Modern Northeast Asia (ROK, DPRK, USA, Taiwan and PRC) playtest ready!

Civ: North Korea
Difficulty: Sid

January 2007

After much provocation & threats from the Imperialists, we have no choice but to launch an invasion to liberate our brain-washed brothers to the south

35 Miles to Seoul!!! From Kaesong we cross the Imjingang river with over 20 initial units, more units from the northern cities are also sent on to the liberation of Seoul.
The south respond with over 25 ROK Infantry to attack Wonsan in the East.


February 2008

5 Miles to Seoul!!! Our forces have reached the suburbs of Seoul, we dig in and wait for our reinforcements from the North. Southern forces near Wonsan are blasted by air force and turret guns, Come get some! :D Our glorious Navy submarines have taken out 2 enemy destroyers.
Our Forces take heavy losses outside of Seoul as cowardly Imperial tanks attack in nightime sneak attacks.
Southern forces retreat from Wonsan & head back to Kangnung. Chinese air force is spotted taken out Korean fighters over our territory, that’s what friends are for! :)

April 2008

Welcome to Seoul!!! Round the clock bombing of Seoul with Air Force and Arty, we attack with everything we have, which unfortunately is mostly weak NK Infantry. Our glorious force is reduced to 4 badly wounded units & our navy in the west no longer exist. Now a force of 20 Imperialist GI arrive to finish the job. :(

July 2007

After a full retreat to Kaesong, or what I would call a “strategic stop & reload of operations” :blush: we are right back where we started, but not all is lost, for that roar and thunder you hear in the Northern cities is the sound of Chinese Tanks wanting a piece of the action.


Cool scenario, I’m losing a ton of money researching techs with only 10% given to research. I reduced the Max research to 15 turns, just cause otherwise it would have been 50 turns and not worth it for NK.
I did some slight modifications, just cause I’m used to some things.
I’m confused by all of the Air units, can you just tell me which is the best Fighter & Bomber for NK is?
I almost had Seoul, all of their units were in the red, but just didn’t bring enough units. I allowed the Chinese AI to take over one of the DMZ barricades, so that it will be willing to send troops down there & I think they will now. I think I liked it better when the land units were taking out the Air units, just cause the AI will not send any Air Defense units to the front.
I'm glad someone is having fun with this! MiG-29 is your best bet as far as interceptors go and the beagle is as good as it gets for bombing until you get some tech. Yeah nK doesn't have it easy when it come to techs since their economy is horsehockey, true to life right? What's up with all those riflemen? I didn't have them in the game. Is that one of your modifications? Anyway glad you had fun, any other feed back is greatly appreciated. Also you are totally messed up for playing Sid difficulty.
Ok I put in a map fix, so you no country should bleed tons of money from the onset anymore. sorry about that, you think you fixed everything and then WHAM you missed something.
May-December 2007

New military strategy from the Dear Leader is implemented, we retake all the Barricades & Turrets around Seoul & bomb the hell out of the city. :)

Barricades fall back & forth between our forces & the Imperialists, major losses on our side, as we cannot build a big enough force to take Seoul before we get blasted by the turrets. Also, there are massive losses in our Air Force as our Jets are getting shot out of the sky in dogfights. :(

There is some Chinese chopper support over the DMZ, but very few infantry & no tanks. :cry:


January 2008

We take the bold step of devising a new attack plan to take Kangnung in the east, consisting of 9, but very brave units with a couple of arty for support.

March 2008

Major offensive by Imperialist forces in the west. Attack on Kangung has failed, :blush: but not before we destroy their turrets around the city.
April 2008

Imperialist Hoard continues to advance on Kaesong. Our entire defense in the west consist of 1 BRT70, 1 T-55, 2 NK SOF, 2 Militia The few troops in the east are brought in to reinforce Kaesong. Fortunately I have about 10 Artillery & 10 Turret Guns to continually blast the Imperialist, I hope that’s enough!!! :eek:

August 2008

Turrets & Barricades around Seoul have been taken out, to reduce their effect on our forces. Our Air Force is down to 2 Jets, but with the occasional appearance of a Chinese Jet. Research is at 0% and we are still losing money.

Craters around Seoul & Kangnung reveal the devastation of war after only a mere 18 months. :crazyeye: :D



Observations & things I‘m going to modify in your scenario. Just ideas, I‘m not telling you to do what I‘m doing, in fact you don‘t have to listen to me at all!!! :lol:

I should be able to build cheap NK Infantry, but I cannot, any idea why?

Also the NK SOF are pretty good, but maybe a little cheap as I’m building a ton of them. Does real life NK have a bunch of Special Forces guys in the military?, regardless I’m probably going to up their cost.

In regular Civ games, the Tanks are for offense & Infantry for defense. In this game my defenders are actually my tanks (T-55) & my offense is the Infantry (NK SOF) I’m going to change that.

I’m going to delete a bunch of these units that I am not using, particularly all those Air units, I’ve got a little note pad, where I’m writing down what air unit does what & comparing them, frankly that’s kind of boring I just want to build 1 good fighter & 1 good bomber and not think about it. Yes I am a simple person. :D

I love the helicopters. :goodjob:

Regarding this game, I believe the reason the Chinese aren’t coming is my fault. I kind of closed off the border between the North & South with barricades. I think I’ll leave it the way you had it with the gaps, to encourage the Chinese.

Also there is no Navy action at all from the AI, I’m pounding Kangnung with Ironclads & nobody from the AI shows up.

