• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
ooc: That's my goal.

OOC: You're succeeding. :lol:

As I said, LH hasn't really elaborated on his system. It might not even be what we call Slavery at all. We will pass judgement when wee find out the truth. Whereas, you HAVE elaborated your system. And we have passed judgement. And we deem you to be...

...of being horrible to your citizens.

Again, answer the question. Is some forms of slavery ok with you? The fact that you're condemning some slavery but not others just points to, again, a hastily drafted resolution.

And they're not citizens. They're residents.

Announcement from the Government of HM Elizabeth IV, Queen of New Britain

Travel Advisory from HM Foreign Office

In light of recent developments in the Empire of the Setting Sun HM Government has declared that the Caribbean and surrounding territories are a High Risk location. We are advising citizens of New Britain avoid travel to the Caribbean and surrounding territories if at all possible. Our ambassador to the Empire is seeking assurances that our citizens already in the Empire are and shall remain safe. We are arranging charter flights to evacuate those who wish to leave. If you have a family member who is currently in a High Risk area please contact your local government office for further information.

"The Emperor can guarantee the safety of New Britain residents in the Caribbean but will assist in flying of charter flights out of the Caribbean if that is fine with the Queen Elizabeth."

-Ambassador Lin
Port-au-Prince, by the Emperor's name, was better today than it has been in a very long time. The region, which used to be at the mercy of corruption of warlords and earthquakes have been remedied of the former and the latter has been mitigated by the stability of the Setting Sun and the Emperor's willingness to aid his loyal followers in their times of need. Years ago, an earthquake rocked the region hard and the government of the island collapse, leading to the warlord period. Infrastructure decayed and when the Emperor and the Soldier-Inquisition came to purge the island of warlords and heresy, they were left with a very blank slate.

Rumble was swept away. Modern, stronger buildings erected. Banking established. The economy was restructured to supply the rest of the Setting Sun with coffee, mangoes, sugarcane, and cocoa. Sugarcane comes in such abundance in the Setting Sun it is a major export along with industrial goods. Thanks the the stability and private property laws, the people flourished. First, it started with the cash crops and then led to the hard stuff such as the vast gold and copper deposits that were still left untapped. Wealth flowed in both directions between Cuba and Hispaniola.

Another earthquake struck a decade ago but the new infrastructure held against the moderate earthquake. Industry began in earnest and soon, beverages, butter, cement, detergent, edible oils, flour, refined sugar, soap, and textiles have all started to become notable industries on the island. Refined sugar and textiles especially.
OK, I think I've figured out what to do about infra. I'll bump the price up to 10% of GNI per point-oh-one; still high enough that investments this turn pay off, but low enough that certain people won't skyrocket to superpower status too damn soon. Economy is still looking touch-and-go, so expect ongoing revisions through the next few turns.

A note on NPCs: they can refuse client buyouts if they are at strong enough odds with the player's politics (do peeps want a full policy list à la early MP?), although they might run off with the cash anyway. Otherwise, highest bidder wins, but everything put toward its allegiance by everyone goes into the nation's pot.

Lastly, I think I've got the update sequence figured out:
Embargoes/Blockades→Attack Orders→Defender Scramble→Strategic WMD→Battles
→Espionage*→Income→Purchases→Political upheavals→Next Turn→Events

* - Sans coups and revolutions, unless exposed.
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Holy Decree by the Emperor

In light of recent events, the Emperor is making it clear that all groups not associated with the Formatics and Renfarians are not being investigated within the Setting Sun. The imprisoned Formatics have, each individually, been trialed and found guilty of heresy and treason. The Emperor, in his benevolence, has lightened the usual sentencing of death for these crimes to mere labor.

Secondly, all Renfarian residents that reside within the Setting Sun are to be out of the Setting Sun with 48 hours. We will make no special accommodations for air and naval transport and Renfarians will have to pay the fees dictated by the privately owned cruises lines. If foreign nations which to pay for tickets, they may. The foreign nations will not be allowed to use their own ships nor will they allowed to enter our waters.

Any Renfarian resident who wishes to remain in the Setting Sun must report to the nearest government registration office and take a legally-binding Oath of Peace to the Emperor which forbades the oath taker from taking any aggressive action against the Emperor, Church, and State. Once the Oath is taken, the path to citizenship is opened for the Renfarian including the Oath of Loyalty.

