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movie guy


Jan 10, 2001
Fredericton, NB, Canada
You all know him. He's the guy who does the voice over for just about every North American movie trailer ever made. He's never in the credits, so who the hell is he?! How do these movie companies know who to call when they want a voice over for their trailer? And why is his bassy voice so awesome?
I don't know his name, I don't his face, I probably never will...but I can identify his voice in one word. That's because he's got one kick ass voicebox. He can make even the worst movie sound cool.

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/image_uploads/goodbye3.jpg" border=0>
<FONT COLOR="blue">I take every day one beer at a time; every beer one sip at a time.</FONT c>
Originally posted by BlueMonday:
That's because he's got one kick ass voicebox. He can make even the worst movie sound cool.

That is true.

He's like that guy....you know. Always hanging out at that cool place. You know, with the gang, uptown some where I think.

<IMG SRC="http://images.honesty.com/imagedata/h/207/85/32078598.gif" border=0> I AM CANADIAN! <IMG SRC="http://images.honesty.com/imagedata/h/207/85/32078598.gif" border=0>
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My friends and I used to talk about that guy. Nobody knows what his name is or what he looks like, but man, he is awesome! When he dies or retires, they're just going to have to switch to all-text trailers, because no one else can hope to take his place.
Well, Martin Sheen has been doing some voice-overs for films lately, and he actually sounds pretty good. Of course, it not the same as our bassy friend.

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/image_uploads/goodbye3.jpg" border=0>
<FONT COLOR="blue">I take every day one beer at a time; every beer one sip at a time.</FONT c>
I'm thinking that just MAYBE it isn't always the SAME guy. I mean he couldn't work for ALL the production companies.

Don't you think if he sounded SO cool (and he does) they would put him under contract so that he could only work for the ONE company (why would they want competitors using his cool voice as well?)

I think they just hire people with that general sounding voice.. so it just SOUNDS like the same person. They've probably done studies and have found out that people find it soothing or that they can identify with it... or maybe people just think it sounds cool. So they always hire people that can recreate it... It can't actually be the SAME guy.
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