For the Air units, the AI is not bombing at all, they have all their units in “Air Superiority”, any idea why? I’m wondering if the Chinese & Taiwanese are doing anything to each other. :confused:

Finally, the Chinese & Americans are building settlers and making new cities, that probably shouldn’t happen.
I'm glad someone is having fun with this! MiG-29 is your best bet as far as interceptors go and the beagle is as good as it gets for bombing until you get some tech. Yeah nK doesn't have it easy when it come to techs since their economy is horsehockey, true to life right? What's up with all those riflemen? I didn't have them in the game. Is that one of your modifications? Anyway glad you had fun, any other feed back is greatly appreciated. Also you are totally messed up for playing Sid difficulty.

Oh yeah, I added the Rifleman as an immobile defense unit, I placed them at all barricades and cities. I do this to every scenario, this way when I start a game I know I can get all of my units and send them to the front, without trying to figure out who needs to stay for defense. Plus it prevents an empty city in the interior that the dumb AI will risk to get. Also I changed your turrets into immobile Arty units. The AI actually uses arty if it's immobile, go figure!!! :crazyeye:
I like almost all of your suggestions! The nK infantry thing is news to me so I'm going to fix that immediately, I like the ability of the turrets to bombard, so I'll add that, tanks-good idea. North Korea has the largest SOF in the world, so that's realistic (phew I'm 1 for 1,000,000). The naval think, I don't really get, but they don't seem to care much about it. I have no idea why the CPU isn't bombing you, they have air superiority, so ????. Let me try to address your concerns and fix the map. Should only be a map file fix so you won't have to download the whole deal.
BTW which units were starting cities, I disabled settlers for all civs, that's really odd. Well I'm posting a new map fix, thanks for the feedback. When you finish your game, try this one and see if it addresses your concerns.
ok, just played a bit and heres my suggestions:
-make USA/SK/Taiwan/Japan 1 nation called UN, allied nations or w.e u perfer
-get rid of the tanks AA ablilites
-Make helicopters an actual air unit (cuse they have 2 land and refuel too)
-reskin the american GI's ( i recommend navydawg's modern soldiers), they look to solid snaky.
Well I wanted to give this scenario some real MP potential, which is why I made the it the way I did, plus I like the divergent tech tree and trading oppurtunities. The new map I have posted has gotten rid of AA abilities and retooled the air combat, so download that one, it's lots better. The helo thing is a good idea, although I like their ability to attack as well, so I'm torn on that one. The GIs do look kinda wierd, but I always had a real afinity for the modern legion guy. However, I'll consider it for a new version. Try it with the new map though, I've made tons of improvements.
BTW which units were starting cities, I disabled settlers for all civs, that's really odd. Well I'm posting a new map fix, thanks for the feedback. When you finish your game, try this one and see if it addresses your concerns.

I checked the bic file & I haven't a clue as how they are doing it. It might have somthing to do with the difficulty level I'm playing at. The Chinese built a city near the Korean border, while the Americans build Washington right next to Osan in the middle of Korea, I was also able to capture an American Settler trying to make it's way past the DMZ. :lol:
September - February 2009

Imperialists continue to advance toward Kaesong & Wonsan now, production has been ramped up to build only T-55’s in every city, it’s our only hope.

We’ve no air force (all destroyed) & a small Navy with no enemy to fight. Fierce battles in the former DMZ between Seoul & Kaesong sees the front move very little in 6 months.

Nonetheless we have 3 special little packages for the Imperialist waiting in Pyongyang. :nuke:

March 2009

Victory is at our grasps!!! The descision is made to send our Taepodong-1’s flying in one last effort to obtain victory!!!


April 2009

Sunday morning April 12, 2009 the might of the North Korean forces is felt all across the world, as our mighty Taepodongs lay waste to the Imperialist devils. :dance: What glorious glow that morning when the first missile hit Seoul, followed by 2 more missiles into the DMZ, right in the middle of the Imperialist hoard!!!

Early reports indicated that no civilian was harmed in Seoul, just Imperialist military units, you see our mighty Taepodongs can detect good from evil. :mischief: Immediately our ground units rushed in to defeat the remaining enemy units & liberate the ancient city which is promptly renamed rename it . Kim Jong-il City. :banana:


With no warning for the citizens of Pyongyong, Kaeching & Kaesong the murdering barbarians unleashed a wave radioactive poison. Because there were no military targets in these cities the only victims were innocent civilians, mostly women & children. :( The savagery of the imperialist bastards knows no bounds. :mad:

In our state of shock, Kim Jon-Il City is lost. With our government now destroyed in a nuclear attack we are forced to capitalute & suffer a humiliating defeat. :blush:


Yep, I actually came within 200 points of getting a VP win on my turn after I nuked them & took out the remaining injured units. I had set up the game for a maximum 8 years of war, but it ended at about 2-½ years. I’d make the VP limit a bit higher.

Finally, I was not able to see the screens at the end of the game because of this…


With no warning for the citizens of Pyongyong, Kaeching & Kaesong the murdering barbarians unleashed a wave radioactive poison. Because there were no military targets in these cities the only victims were innocent civilians, mostly women & children. The savagery of the imperialist bastards knows no bounds.

In our state of shock, Kim Jon-Il City is lost. With our government now destroyed in a nuclear attack we are forced to capitalute & suffer a humiliating defeat.

owned :lol: , pts for effort though :goodjob:

and hmm ive never seen that problem b4 :confused:
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