
Yoda Power

Sep 24, 2002
Here is a satirical show produced by Danish television.

The show is in German and subtitled in Danish, so I'll give a brief summary of the clip.
Spoiler Summary :

The four Nazitübbies are Himmler, Goebbles, Goering and Hess. They are based on the Teletubbies television show for small kids. The sun is Hitler.

In this episode one of the Nazitübbies finds some nazi gold, but since survival of the fittest rules, they start to fight over it. A point is being made that only ONE person can hold all the gold, as an obvious reference to totalitarism.

In the end of the show one of the Nazitübbies show an autenthic Nazi propaganda movie on his belly.

So what are your thoughts about this? I can't figure out if I think it's funny or a bit over the line. Secondly, how would this be viewed in Germany? Does the strict anti-Nazi laws prevent it?
What in the heck? And I thought one had to be stoned just to make the original Teletubbies.

And if it's produced by Danish TV, I suppose Germany could just block it, if it can be viewed in Germany.
Germany won't like it. Who would like someone making fun of their country, anyways?
The question was not how Germany praticaly can block it, but more hypothetically, what if a German tv-station wanted to air the show?

Germany won't like it. Who would like someone making fun of their country, anyways?

Meh... That happens all the time. Can you tell me of one comedian who doesn't make fun of some country? (may be his own)
Well if it brushes up with the law, I don't think they could. But how restrictive is the law? Does it extend to insanely weird satire?
Meh... That happens all the time. Can you tell me of one comedian who doesn't make fun of some country? (may be his own)
I don't mind making fun of my own country or an American making fun of their own country.

I just don't want someone NOT from my country making fun of MY country. :p
Which one is gay? I say Goering.
Pretty boring, but that might have to do with the fact that I speak neither german nor danish.
Masquerouge said:
I'm not sure it would be blocked by the law in Germany as this is not propaganda.
As I understand, ANY reference to Nazi Germany (aside from education) is outlawed. A funny idea, if a little frightening, but I don't think Germany would allow it.
That seems a bit extreme though?

I thought there were more Germans on this forum, why have none come and answered my question. :/
Germany won't like it. Who would like someone making fun of their country, anyways?

Umm, who's making fun of Germany? They're obviously making fun of Nazism, which is something completely different. If you made fun of the Czech Commies, I'd gladly join you :)
So what are your thoughts about this? I can't figure out if I think it's funny or a bit over the line. Secondly, how would this be viewed in Germany? Does the strict anti-Nazi laws prevent it?

I think it is OK. As long as they make fun of Nazis without asserting they're good or something, I don't think there should be a problem.

I hate Teletubbies anyway, the original version is what should be banned ;)
As I understand, ANY reference to Nazi Germany (aside from education) is outlawed. A funny idea, if a little frightening, but I don't think Germany would allow it.
And yet the comedian Dany Levy just made a hit comedy which is one long Hitler-spoof, in Germany.
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