NDNESV: Another God One

to all those gods who wish to make deals with Sy:
All gods that wish to gain influence near my citadel must allow my precious roots to grow in their lands as the roots please. No wrong will come from this for my roots bring the energy of The Sy to all living beings no matter who they worship.
My idea currently is to remain neutral among the known gods and the unknown ones. I wish not to join any group of gods or any godly war that may soon arrive at our world. So please feel free to my realm as long as the roots of The Sy are free to yours.

ooc: I'll soon write about the difference between Sy the being the The Sy which is something else that made Sy the beings. I may start calling The Sy Psi to battle confusion.
The God of Justice has other matters to attend to. However, please ensure that no mortals are killed, wounded, transfigured, set on fire, or disturbed in any other way during the course of your debauchery.

What if they wish to be killed, wounded, transfigured, set on fire or disturbed? Alcohol makes people do crazy things. ;)
*Seret raises a massive mug*

Ah what fun, I will be there. Hmmm.... Perhaps I could head that way with Eian when he passes through my lands.
The Hunter was by far the quickest form, able to leap from tree to tree. The dryads moved their branches for her, to make each jump that little easier. She was checking the boundaries of her land, or what she had created in the Beginning, for people to live on. In her more contemplative moments as the Mother or Elder, she often wondered why she had done this. She had come to the conclusion it was the same reason the bee collects honey or the wolf hunts. Gods were simply made to create.

Brenna was now travelling south-east. She had just checked the most north-easterly border of her realm, and had not liked what she had found. It wasn't evil - she had no concept of evil - but it certainly was...chaotic. She had not left her trees, but saw the volcanoes and felt the tainted air on her face. She wondered what would have happened if the Child walked through that land.

While she was travelling, she wondered about a premonition that she had had some time ago. Something about travelling to some land far to the west, for a party. Brenna decided not to go. The mortals in her land tended to somehow be stupid and smart at the same time, and needed caring for.

She reached the other edge of the forest in little time. For was this not her land? What she saw was the opposite of what she had seen on the other border. This was an ordered place, a place that was not grown. It had been planned.

Subconsciously the Hunter faded into the Elder. This allowed her to think. A nearby dryad shaped itself into a chair for its goddess with its branches. On one side was chaos...and the other, order. Was life the result of order and chaos coming so close? It was an interesting thought. Another interesting thought was the idea of walking as the Child in that large city. Nobody, save the god that ruled it, would notice a little girl, even if flowers grew as she walked. Flowers couldn't possibly grow at the feet of a girl, so they. Mortals had a fascinating ability of not paying attention and seeing what was really there.

But her time for thinking grew short. The dryads were crying out. Brenna allowed her mortals to cut down wood, as long as they didn't attack the dryads. It wasn't hard - the dryads were the trees that moved when you weren't looking. The Hunter or Mother would have to scare them off.

One day she would have to come up with a good curse for her transgressors. She new it would involve the word 'centipede', but she was not yet powerful enough to create it.

To the One who lives in the Great City
From Brenna

I hope your dreams of bringing order to the world to not stretch to the forest. Do not take this as a threat, but I fear there are things sleeping in the forest that were here before I was. I also hope our proximity do not provoke hostilities.

OOC: What do we send in as orders? Or does everything come entirely from stories?
Is alcohol any good at drowning the sorrows of the world? Can marinating yourself in spirits possibly hold back despair even a single day? If so then yes, I will attend. <signed with a dot surrounded by a circle>
Eian is there in spirit. He's just waiting for his body to catch up.

Also, all you boring people who told me not to mess with your realms: I can and will.
So Eian, what say you to my offer of us heading to this party together? Think of the fun we could cause together along the way.
To: Brenna
From: Old Man Athu

I hope you and the things of your forest are not offended by the presence of my cabin, by the way. I am happy to earn my keep, for within me is the knowledge to heal all things, not just sapient species. You are the Goddess of Life, you know what must be done to make acorns grow into mighty oaks or what a herd needs to thrive and grow, but you do not know how to stop blights that rage through the forest, destroying life. I could teach you how to stop such things, when they threaten the natural balance, in return for my lodgings.

To: Allas Athaniel, Altru
From: Old Man Athu

I will set up gardens and lodgings in your realms, if you still wish for them. I will divide my time into four equal parts: walking the earth in spring to aid and ease mortal suffering; marching with the armies of justice in the summer to help their causes; tending those who come to the realm of Altu in the autumn and finally returning to my forest abode in the winter to ensure my house and gardens are in order and to prepare for the next year. Is this agreeable?

To: Any and all vandals
From: Old Man Athu

I am old, thus I am allowed to be grouchy and overprotective of my property, I am also a god of doctors as well as the body and the mind. Doctors can cause extreme pain and death, as well as relief and healing, especially when they can crawl inside your head and play ping-pong with your internal organs. While I cannot kill you, I am far too weak and I have sworn an oath never to kill except in self-defence, I doubt it will be enjoyable. Consider this a friendly warning to interpret as you will.
To: Allas Athaniel, Altru
From: Old Man Athu

I will set up gardens and lodgings in your realms, if you still wish for them. I will divide my time into four equal parts: walking the earth in spring to aid and ease mortal suffering; marching with the armies of justice in the summer to help their causes; tending those who come to the realm of Altu in the autumn and finally returning to my forest abode in the winter to ensure my house and gardens are in order and to prepare for the next year. Is this agreeable?

This is excellent, we shall await your arrival.
Alright, for orders basically you can do anything you wish that isn't prohibited in the rules. (obviously) Your strength gives you a rough estimate of how much you can do at once without possibly draining yourself or having other unseen consequences. For instance, all of you have a strength rating of Pathetic because everyone is a little tired from, you know, forcing themselves into existence. Every god could probably do about 2 major things perfectly safe if they wanted to, or do a handful of smaller things. You could try to overexert yourself, but obviously that will have consequences.

So basically, tell me in your orders what you want to do. Your stats serve as a basic guideline for how many things you can do. Stories will also be considered when righting the update as well.
So why is Bhaelros God of war now?
Thanks Ninja

to Winoceros
from Bhaelros

The Lord of destruction shall attend, this better not be a sausage fest
To: Winoceros
From: Altru

I, and some of my closest followers would like to attend your event, so that afterwords we may clean up after the destavation of a party that large. We may or may not choose to partake in the actual festivities.
@ NinjaDude: Can you update the map on the first page?

To: Winoceros
From: Evredu

When you first proposed this party I had to ask myself whether or not your alcohol was an assault on the senses and by extension in bad taste if it were so. Though I have never tried alcohol myself out of fear of dulling my observatory capabilities, I think I shall attend in this case and try it out for myself. It is almost always worth experiencing something new so you may count on my attendance.
OOC: Karalysia told me to post this for him.
Karalysia said:
To Allas Athaniel
From Xatuar

Tick tock, tick tock. I hear a ****oo clock. Clock strikes one now its come. The monster with one thousand faces.

To Winoceros
From Xatuar

The dark lady approaches at midnight, what is that she bears? But a bundle of joy in the form of a baby which devour we shall with the utmost haste.
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