NES (Never-Ending Story)

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From: British Prime Minister Sanford
To: King Benevolenza
Subj: South American Expansion

You have multiple small colonies in South America. I have been studying this region and wonder as to what your expansion plans are there. If you are planning anything, I ask that you do not expand beyond the western mountain range, as British Expansion is planned there.

In your reply, please give as much detail as you are comfortable revealing as to the size of your colonisation effort, and the direction of it.

Yours Cordially
Re-elected Prime Minister Sanford

NOTE: British Settlers also sailed with the Germans, and the City of Santiago, and the nearby small port of Valparaiso have now been established.
From: His Imperial Majesty King Righello Benevolenza X
To: Prime Minister Sandord
Subj: Re: South American Expansion

What Western Mountains are you referring to? My knowledge in the area is rather sketchy and the only Mountains to the West that I know of are the Andes and you can't go much further West than that.

At any rate, the Mountains don't matter. Roman colonists are heading to the Northwest in Rafts through the rivers into the Amazon basin and the natives are quite friendly according to reports from the settlers. We'll mostly be setting up trading posts for whatever resources (hopefully rubber) we find there, but some permanent sentlement will definitely take place along the riverbanks and may spread out from there.

We have reported that in the last month over 20 new fishing, gold mining, and rubber camps were set up in an area about 300 sq. miles Northwest of our current colonies.

Happy Hunting,
King Righello.
Prime Minister Sanford looked at the projected reports for the next few years. The territorial one was most interesting. His Advisors had Predicted a colony in Papua New Guinea, a large strip of land in Chile, complete control of Australia, and the islands of New Zealand. Also, the map showed huge gains for the Nations involved in the war on China. The World is changing so very quickly in these ultra-modern times, he mused.

This was the map provided. It shows the predicted borders in 1853.


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An unexpected communique...

Kaiser Wilhelm was lining up his putt on the 10th green at his private golf course in the Black Forest, when he was interrputed by Elmo. He had been addicted to the game ever since his friend Sanford had introduced it to him during a visit to Scotland some years ago.

Elmo knew better than to interrupt the King during his "quiet time" but this was a matter of urgency. A message had been received by his diplomats in Rome from the new King.

Wilhelm had known Benevolenza the Ninth quite well, and had little to say that was good about him. He still held him responsible for the formation of the Toulon Pact that divided Europe and seemed so threatening even today.

The message held promise, as it seemed the new King was being much more pragmatic. But, Wilhelm had some reservations. Given the knowledge of Alexander's treachery in the Crimea, could this be another ploy?

He carefully crafted his response

To: King Benevolenza X
Subj: Diplomatic Relations

Hail friend!

Germany welcomes your accension to the throne. I am cautiously hopeful that your reasonable approach to global politics will help to defuse the current situation in Europe.

Germany, and her allies in the Trinity Alliance have no designs on European domination. We have merely banded together in defense from our overtly and covertly aggressive neighbors.

Should you be willing to denounce aggression, and join the ranks of those who believe in peaceful industrialization of Europe, then I would welcome full diplomatic relations with Rome, and encourage my partners to do the same. The benefits of trade to Rome could be quite lucerative, and as sign of friendship, I would be willing to forgo the usual tarrifs on pure Sweedish iron ore, something you might be in need of.

Further, we both have presence in South America, with the Americans between us. Good communications now will ensure that we are not drawn into needless blood shed over far flung possessions.

Best Regards

To: Prime Minister Sanford and Tsar Romanov
Subj: Communique from Rome

Hail dear friends,

I have been contacted by the new king in Rome, King Benevolenza X. He is indicating a desire to open normal relations with myself the Trinity Alliance.

I feel that if we can nurture a productive relationship here that we could seriously impede the ability of the Toulon Pact to threaten all of us.

I, as always, welcome your involvement.

President Washington finally stepped off of hs transport to American soil, taking the deep fresh air in for a long moment, then letting it dwindle out. While he was gone, his D.A. had established the first democracy in Northern America. On his was home, Washington thought about the forgtten north.
"John, I have some new ideas about the expansion of our glorius empires," Washington spoke to his MA, after relaxing in his oval office in Washington. "Norhtern what-the-natives-call Canada is still up for grabs, and I have word that it is all mostly of mountains, mountains that America could use due to the old Apalachian's won't help us forever. Establish colonies, just for testing for now, as far inland as you can go. This also proves beneficial to our position against the Iroquios, in case the decide the Norther Alliance dosent do well for them. And wait, I havn't forgotten my southern people. Claim half of the mountain range horzontally, so that we may benifet from the recourses. Also, began recruiting colonists for a colonial army, if need arises. One last thing, begen the building of our superior Navy, that of which there will be no ending too. You may go now." After John's note taking was finished, he went to exile.

