NDipNES: A Broken Dream

I sent orders in right after the reminder. >_> <_<

I thought I had sent in orders, but I guess not. D:
Spring 2064

With old enemies gone, new enemies are born, for status quo is not something that anyone is interested in. The former peace in Central America seems shattered, and the uneasy truce between Canada and California seems to be breaking as well. Meanwhile Quebec is hammering down the stalwart USECA defenders, victory seems inevitable. But alliances may shift, and what seemed certain at one point may never come to pass...

General Notices:
All dislodged units destroyed; advancing to next phase. Order resolution completed on 10-sep-2007 at 12:25:22 CEST

Order Results:

California: A ari Supports A lan
California: A col -> neb
California: F haw Holds
California: A ill Supports A col -> neb
California: A lan Supports A ari
California: F ore Holds
California: A uta -> col

Canada: A alb Holds
Canada: A kan Holds
Canada: A man Holds
Canada: A mic -> ohi
Canada: A min -> wis
Canada: A mon -> neb
Bounced with col (1 against 1).
Canada: F ohi -> ler
Canada: A ont Holds
Canada: A tor Holds
Canada: F was Holds
Canada: A wis -> mic

Cuba: W cub Holds
Cuba: F egm -> pue/nc
Bounced with mex (1 against 1).
Cuba: A lou -> ala
Cuba: F pan -> gpa
Cuba: F tam -> egm
Failed because Cuba: F egm -> pue/nc failed.
Cuba: F wca -> gua/nc

Mexico: A dal Supports A nme
Mexico: F gud Holds
Mexico: A hou Supports A dal
Mexico: A mex -> pue
Mexico: A nme Supports A hou
Mexico: F wgm Supports A mex -> pue

Quebec: F eac Supports F mat
Quebec: F mat Supports A ten -> vir
Support cut by Move from Bahamas.
Quebec: F nyo/sc -> phi
Quebec: A phi -> wdc
Quebec: A pit Supports A phi -> wdc
Quebec: A ten -> vir
Bounced with vir (1 against 1).

The Army in Washington D.C. cannot retreat; unit destroyed.

USECA: F bah -> mat
Bounced with mat (2 against 2).
USECA: F car Supports F bah -> mat
USECA: A vir Supports A wdc
Support cut by Move from Tennessee.
USECA: A wdc Supports A vir
Support cut by Move from Philadelphia. Dislodged from phi (2 against 1).

Spring 2064 movement:
Spoiler :

All dislodged units destroyed, no retreats.

Fall 2064 situation:
Spoiler :

Next orders: Move orders due Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th, 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST, 12:00 PST)
What the hell Cuba??? We agreed on a peace deal, and then you do this...

Shadowbound... want some extra land to your south?
I don't see any messages in my PM box that indicate we have any sort of arrangement.
I don't see any messages in my PM box that indicate we have any sort of arrangement.

Uh, how about the beginning of the game? When we made an agreement concerning Texas?
I am not the same person who was playing Cuba at the start of the game.
Well, maybe you should have checked your diplomatic deals then, before you made orders...

Niklas: I can't get orders in by the deadline, due to diplomacy I have to get done.
I'm not going to be held responsible for any agreements in place before my administration came into power. In short, don't assume anything - make sure.
I'm not going to be held responsible for any agreements in place before my administration came into power. In short, don't assume anything - make sure.

BTW, please check your PMs... diplomacy awaits.
Very well, I'll extend the deadline by 24 hours to Thursday. I have 2/6 ordersets so far, with 33 hours to (the new) deadline.
Yes, I do.
Still missing me some Mexican, Californian and USECA orders. :trouble:
I'm dead anyway. I'm going to pull a Foozicaba, or whatevah you people call it.
OOC: no. dont. you have a shot at life. trust me. (I survived as ENGLAND. Jeez. ENGLAND.)
Shadowbound, you send orders until you're dead, that's the way it works. Pull out now and you won't be welcome back, ever. And your chances of surviving certainly aren't zero.
@j_eps- I seriously hope that was OOC. :)

@Shadowbound- Seriously don't man, it's never worth pulling a Foozicaba.
Based on my knoewledge of game geopolitiks, I can tell you that he has a shot somewhere or another. by it was OOC:.

But it would take either a betrayal from Canada against me, or some majour help from the Cubans, who are somewhat distracted with Mexico right now.
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