Mr Black
Los Zetas
Civ: North Korea
Difficulty: Sid
January 2007
After much provocation & threats from the Imperialists, we have no choice but to launch an invasion to liberate our brain-washed brothers to the south
35 Miles to Seoul!!! From Kaesong we cross the Imjingang river with over 20 initial units, more units from the northern cities are also sent on to the liberation of Seoul.
The south respond with over 25 ROK Infantry to attack Wonsan in the East.
February 2008
5 Miles to Seoul!!! Our forces have reached the suburbs of Seoul, we dig in and wait for our reinforcements from the North. Southern forces near Wonsan are blasted by air force and turret guns, Come get some!
Our glorious Navy submarines have taken out 2 enemy destroyers.
Our Forces take heavy losses outside of Seoul as cowardly Imperial tanks attack in nightime sneak attacks.
Southern forces retreat from Wonsan & head back to Kangnung. Chinese air force is spotted taken out Korean fighters over our territory, thats what friends are for!
April 2008
Welcome to Seoul!!! Round the clock bombing of Seoul with Air Force and Arty, we attack with everything we have, which unfortunately is mostly weak NK Infantry. Our glorious force is reduced to 4 badly wounded units & our navy in the west no longer exist. Now a force of 20 Imperialist GI arrive to finish the job.
Difficulty: Sid
January 2007
After much provocation & threats from the Imperialists, we have no choice but to launch an invasion to liberate our brain-washed brothers to the south
35 Miles to Seoul!!! From Kaesong we cross the Imjingang river with over 20 initial units, more units from the northern cities are also sent on to the liberation of Seoul.
The south respond with over 25 ROK Infantry to attack Wonsan in the East.

February 2008
5 Miles to Seoul!!! Our forces have reached the suburbs of Seoul, we dig in and wait for our reinforcements from the North. Southern forces near Wonsan are blasted by air force and turret guns, Come get some!

Our Forces take heavy losses outside of Seoul as cowardly Imperial tanks attack in nightime sneak attacks.
Southern forces retreat from Wonsan & head back to Kangnung. Chinese air force is spotted taken out Korean fighters over our territory, thats what friends are for!

April 2008
Welcome to Seoul!!! Round the clock bombing of Seoul with Air Force and Arty, we attack with everything we have, which unfortunately is mostly weak NK Infantry. Our glorious force is reduced to 4 badly wounded units & our navy in the west no longer exist. Now a force of 20 Imperialist GI arrive to finish the job.