To: Prime Minister Sanford
Sbj: S. American Colonization

Hail ole' fellow! I have decided to aquire half of the 'Ural' mountain range horizontally. You may have the other half, closest to the sea. Parden me for this, I would so dearly love to grant you the whole range, but you see, the American economy is in desperate need of mountain recourses, coal and iron to speak for most. I hope you will come into this agreenment peacefully. Your Allie-if-needed, Washington

To: Kaiser Wilhelm
Sbj: Colonies

Hail Germany's most valiant leader! I have not any word of our contactings yet, as I have been away from my nation, but I know now! I am delighted to see you in south America. My borders expand no moare the the urals, and no more south, though i am working on Northern inland. Feel free to allow your citizens roaming abilities through out my colonies (no, mind you, any military). I hope this can be a great expierience for the both of us, your colonial friend, Washington.
To Rome:
Welcome Freind, I, an Underdog myself, would like to extend warmest greetings. I hope that you find the game enjoyable and i hope that i can assist you in any way you need.
Top Secret Part
Our Moves in the Middle east can be helpful to You as well my freind. I expect an Egyptian Response should i (unlikely scenario!) Declare war on Babylon and you may, if you want to help, grab some of their land. just a suggestion. also when oil becomes of the essenci i would be glad to grant you special trading privliges.

To The World
As of My recent war with China I have ended support of My fellow Muslims throughout the world as it seems none are being opressed at the current time.

To Greece :
Top Secret
I understand that you too have plans pertaining to the Middle east. i would be willing to split up babylonian lands, offering you all land north of Their Border With Egypt although including the northernmost section of that border. All of this should you help in the... uhhhh ... unlikely .... case of a war between myself and Babylon. You may do as you please with Egypt, i have no interest in it and it has an MPP with Babylon. There is plenty of a certain Black oily substance in the land=s you could take, my scientists tell me it could be Important.

To the World
Me, have plans for the area around the Black sea... haha i laugh at the outrageous claims. never would i do such a thing.

To India
Top Secret
i do not expecct my asian allies to assist in any war in the middle east which could possibly, although it is Highly Unlikely, be caused by my own agression. To join in such an improbable conflict would be you're choice alone.

To Russia
It seems that you have been needlessly agressive towards my nation as of late, i helped you in China, My troops stayeed out of Mongolia. I would hate to see you perform acts of agression because of some perceived threat, I support no rebels anymore, i never supported rebels in your nation your baseless accusations wound the reputation of my nation and yours. i reach out the hand of freindship :goodjob:

To America:
I wish to open up freindly talks between our two nations. I offer, for a price, fine Persian Dyes. I also have decided to create a more democratic state in Persia, much like you have in America.

To Japan:
Persia Wishes to thank you for helping update her technology level to Early Industrial Ages. and for your assistance with her fleet. I mean no threat by my Colinization and would hate for you to perceive me as a threat.

To Free Southern China:
Best of Luck to you! I would like to Offer a MPP thus sealing a South Asian League.
Top Secret Part
i do not expecct my asian allies to assist in any war in the middle east which could possibly, although it is Highly Unlikely, be caused by my own agression. to join in it or nois you'r choice and not part of the MPP.

To Zululand:
Top Secret:
I would like for you to consider Action against Egypt should an Unfortuitous chain of Events lead to a War between Myself and her ally babylon.

To Germany:
I see that you too have a Major Industrial Revolution in your nation. Good Luck. I would Like to open up freindly talks between our two nations.

To The Iriqouis:
Freindly talks? How about it?

Persia Speeds up Colonization of New Guinea before the Brits and Japanese can get anymore, she also now claims the Solomon Islands and offers them once more as Refuling ports. Her mighty fleet of 7 Ironclads, 5 Frigates, and 3 Galleons is involved in said Colinization. daedlus went off to examine a map of the Pacific.

Persia offers special trade status to India and a small loan(all i could afford) to the new democratic state in China.

