Imperator Knoedel
Currently obsessed with The Owl House
A separate diplomatic modifier for gifting units, maybe even two separate ones for civilian and military unit gifts. "We appreciate the military/economic aid"
I just couldn't help myself...
- New Commit: Changed how the AI values unit gifts.
- Previously it would only count towards the "Our trade relations have been fair and forthright" modifier, and it would only take into account the unit's production cost, which means gifting it for example Great People wouldn't count in your favor at all. Now it also values the Asset value of each unit.
- I added two new diplo modifiers, one for being gifted civilian units (workers, settlers, great people etc.) and another one for military ones. They are both capped at +3 each and the memory for them decays a bit faster than other modifiers, so as a rule of thumb if you gift an AI some units and a few techs in the same turn the unit gift modifier is likely going to shrink back to zero a few turns before the "You have shared your technological discoveries with us" modifier will.
- Units can only be gifted to vassals or civs you have open borders or defensive pact agreements with.
- After the discovery of Nationalism civs will never collapse completely unless they have no cities outside their core (credit to 1SDAN though I included the human player as well, not just the AI)
- Building Wealth, Research and Culture is now back to 100% conversion rate to make them preferable to or at least equal to failbuilding wonders with production boosting resources. These processes do not get boosted by production modifiers though.
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