As the title says. I have rung it once and gone to ring it twice. Second time I didn't due to other people already doing it.
First time aged 17 maybe 18 1996. Woken up late at night by mother heard a loud banging on the door 2am or so.
I can see a shadow through the wavey/rippled glass but low down. I open the door against mothers advice and a fella is slumped over on the porch covered in blood and head wounds. I can hear yelling up the road.
Off to the phone dial 111. Ask for ambulance and police. Cops turn up fairly quick can't do much about the guy who is semi conscious. He's not moving anyway. Sacrifice a tea towel and he's holding it somewhat incoherently against his head.
Ambulance turns up and they get another one. Recognized the one of the paramedics as sisters best friend ex husband. The yelling was the guys girlfriend screaming out for him. She's been assaulted as well covered in blood similar wounds.
Cops take our statements not a lot I can say explain situation best I can. Explained to Cops I figured Ambulance was the urgent thing and Cops probably needed as well.
Anyway turns out the couple had been to late night gas station, bought the last pie in the warmer and triggered someone who followed them up the hill, stole a rake handle and beat them around the head with it. Step brother knew the guy they got brain damage and never fully recovered.
2nd time never directly saw what happened but heard a thump near intersection looked up and saw a shape go under a van. Old lady walked out in front of it. Rushed over wasn't the first to get there and put phone away as someone was already on it.
She died later in hospital. Kinda knew she was dead already going by what I saw. Didn't have much to report don't think the driver was charged, green light wasn't speeding old lady was oblivious.
First time aged 17 maybe 18 1996. Woken up late at night by mother heard a loud banging on the door 2am or so.
I can see a shadow through the wavey/rippled glass but low down. I open the door against mothers advice and a fella is slumped over on the porch covered in blood and head wounds. I can hear yelling up the road.
Off to the phone dial 111. Ask for ambulance and police. Cops turn up fairly quick can't do much about the guy who is semi conscious. He's not moving anyway. Sacrifice a tea towel and he's holding it somewhat incoherently against his head.
Ambulance turns up and they get another one. Recognized the one of the paramedics as sisters best friend ex husband. The yelling was the guys girlfriend screaming out for him. She's been assaulted as well covered in blood similar wounds.
Cops take our statements not a lot I can say explain situation best I can. Explained to Cops I figured Ambulance was the urgent thing and Cops probably needed as well.
Anyway turns out the couple had been to late night gas station, bought the last pie in the warmer and triggered someone who followed them up the hill, stole a rake handle and beat them around the head with it. Step brother knew the guy they got brain damage and never fully recovered.
2nd time never directly saw what happened but heard a thump near intersection looked up and saw a shape go under a van. Old lady walked out in front of it. Rushed over wasn't the first to get there and put phone away as someone was already on it.
She died later in hospital. Kinda knew she was dead already going by what I saw. Didn't have much to report don't think the driver was charged, green light wasn't speeding old lady was oblivious.