but I stopped playing rather quick after I noticed this. Strange...
c.fe said:
I just tested the new version and I couldn't switch my state religion. There was just the "Cancel" Button, neither "Exit" nor "Convert". The rest looked fine, but I stopped playing rather quick after I noticed this. Strange...

You're right, another curse of backreving. Fixing now.
Kael said:
You're right, another curse of backreving. Fixing now.

Cancelled the download than, waiting for your go ahead.

Looking forward to this mod. Haven't had a chance to play it yet as I've been waiting for 1.0. Been playing D&D since Basic edition. Be interesting to see a combo of my two favorite games.
Methos said:
Cancelled the download than, waiting for your go ahead.

Looking forward to this mod. Haven't had a chance to play it yet as I've been waiting for 1.0. Been playing D&D since Basic edition. Be interesting to see a combo of my two favorite games.

Uploading to the primary link now. It will probably take about 40 minutes for the upload to complete.
I just noticed in your changes that for the seafaring trait you added -1 food from farms. I can tell you right there that is way too big of a penalty. Maybe you have your reasons but I cant see why you did that. Care to explain?
Xanikk999 said:
I just noticed in your changes that for the seafaring trait you added -1 food from farms. I can tell you right there that is way too big of a penalty. I cant see why you did that. Care to explain?

The seafaring trait is supposed to incent players to stick to the coasts. One way to ddo that is to give them bonus from water stuff, the other way is to penalize them for land stuff. The trait does both. Im pretty sure the trait neds to be strengthened (on the bonus from water side), but it will probably retain the -1 food from farms.

It also makes a nice dynamic that the coast cities in a searfaring civ tend to grow and be the production workhorses, while the internal cities tend to be smaller stategic holds. It seems natural to me that people in a searfaring civilizations flock to the coast cities.

I might let every water conected seafaring city start with a free lighthouse, that would grant +1 food from every water tile for that city.
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