In an act of great outreach to the world the Persian Great King stepped down from his throne to create a democracy in his Empire, a tribute to his skill as a leader he was elected president almost unanimously, The Senate of Persia is split evenly (it contains 2 senators from each satrapei (sp.?) ) between Shi'ite and Sunni political groups, the Shi'ites demanding war and a return to assisting Muslim Rebels while the sunnnis wish for peace. The President is a member of neither party.

Persia Begins Construction of "The Great Railway" to Bring together the Empire from the Chinese lands to The Babylonian *cough*front Border.

Do you plan to Update the Front page? right now i guess is hould read as this:

Government: Democracy
Ruler: Daedlus (SKILORD)
Military Strenght: Medium land army, Small navy.
Tech. Level: Early Industurial.
In War With: China
Mutual Protection Pact: With India Maybe Shanghi(Hopeful South Asian League).
Note: Has Evil Conquest plans pertaining to Arabian Penninsula (secretly, but only to those who do not condone such action). NO LONGER SPONSORING ANY REBELS!
Dispatch to Daedlus
Crimean Rebles

Exhaulted leader.

We are currently crushing a minor rebel faction in the Crimea. It has come to our attention that Greece and/or Persia may be funding and supplying these people. We will not reveal our sources but will inform you that so far our investigations and questioning of captured rebels has proven no direct, or indirect, involvement by Persia.

We understand that some intelligence services sometimes conduct black operations, without thir own leaders knowledge. We ask a favor of you, please investigate your intelligence bureau for any roque operations. We have no desire for hostilities between our two nations.

Please inform your Greek ally that Russia will tolorate no meddleing in our internal affairs.

Regarding the China situation. We appreciate your efforts in liberating the troubled peoples of China. Our conflict with China is coming to a close, but should you need any logistical support in your efforts in liberate the masses, Russia would be open to some dialoque.

Alekzandr Romanov
Tsar of all the Russians.
Dispatch to King Benevolenza X
Subj: Diplomatic Relations

You highness:

Russia is willing to cement a lasting peace in Europe, thus the reason why we signed our agreement with Germany and England. We are willing to meet to discuss the opening of trade between our two nations. Russia is rich in many things, but lacking in others.

Please visit the Palace in St. Petersburg after you complete your talks with Kaiser Whilhem.

Alekzandr Romanov
Tsar of all the Russians
The Shogun was back! But what a foolish time to fall ill.

The world had moved on fast without him, and he was watching his plans for the world be changed by the actions of others. Although he now had the most powerful navy in the Pacific, and controlled nigh on every island in the Micronesian, Melanesian and Polynesian island groups, save the Solomon islands, he found himself unable to expand inland and establish the colonies he wished to establish in South America. The English would not be pleased if he tried anything, so he decided to lay off.

He had however, sent troops to Canada. Directly north of the Iroqouis border, in a wonderfully sheltered bay behind an island the natives called Vancouver island, he set up his first trading port, and named it after the sheltering island. He had also established several more up along the coast to just south of A river now as the "Stikine". His explorers had also stretched inland, establishing colonies all through the Canadian Rockies and near some lakes in an area known as the Great Plains. Beyond that, it was Iroqouis land, and it had become the Japanese policy to step on as few toes as possible.

Meanwhile, the settlers on New Guinea had been working hard. All areas of the island, save the initial Persian and English colonies, now belonged in name to Japan, and the northern coast in particular was now heavily settled.

He was now ready to leave the path of the warrior that had been his nation's lot for so many generations. With the war in China successfully concluded, save for the small problem of Yunnan, his efforts could again be focused on building the trade routes he desired so much.

Dispatches were sent.

Dispatch to all nations with borders on the Pacific. (Russia, Australia/Chile, Iroqouis, India)

I, shogun Nintendo of the humble nation of Japan, have a request to make of you. As you are probably well aware, Japan controls the Pacific, and we are the ones guarding the trade routes that allow your nation's traders to cross the great sea unmolested by the Malay Pirates and other Brigands that until recently were such a scourge. Now, however, we see the increasing need for ports in which our ships can stock up and resupply, in addition to being Japanese ports of trade around the area. Therefore, we request humbly that we may be allowed one such "Free Port" in each of your territories (Chile, California, Australia, Indonesia, Alaska). You see, of course, the strategic potential of us having such ports in your areas. It would be terribly hard for us to conceal any buildup of military power in preparation for a hostile offensive on your holdings, in addition to the fact that should we go to war, easily-siezed Japanese towns would be within your reach. Finally, I might add, you will of course be compensated, and the traders of each nation that agrees to allow us one such port will be treated extra well by our navies.

