Monkeys Control Robotic Arm With Brain Implants

Originally posted by Qitai
I think this means much more. Imagine a human being controlling 1 billion robots wirelessly by thought!!Now you got a real powerful being. Just pray that this guy do not have any strange dreams.

Or one robot controlling one billion human beings....:scan:
I think we'll be able to connect hard drives and wireless modems to our brains within the next 20 years. If it wasnt for the resistance from the marching Luddites out there, we could do it alot sooner. The 'post-human' future is upon us...:eek:
Neural hard drives and an instant, downloadable education is coming soon. Its not a step to take lightly, but we'll do it. Eventually it'll be as much a part of daily life as personal computers are today. In the near future, personal computers will really be personal. Why do you think it'll stop us from thinking?
My brain is buggy enough. Let's hope there won't be a WIN-brain OS...:ack:

"win brain" doesn't sound that bad, though
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