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Muslim Leaders to Pope and others: We worship the same God, how about peace?

You didn't read a word I wrote. How many ME countries are supported by the United States? How many ME countries use American arms? How many ME countries receive American development aid? How many ME countries rely on America as a trading partner? And with China's rise to power, they're going to need to gulp up all the oil they can get, so they started edging in on American hegemony in the Middle East. Slowly, but enough to put up the prospect of America losing hegemony over the region in the near future.

Yes, the United States does, to a certain extent, control the Middle East. Why do you think Islamists hate regimes like Saudi Arabia and Egypt just as much as they do the United States? Don't worry, I'll answer for you: because those nations, among others, are the USA's bum buddies.

Pasi, you are making good points but I'm having trouble:

1. Finding how this is related to the OP about God and religious tolerance?

2. What is so important about this? So the US denies China oil? Isn't that a good thing?
You didn't read a word I wrote. How many ME countries are supported by the United States? How many ME countries use American arms? How many ME countries receive American development aid? How many ME countries rely on America as a trading partner? And with China's rise to power, they're going to need to gulp up all the oil they can get, so they started edging in on American hegemony in the Middle East. Slowly, but enough to put up the prospect of America losing hegemony over the region in the near future.

Yes, the United States does, to a certain extent, control the Middle East. Why do you think Islamists hate regimes like Saudi Arabia and Egypt just as much as they do the United States? Don't worry, I'll answer for you: because those nations, among others, are the USA's bum buddies.

I see now its all Americas fault. It always is isn't it. How many mid-east nations rely on Russian arms and Russian aid and are supported by Russia? Do the the islamic war mongers hate those regimes too? What about the ones who get aid from France? Do they hate those too? Do they only hate the ones who dare to be friendly to America? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with not having a islamic caliphate ruled by islamic tyrant mullahs now could it? No that couldn't possibly it. Its got to Americas fault and its stealing of everyones oil.
Actually i took a college level course!

For some reason I doubt that.

George said:
Actually no they would not cause they would rather eat then go on vactions!

Although both income elasticities are inelastic, it doesn't really matter whether or not the income elasticity for food is lower than the elasticity for gasoline. However, they are both inelastic. You need to drive in order to go to work, or have you forgotten that? They're still necessities, meaning that people spend a larger portion of their income on it the less money they have.

Yup why buy a gas powered car when you can buy a diseal (french-fry) powered car for the same price??

1. Diesel is not made from French fries.
2. Cars can be made to run on grease.
3. This was shown by Mythbusters in which they didn't do any modifications to the car, if I recall correctly.
Maybe it is a "fictitious doubt" on your part.:lol:

Did you ever took his college level course?:rolleyes:

Judging from his general lack of regard for the mechanics of English language and the failure to even communicate in simple and clear vernacular English means that I honestly doubt that he even went to college in the first place, although perhaps he went to a community college and thus could have taken an elementary course in economics. Still, judging from the abysmal quality of his posts and his penchant for trolling, albeit poorly if I and the general consensus may add, either he is a DL, meaning he's a troll for somebody else, or he's just a misguided individual troll in the first place.
For some reason I doubt that.
You can doubt that all you 2105 microeconomics http://academics.colstate.edu/catalogs/2006-2007/courses/econ.htm
Although both income elasticities are inelastic, it doesn't really matter whether or not the income elasticity for food is lower than the elasticity for gasoline. However, they are both inelastic. You need to drive in order to go to work, or have you forgotten that? They're still necessities, meaning that people spend a larger portion of their income on it the less money they have.
Last i checked most places have buses and most big cities have subways or above ground subways. So you don't have to "drive" to work if you want to. (Even if your planning a long trip you have amtrek or greyhound or if you want to spend a little $$ you can travel on an airplane!)

1. Diesel is not made from French fries.
I know but car that run on diesel you can put french fry oil(You know the grease that you cook the french fries in)
2. Cars can be made to run on grease.
Wrong only diesel cars can do that (I dare you to try to do that with a gas car!). Btw did you know that the diesel was first ran on peanut oil?
3. This was shown by Mythbusters in which they didn't do any modifications to the car, if I recall correctly.
Correct that was my point but that only works with diesel. (BTW i wouldn't try putting fry grease by itself in your diesel tank because the solid point is about 32 degrees)
Judging from his general lack of regard for the mechanics of English language and the failure to even communicate in simple and clear vernacular English means that I honestly doubt that he even went to college in the first place, although perhaps he went to a community college and thus could have taken an elementary course in economics.
Interesting assumptions. Speculating is all that you can do?

Quite interesting that you have given us many judgmental points and still can't grasp on which one it is. Maybe your judgment alone is at a question that somehow left you utterly confused?:lol:

Still, judging from the abysmal quality of his posts and his penchant for trolling,
Now. Now. There is no need to ring up the "troll card" accusation against someone just because you are meddling yourself of not knowing what this guy is all about.:rolleyes:

The question should be: Why do I have multiple judgements about a guy that I am somehow arguing with in an internet column when it is me that I should be the one being judge upon?

albeit poorly if I and the general consensus may add,
Yeah. I am kinda curious who are the general consensus besides yourself?:scan:

either he is a DL, meaning he's a troll for somebody else, or he's just a misguided individual troll in the first place.
What make you think that other people don't percieve you as troll? Maybe you are misguiding yourself of not believing yourself as a troll and thinking of others as being trolls?:crazyeye:
This thread reads like a conversation between Shakespeare and an ESL student.

