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Nes2 Iii? [poll, Preview, Sign-ups]

What do you want to see as NES2 III?

  • Titannic World 1930.

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • NES2 II World 1815.

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • Bismarckian World 1990.

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • Something else (hope on!).

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • Shut up and go away.

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters
Mostly standard rules, then? Except the tanks, nukes and polar bears of course.

Now Nesing with extra Polar Bears!
he becomes able to randomly to get the next age at any following turn.
I've always wondered about this, because it's certainly not random. You've restricted it based on "not yet you can't" before, so what exactly are the rules on this?
Question. Are these polar bears your tool for getting away with anything?
Communists were attacking them, Russia was... I think it's silly with the eastern USA being communist.
Voted for Titanic world by mistake, it's my second choice but I'd much rather play NES2 III 500 years later because it has history among the players and it works.
If Titanic NES which looks great except for Eastern USA being communist and perhaps India being too large (it was a mess by it's independance in my humble opinion) I'd like to play hum Germany. I'll be responsible.

That said, I'd much rather play Burgundia... long live Burgundia.

Fantasmo: he did say so openly =^_^= that polar bears was a mod's way of getting away with forgetting orders
oh nukes again? :S

Well, duh. What is a modern NES without nukes?
I've always wondered about this, because it's certainly not random. You've restricted it based on "not yet you can't" before, so what exactly are the rules on this?

Sorry about that - it is random when I remember that its supposed to be random. As the extent of my sclerosis is purely random as well, hmm, I guess it is random.

Other then that, you can't move to a new age every five turns. That's about all.
Question. Are these polar bears your tool for getting away with anything?

Well... um... who told you they are? *shoots a random nearby bodyguard*
I think it's silly with the eastern USA being communist.

East USA being communist - northeast strikes me as fairly industrialized, southeast was conquered along the way.
That said, I'd much rather play Burgundia... long live Burgundia.

Do I smell a rebellion here? ;)

Fantasmo: he did say so openly =^_^= that polar bears was a mod's way of getting away with forgetting orders

Guess so. Oh, who am I kidding?
United States of America (USA)
Capital: Los Angeles DC
Government: Democracy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 60 divisions
Navy: 30 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 100/300
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: World War One wrecked many nations, some much more so then the USA. But it was in USA that the true damage was felt. Not only did many people die, but the economy was shattered and a communist revolution begun. Only barely did the “Blue” forces hold back the “Red” ones in the Second Civil War.

Capital: Ottawa
Government: Democracy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 20 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 15 air wings
Military Support: 45/70
Economy: Normal (+1)
Education: Educated
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Tolerating
Nation Background: Canada could have been a great nation - if not for WWI. The British “betrayed” her at the negotiations table, causing Canada to leave the Commonwealth (soon followed by Australia), and it later lost Quebec as well. Though currently still a democracy, there is a rising amount of fascist Anglo-Canadian organizations.

Capital: Montreal
Government: Fascism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 30 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 5 air wings
Military Support: 45/80
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: War of Quebecian Independence was short, yet bloody. Saying that “Anglo-Saxon plutocracy still threatens Franco-Canadian people”, a group of military officers created the first fascist government in the world there.

Union of Councilary Socialist Republic (UCSR)
Capital: Karl Marx City (KMC, former Washington DC)
Government: Communism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 70 divisions
Navy: 20 ships
Air Force: 30 air wings
Military Support: 120/275
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified
Nation Background: The death toll of World War One has been horrible. So horrible that the socialist movement, which was against the war to begin with, quickly became a symbol - especially in the East Coast where the damage was best felt. The revolution begun, and though northern Midwest was lost to the Blue armies, the Southeast was overran successfully.

Democratic Union of Central America
Capital: Mexico City
Government: Communism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 50 divisions
Navy: 5 ships
Air Force: 20 air wings
Military Support: 75/100
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Literate
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Loving
Nation Background: The UCSR’s example was followed quickly in Mexico. The Mexican Democratic Republic was invaded by the USA in 1925, but, though losing the northernmost territories, defeated the Blue attempt of further advance.

Gran Columbia
Capital: Bogota
Government: Fascism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 20 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 70/150
Economy: Very Rich (+2)
Education: Educated
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: After USA and British Empire fell, Columbia was quick to retake Panama and Ecuador. The local caudillo successfully waged a propaganda war combined with terror police to decimate the local communist movement. Gran Columbia is now the only non-Communist Latin American state.
Andean Commune
Capital: Communera (former Lima)
Government: Communism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 60/110
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Loving
Nation Background: After Mexican, French and Cuban revolutions happened, several other communist uprisings took place throughout the world. In many countries, these were brutally stomped out - but not in Peru, where the “Andean Commune, spanning the entire nation” was declared.