I hope you may find it in your hearts to make fair offers, and that all of you may deliver positive replies.
From: Prime Minister Sanford
To: President Washington
Subj: South American Land claims.

Should you wish to claim the easter half of the Andes mountains, Britain has no objections, as long as you don't incurr into German Territory.

Britain has no plans for anything east, as while communications with Australian colonies are simple and efficient on the west side, over in the east, communications would require costly mountain cables, that would be expensive to lay down.

From: Prime Minister Sanford
To: All Nations with land in South America
Subj: Land Division

I believe that to prevent any fighting over colonies in South America, that we should pre divide the land for expansion. I have sent each of you a letter containing a map. Please give your reply to the Land Division Act of 1851.


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From: Prime Minister Sanford
To: Shogun Sony Nintendo
Subj: Free Ports

We will accept your proposal on the condition that no military ships come within our borders. When it comes to Pirate defence vessels, transports, and particularly Merchant and Trade ships, all of Britain's ports in Australia and Chile are open to you and any other Nation.
To Prime Minister Stanford
Subject: Ports in British holdings on Pacific coast

Well, strictly speaking, my navy is to a large extent the Pirate defense force. That is why I was wondering if we could lease a port from you for a set period, say 101 years;)
You would, naturally, be granted full insight in the comings and goings of Japanese ships, and the support of any Japanese naval vessels currently in your ports should you be attacked by a foreign force.

Many greetings and wishes of good luck on you and your house

Shogun Sony Nintendo,
Lord of Japan
The Unlikely has happened! (big surprise huh?) Persia has declared war on Babylon for their refusal to join in a unified Muslim state. Blitzkreg followed with Persian Cavalry and Riflemen marching through babylonian lands, crushing the opposition, The Siani penninsula has been heavily fortified and is surrounded by Persian Ironclads. However news of an Egyptian "Destroyer" named The Nile Queen moving up towards the Persian stronghold disheartens the troops. The Entire conquest was greatly assisted by the Persian "Redemption" gun, which is being demonstrated to other nations under the name: gatling. the Fortified troops in the Siani penninsula, which Persia plans to make a free state upon Egypt's surrender, along with any other part of Egypt that it captures, which is unlikely. All of the land offered to Greece, except for a small outlet to the Medditeranean is going to form a nation known as turkey, which has a small fleet and army and has signed a MPP and ROP with persia.

The Ironclads had dismantled the Babylonian Arabian Fleet, Egypt was another matter entirely. The Single destroyer in the fleet was steaming towards Sianiland (the name of the future free state, unless i get to the nile, which i doubt.) The Ironclads shot their cannons at it, maybe ny sheer force of numbers they could sink it. They didn't, the Nile queen ran over what remained of the ships after the battle on it's way to Siani.

On a Private Note: Whoopie i have a puppet state now! and oil, lots and lots of oil! :lol: :p lol j/k i hope i can stopp the Egyptian Advance, Rome: the offer is still there ;) think of theat beautiful S. American Land. Greece, you ran outta time sorry.

Add Turkey to the list and take down Babylon, there's nothing left of 'em. I'd like to discuss peace with Egypt as soonas either it has a leader or it seems feasable.
To: Prime Minister Sanford, King Benevolenza X, President Washington, Leaders of the French and Aztec People

Germany fully endorses the Land Division Act of 1851, and hopes that everyone will quickly ratify this important agreement.

Kaiser Wilhelm

To: Prime Minister Sanford
Subj: Defense and Trade

Hail old friend!

The Graf Spee battlegroup has returned to Argentinian waters carrying three more rifle divisions. My forces in New Germany include 7 rifle and 2 calvary divisions with supporting cannon. Your colonies are well suited for ease of defense with the unpassable Andes protecting you, but as always, you need merely ask, and two of my divisions will deploy on your northern border for defense.

Meanwhile, the valleys of Argentina are even more furtile than we had hoped for. My cities will grow quickly, and we have an abundance of horses, wheat, and saltpeter. My scouts have encountered rare gem deposits on the lower slopes of the eastern Andes. I can only assume that your lands to the west are rich with these gems.


To: Tsar Romanov
Subj: World Events

Hail friend!

Congratulations on dispersing the annoying uprising in the Crimea. I have gained no further intelligence linking Alexander to the rebels, but my team is working hard to isolate their funding. My head of intelligence is insistant that the support orders came from Alexander himself, so be wary. Your increased patrols in the Black Sea should do well to sever the tie.