So hmm.. What's wrong with peace anyway?

You're wrong. It's between Shakespeare and two ESL students.
Last i checked most places have buses and most big cities have subways or above ground subways. So you don't have to "drive" to work if you want to. (Even if your planning a long trip you have amtrek or greyhound or if you want to spend a little $$ you can travel on an airplane!)

These aren't always the easiest way to travel sometimes; cars are quicker than buses and are nice when it's cold, and planes and trains cost money. Not all American cities have top of the line public transportation.

George2816 said:
I know but car that run on diesel you can put french fry oil(You know the grease that you cook the french fries in)

Vegetable oil.

George2816 said:
Wrong only diesel cars can do that (I dare you to try to do that with a gas car!). Btw did you know that the diesel was first ran on peanut oil?


George2816 said:
Correct that was my point but that only works with diesel. (BTW i wouldn't try putting fry grease by itself in your diesel tank because the solid point is about 32 degrees)


The question should be: Why do I have multiple judgements about a guy that I am somehow arguing with in an internet column when it is me that I should be the one being judge upon?

Death to USA!!!
~ Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God and "love the one God"?

~ Is this what Muslim leaders should be doing?

It's also what Christian leaders should have been doing. I wonder why they chose not to include Judaism in this, though? At face value, Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity, though all three are remarkably interwined.

~ How should the Pope respond?

I think he should concur, but also include the leadership from the Protestant and non-Denomonational churches when answering, and promote it as the voice of all Christiandom, rather that the voice of the Roman Catholic Church.

As a side note, I'm greatly pleased - and relieved - to see that there are people who are willing to act wisely and maturely about this. People too often focus on the differences between us, when there is so much more to be gained by finding the many similiarities we share.

1. Diesel is not made from French fries.
2. Cars can be made to run on grease.
3. This was shown by Mythbusters in which they didn't do any modifications to the car, if I recall correctly.

He's actually correct on the first count, Diesel built his famous engines to run on peanut oil; through very little modification (mostly filtering) you could run a diesel engine on any oil, even used oil from a fryer.
He's actually correct on the first count, Diesel built his famous engines to run on peanut oil; through very little modification (mostly filtering) you could run a diesel engine on any oil, even used oil from a fryer.

I'll concede that first point. I knew that diesel could be used to run cars, since I saw it on Mythbusters; I didn't catch the fact that it was a diesel car.
These aren't always the easiest way to travel sometimes; cars are quicker than buses and are nice when it's cold, and planes and trains cost money. Not all American cities have top of the line public transportation.

Even in a city with top of the line public transportation, a week's ban on private cars will be enough to kill the entire system. You will see buses being filled twice as full as the London Tube at 8:30 (if you know what that means), and taking four times as much as usual to get to anywhere downtown.

And cooking oil replacing petroleum? My goodness. Do these people have any idea about how much crude oil and how much vegetable oil we produce in a year? (1 ton ~= 8-9 barrels) The only reason that they cost about the same is that we use much less cooking oil than fuel. I wouldn't be surprised if I'd have to pay $100 for a litre of sunflower oil if tomorrow we'd all have to start burning vegetable oil in our cars.
~ Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God and "love the one God"?
Not at all. It is idiotic to believe that. A simple reading of each religions Holy texts shows major differences in the personas of their God. To say otherwise is intellectually dishonest.

~ Is this what Muslim leaders should be doing?
If they really care for peace they should try to convince their followers that not everyone with a different opinion from them should die.

~ How should the Pope respond
By laughing in their face. But I believe what he should do and what he will do are two different animals.
Not at all. It is idiotic to believe that. A simple reading of each religions Holy texts shows major differences in the personas of their God.

No, it shows a few differences between different peoples' understanding of God. Since you've read the three books in question, I'm sure you'll recall that Mohammed specifically stated that his revelations came from the same God of the Jews and the Christians. As for the Jewish-to-Christian relationship, I hope everyone knows that Jesus and his Apostles were all Jews.

To say otherwise is intellectually dishonest.

To say otherwise is remarkably closed-minded.

If they really care for peace they should try to convince their followers that not everyone with a different opinion from them should die.

This is just as true of non-Muslims as it is Muslims.

By laughing in their face. But I believe what he should do and what he will do are two different animals.

Cooperation is a two-way street.
I find it a bit strange that they are adressing the pope.
How many divisions does the pope have ? How much influence does he have on world politics.
This is purely symbolic and won't change anything.
The conflict is not between Christianity and Islam, it is between islamic fundamentalism and western secularism.
And here I as thinking the conflict was between extremely authoritarian and hostile religious people and extremely authoritarian and hostile religious people.
Too bad it is considered unpatriotic in America to set an example of peaceful living. I love the people on the opening page of the thread patting each other on the butt for the "Fine. Now, they should convince their own followers" witty comment.

These are the same people that are in support of continued fighting in the Middle East. :lol: Priceless.
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