Any Renfarian who fails to take the Oath of Peace within 48 hours or evacuate with 48 hours will be fined $100 Caribbean a day. If a fine isn't paid within a week, then a warrant for arrest will be placed on the grounds of illegal residency.

Renfair has expelled the Setting Sun ambassadors and severed all diplomatic ties with the Setting Sun. We will not deal with murderers.

Renfarian ambassadors and diplomats are to be out of the country within twelve hours or be charged with heresy and treason.

Renfair will gladly reopen contact with the Setting Sun and even reestablish trade if they agree to transfer all the children they have taken, and all the adults that yet live to Renfairian land. Otherwise, we will not recognize the Empire of the Setting Sun as a nation-state.

Only if the Renfarians pay for their shipping as well as reparations for the embargoes.

We may practice slavery, but we are honorable and win the consent of the slaves in written forms, as well as thinking of their health and well-being and controlling the situations with well-organized laws to protect both parties. This is a perversion of everything Renfair stands for.

Consensual slavery is known as a job, not slavery. The Setting Sun's policy on resident Formatics is one of great tolerance towards the heresy as the Formatics are guilty of resisting arrest, storing away weapons, ammunition, and small artillery, and acts of espionage. The punishment for storing weapons, acts of espionage, heresy, and taking up arms against the Setting Sun government are all death. We have granted the Formatics to work off their debts and we have offered the children a better life than they can possibly ever have as mere Formatics in the Setting Sun.
What Barbarians?! All USSR citizens will leave the Empire of the Setting Sun. We request the Government of the Setting Sun to help us transfer USSR citizens of the empire to USSR.
E.V.I.L is offering its security personal as excorts for the USSR citizens, whom we will not not try to kidnap some to smuggle to the slave trade.
What Barbarians?! All USSR citizens will leave the Empire of the Setting Sun. We request the Government of the Setting Sun to help us transfer USSR citizens of the empire to USSR.

USSR residents are free to leave whenever they want. This has already been made cleared. We will not aid in the transfer of residents who do not want to return to the USSR however. Because we have not imposed any restricts on Soviet residents, we will not take any special measures to force them out and will receive the same benefits that other non-Renfarian and Formatic residents receive regardless.
As I said, LH hasn't really elaborated on his system. It might not even be what we call Slavery at all. We will pass judgement when wee find out the truth. Whereas, you HAVE elaborated your system. And we have passed judgement.

Excerpt from the Legal Code of Renfair: Chapter Eleven, Section 4B:

On the Subject of Slavery Between Consenting Parties:

The State of Renfair does officially recognize the right of one party(henceforth referred to as the "slave") to cede power to another party(henceforth referred to as the "master") in a relationship termed "Slavery" "TPE" "Indenture" or all manner of other terms. Henceforth such a relationship will be referred to as a "Slave Relationship."

To enter a Slave Relationship, first the two parties must acquire a written Consent Form(S) from their local Management Hall. This Form shall contain full queries about:

-Mental state
-Duration of Contract
-Personal Information

As well as any other information deemed necessary by future addendum and laws. The two parties will then return to their residence(s) and study the form, filling it out in all particulars with full honesty and openness. Following such occurrence, they must each produce the signature of not only themselves on the paper, but a witness affirming that they are not coerced and are fully in their right mind.

Upon such requirements being completed, the two parties will then return to the Management Hall and schedule a meeting no sooner than a week after they acquired their Form. In meeting with this Management Official, they will discuss openly the listed medical and psychological information on their Form, as well as the reasons they are moving for a Slave Relationship. If the Management Official deems them Safe, Sane and Consensual, the Duration of the Contract will be mentioned. If all is deemed satisfactory, the Official will provide their signature to the Contract, as well as the date.

The only legally recognized Durations under Renfarian law are these:

-1 month
-3 months
-6 months
-9 months
-12 months
-18 months
-24 months

Any contract stating a different period than these is a nonbinding and illegal contract, despite any other information placed upon it. At the conclusion of their specified duration, the two parties must, within forty days, meet with a Management Official to discuss prolonging or nullifying the Contract.

Every period of thirty days, an Inspector will stop by the house and speak privately to both the Slave and the Master to judge whether the relationship remains healthy, and that the two parties remain Safe, Sane and Consensual. In the event that one party expresses a desire to end the Contract, they needs must simply speak their case to the Inspector, and he/she shall determine the course of action to follow.