I'm sure you are watching closely the deployments of Persia, Greece, and Babalyon. I fear that soon the rivers will run red with blood in their countries. Be assured that Germany takes it's defense pacts seriously, and we stand ready to assist.


To: Daedlus, Leader of the Persians
Subj: Normal Relations

Hail Daedlus,

I welcome trade and communication with a fine nation such as Persia. Your credentials preceed you, as I know you are an enemy of the same foe as my close ally Tsar Romanov.

I would like to begin trade between our two nations as soon as possible. I know that your geologists have uncovered a substance that would greatly assist our industrial revolutions.

As a gesture of good faith, my scientists would be happy to show you ways of using this substance to build machinery and other interesting items. I would be happy to trade you some of our fine Sweedish Iron, the finest in the world, for teaching you these secrets and for a guarentee of trade in oil for 20 years.

My ally in Russia also has access to this oil now that the dreadful Crimea rebellion has been put to rest, but I would welcome the chance to gain additional trading partners in this dangerous world of ours.

As the world was quickly changing, Chinese Empire has collapsed into anarchy, as the army has marched back to the capital, to overthrow the emperor. A lot of them were influenced by Karl Marx' (not very well known German idealogist) ideas to cerate a communist nation. No leadership has yet emerged, while a lot of the former Chinese territroy fall to their enemy.


Muhabajra knew that the war will soon be known, and his first act was to make South Chinese free to retake all the Chinese territories south of Shanghai Line. Meanwhile, the politics were quickly moving. After the war, will be the elections. But who will win?

Gajarupta was outraged. Japanese are trying to expand into Indonesia, covering it by good wishes. He sent the letter to Tokyo, that "Indian fleet is good enough to deal with pirates, and if Japan tries to monopolize Pacific Trade, then this is an act of agression".

TO PERSIA: TOP SECRET: I agree with you South Asian Pact plan, and also, I think that as Europe is about to erupt, we could try to use the time to steal the victory.


Muhabajra had some more news, Japanese and Russians have finally met in Manchuria. Persian and Indian forces have also advanced very fast.


Gajarupta, Shuivayka and Vaja Gurta were right now dominant in the possible elections.


The flag was lowered over the Calcutta Presidential Palace (India's capital is Calcutta). There Gujarupta has made his speech:
"*A lot of patriotic democrtic propogand... (I mean words) during the first two hours*, so the victory will be here forever!"
The Rivers are running red even as we speak my German Freind although it has been done in such a way so as to minimalize international affect.

I accept the deal for oil , i have a great deal in my nation, there's plenty to go around.

read my ost before: Babylon is gone, Turkey i here to stay, acting as a buffer between my Empire and Europe.

Would Germany teach me to build submarines to use the oil? they would be a great help against the Egyptian Fleet
Nintendo sighed in exasperation. That Gajarupta person seemed determined to take absolutely everything the wrong way. How the hell could he get aggressive on Indonesia? Why on earth would he even bother?! He didn't really need Indonesian ports anyway. He had the Philipines, and he had New Guinea. In fact, he regretted even sending that dispatch to the Indians. He knew they'd be unreasonable.

"Ah well. Let them rave about what they want. I just think they may have a bee in their bonnet about the whole Yunnan affair. Lord only knows why. We've promised to hand it back once a leader emerges to take the reins of South China, and besides, it was THE YUNNANESE THAT JOINED US! We didn't even invade them!" the SecFor was just a bit annoyed as well.
"It doesn't seem like anything I do will please them, so I may as well just forget about it. I sincerely hope the others are more reasonable."

The Domestic Advisor, Onumisha, was waiting with some important news. The results of the elections in the Japanese Phillipines had just arrived. It seemed he had won a landslide victory there too, and by now it seemed perfectly clear that the Shogun would rule as Japan's elected monarch for another ten years.

Dispatch to the Persian ruler, Daedlus
I wish to let you know that I do in no way see your colonisation as a threat, but I do have one favour to ask you. In the running of your colony on New Guinea, please treat the original inhabitants as well as I know you would treat any Japanese citizens living in your country. Maltreatment may spark rebellion, which may spread. And I'm sure you'll agree that that's in neither of our best interests.
Since we now seem to be so close to eachother in terms of colonies, it may be in our best interests to sign a right of passage with eachother. This would of course mean that your navy may use our safe routes in the Pacific at any time.
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