NDipNES: A Broken Dream

New maps with abbreviations are now up.
Fall 2063

It had been in the air for quite some time, but now there was no turning back, no chance for last minute surprises. Of the eight coutries and coalitions that set out to conquer northern and central America, two would forever be lost to history. Six remain, and stakes are higher.

General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 03-sep-2007 at 13:59:16 CEST

Order Results:

California: A ari Supports A lan
California: F haw Holds
California: A ill Holds
California: A lan Supports A ari
California: A nev -> uta
California: F ore Holds
California: A uta -> col

Canada: A bco -> alb
Canada: F ler -> ohi
Canada: A mic Supports F ler -> ohi
Canada: A min Holds
Canada: A mon Holds
Canada: A neb -> kan
Canada: A ont -> tor
Canada: F was Holds
Canada: A wis Holds

Cuba: F ala -> egm
Cuba: F egm -> wca
Cuba: A lou Supports A neb -> kan
Cuba: F pan Holds
Cuba: F tam Holds

No order for unit at Ohio. Hold order assigned.

Lakelands: A ohi Holds Dislodged from ler (2 against 1).

Mexico: A dal Holds
Mexico: F gud Holds
Mexico: A hou Supports A dal
Mexico: A mot -> nme
Mexico: F wgm Holds

Quebec: F eac Supports F mat
Quebec: F mas -> nyo/sc
Quebec: F mat Supports A vir Support cut by Move from Bahamas.
Quebec: A nyo -> pit
Quebec: A phi Supports A nyo -> pit
Quebec: A vir Holds Dislodged from car (2 against 1).

No order for unit at Kansas. Hold order assigned.

Texas: A kan Holds Dislodged from neb (2 against 1).

USECA: F bah -> mat Bounced with mat (1 against 2).
USECA: A car -> vir
USECA: W pit Supports A wdc Support cut by Move from New York. Dislodged from nyo (2 against 1).
USECA: A wdc Supports A car -> vir

Fall 2063 movement:
Spoiler :

Fall 2063 retreats situation:
Spoiler :

Quebec army in Virginia (vir) can retreat to Tennessee (ten).
USECA wing in Pittsburgh (pit) can retreat to Lake Erie (ler).

Next orders: Retreat orders due Tuesday 4th, 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST, 12:00 PST)

... but if I can have them within the next 6 hours or so I can get the next update up tonight as well. The choice is whether you want to retreat, or if you'd rather disband the unit to get an extra build instead.
Iggy...isnt here.
Fall 2063 retreats

As winter settled once more on the torn continent, it was with a mixed sense of fulfillment and foreboding. The first objective had been cleared for all remaining factions - to survive the initial onslaught and grow strong. But now the weak have fallen, the culling is done. Who wil be the next to fall? USECA's position seems the most precarious at this point, but it takes very little to turn the tides...

General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 04-sep-2007 at 11:48:50 CEST

Order Results:


Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.

Lakelands: A ohi Disbands

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.

Quebec: A vir -> ten

Texas: A kan Disbands

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.

USECA: W pit Disbands

Fall 2063 retreats:
Spoiler :

Winter 2063 situation:
Spoiler :

  • Canada: 2
  • Cuba: 1
  • Mexico: 1
  • USECA: 1

Next orders: Build orders due Thursday 6th, 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST, 12:00 PST)
I was wondering if a NESer would like to be my 'second'.

Due to my current scholastic situation, my connection to the internet is tenuous. I may be unable to get in orders on time. Do you think that, if I give warning, others may send in orders for me temporarily, if needed?
I would be happy to if you gave me some sort od prior heads up either by PM or in better yet both in the thread and PM. I would hope you would send me your political situation as well so I dont break any alliances or whatnot (unless you want me to in your note).
b a ont
b a man
Winter 2063

As Canada continues to consolidate its position as the primary faction on the North American war scene, they may be starting to run out of easy targets. But being almost twice as powerful as any other faction, they probably can afford to go for less easy targets as well.

General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 06-sep-2007 at 18:44:24 CEST

Order Results:


Canada: Builds A man
Canada: Builds A ont

Cuba: Builds W cub

Lakelands no longer controls any supply centers, and has been

Mexico: Builds A mex


Texas no longer controls any supply centers, and has been eliminated.

USECA: Builds F car

Winter 2063 builds:
Spoiler :

Spring 2064 situation:
Spoiler :

Next orders: Orders due Sunday 9th, 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST, 12:00 PST)
Fixed, thanks.
Sent. I'm probably going down, I forgot he could retreat to ten.

I think I did good for someone who picked the Austria-Hungary of this scenario, though.
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