In the event one party is, through fault of poor observation or foul genius, somehow coerced into this relationship, the fault shall be laid upon the feet of the Management Official and the Master, unless such evidence appears that through circumstances that we cannot predict, the Slave has coerced the Master, in which case they shall be blamed and the Master not. This falls under Breach of Consent Law, classified as T7, but for the purposes of this Law a new classification of T11 has been created to represent Coercion Into a Slave Relationship. Both are crimes established as sentenced for 5-20 years of imprisonment, and shall be taken atop one another, resulting in a 5-40 year sentence.

There shall be established a Safeword which the Slave can use to end the Slave Relationship at any point. If the Slave invokes this Safeword, then the Master must immediately release them and schedule an appointment with a local Management Official to see about the nullification of the contract. Failure to do so is considered a T9 offense, Knowing Ignorance of a Safeword, punishable by a fine of up to ten thousand Kinks and a jail sentence of no longer than 5 years.

In the event the Master wishes to establish Contracts with multiple Slaves, they must all go through this process individually, and each Slave already in contract with the Master must give their free and willing signature to the Contract for a new Slave.


Renfair withdraws all its ambassadors and any Renfairian citizens on holiday are urged to leave immediately.

Renfair will cover the cost of the transport of the orphans and their parents, but until they are all safely in San Francisco or Los Angeles we will neither lift the embargo nor compensate you for the damages, to ensure your cooperation. Once they have arrived, we shall do both.

OOC: Christos, I lol'd. :goodjob:

E.V.I.L is willing to set up its own slave trade agency to help the supply of slaves for all slave using nations.
Is anyone honestly supposed to believe that "voluntary" slavery is widespread in Renfair simply because people like being slaves? Clearly, there is corruption and the Renfairians hide behind this corruption and actually try to say that their slavery is good because people "volunteer". We're supposed to believe that coercion is low but slavery itself is widespread enough for many laws needing to be passed regarding it? Then we're supposed to believe the government has the time and resources to inspect every single master-slave contract monthly? Next, they'll tell use that their inspectors aren't corrupt.

We will return the adults, not the orphans as the orphans have already been granted citizenship and are receiving full state benefits. We will not return anybody until either the embargo is lifted and reparations paid out or a binding agreement is signed by the Renfarian government promising both once the residents are returned.
You will send us the children and their parents, or the embargo remains on. We will release the embargo if you agree to send the adults and the children, and we will pay reparations as soon as the refugees arrive in San Francisco. We will sign whatever contract you require on that.

The Ulfsark Norselands really doesn't see what the big deal with slaves is. If you defeat a people in battle, shouldn't the losers support the efforts of the winners afterwards? Of course it'd be ridiculous if slavery applied to the children of the conquered peoples, as there must be a new generation, a new clan.

Naturally, the controlling clan will not finance the removal of Norselands citizens from any other nation, nor the extradition of other countries peoples from within its frozen borders.

The Ulfsark Norselands expresses a degree of support for the actions of the Empire of the Setting Sun, as it is important for the current ruler's will to be executed with little hesitation regardless of nation.

Clan Newland contends that slavery is less efficient than acquiring the support of the defeated peoples via a hearts and mind campaign, but admits Clan Ulfsark's policy makes sense assuming it is executed well.

The Ice Clan refuses to speak out against the ruling clan.

The AOZ condemns all nations with slavery.

AOZ's Definition of Slavery:

1. Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work, whether it is forced or voluntary.

2. Communism.

3. Nazism.

4. Fascism.
Sorry. Because the chiildren are legal citizens of the Setting Sun and the state their legal guardian, we legally do not have to send them.
The Kingdom of New Britain agrees to the alliance proposal from the Kingdom of England. May our common history be the foundation upon which we will build a shared future.
USSR residents are free to leave whenever they want. This has already been made cleared. We will not aid in the transfer of residents who do not want to return to the USSR however. Because we have not imposed any restricts on Soviet residents, we will not take any special measures to force them out and will receive the same benefits that other non-Renfarian and Formatic residents receive regardless.

Thank you.

AOZ's Definition of Slavery:

1. Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work, whether it is forced or voluntary.

2. Communism.

3. Nazism.

4. Fascism.

The USSR warns you to take back that statement! Communism has nothing to do with Nazism and Slavery. 20 Million USSR citizens and Soldiers died by Nazi hands in WW2.
AoZ never said socialist in its list, and the Union of Socialist African Republics is socialist, not communist. Ergo, we do not fall under that list.
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