Socialist Federation of La Plata (SFLP)
Capital: Buenos Aires
Government: Communism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 50 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 30 air wings
Military Support: 80/140
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: In the same time as the Peruvian Revolution, the Argentineans started a revolution of their own which soon spread to Paraguay and Uruguay. Now, SFLP is the southernmost communist nation.

Brazilian People’s Republic
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Government: Communism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 60 divisions
Navy: 15 ships
Air Force: 15 air wings
Military Support: 90/120
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified
Nation Background: South of Brazil was, already since 1923, in a civil war between communists and the government. After the “Latin Revolutions”, Brazilian communists received large amounts of economic and military assistance that allowed the stalemate to be broken and the BPR to be set up.

Capital: Dublin
Government: Democracy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 15 divisions
Navy: 5 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 30/50
Economy: Normal (+1)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: The fall of the British Empire allowed the successors of the Fennians to finally fulfill their ancient dream. Ireland is free, Ireland is united - and Ireland is plagued by the Ulster Republican Army.

Great Britain
Capital: London
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 30 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 80/130
Economy: Poor (0)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: Britain. No longer very great. WWI ruined it economically and weakened her positions everywhere, and now, it no longer has an empire nor a commonwealth and only recently begun on its long path towards recovery.

French People’s Republic (FPR)
Capital: Paris
Government: Communism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 70 divisions
Navy: 20 ships
Air Force: 30 air wings
Military Support: 120/130
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Educated
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: France, defeated twice by the Germans, felt that it was the “bourgeois fault” and punished the bourgeois scapegoats by starting a communist revolution. The new French leader is already often called “Red Napoleon” - both for his capabilities and ambitions.

Capital: Brussels
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 30 ships
Air Force: 20 air wings
Military Support: 90/120
Economy: Economic Powerhouse (+3)
Education: Academic
Culture: Average
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg, reunited at last - under Belgium’s newfound dominance - quickly became a serious regional power, despite the previous Dutch loss of Indonesia to Japan. Not all of the Dutch accept “Belgian rule”, though...

Capital: Lisbon
Government: Fascism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 20 divisions
Navy: 30 ships
Air Force: 20 air wings
Military Support: 70/80
Economy: Economic Powerhouse (+3)
Education: Academic
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Nation Personified
Nation Background: If any nation really prospered from World War One, it was Portugal. Its army had comparatively low casualties, it expanded in the colonies and it entered, although under a harsh hand, a new era of prosperity - amongst other things, filling the Atlantic trade power vacuum.

Capital: Madrid
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 50 divisions
Navy: 20 ships
Air Force: 5 air wings
Military Support: 75/90
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Nation Background: Spain, though not involved in World War One, was and still is going through harsh times. Monarchy is becoming increasingly hated, and fascist and communist organizations are on the rise. The only serious achievement the king made was the regaining of Gibraltar - which is why he still isn’t lynched by an angry mob.

Sweden-Denmark-Norway (SDN)
Capital: Stockholm
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 25 ships
Air Force: 15 air wings
Military Support: 80/150
Economy: Monopoly (+4)
Education: Academic
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Loving
Nation Background: The economic powerhouse that is the Scandinavian nations, untouched by WWI and recently unified under the king of Sweden, is an extremely potent empire, given the right leadership. But there are many enemies around it...

Capital: Berlin
Government: Militarism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 60 divisions
Navy: 30 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 100/250
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Educated
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: Though Germany too was hurt very badly by WWI, it was in a far better shape after it then its British enemy. Able to reinforce itself by sucking everything out of the colonies and the conquered territories, Germany rebuilt itself by now, and is preparing to assert its recognition as the undisputed leader of the world.

Swiss Confederacy
Capital: Zurich
Government: Democracy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 20 divisions
Navy: 0 ships
Air Force: 5 air wings
Military Support: 25/75
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: WWI or no WWI, Switzerland remained neutral throughout it and intends to do so forever.

People’s Republic of Italy (PRI)
Capital: Rome
Government: Communism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 25 divisions
Navy: 15 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 50/100
Economy: Poor (0)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: Despite fighting on the “right” side in WWI, Italy still lost its African colonies and there was very little consolation in the “reconquest” of Malta from the British. Thus, a communist rebellion overthrew the king and now, communism is under construction in Italy as well...

Capital: Budapest
Government: Militarism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 5 air wings
Military Support: 55/115
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: The nationalist government of Hungary was, though overtly harsh towards dissidents and Croats, efficient and built up Hungary since its independence, preventing the “inevitable” (as was thought) collapse. Hungary is strong - but what do with that strength.

Yugoslavic Empire
Capital: Tsargrad (former Constantinople)
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 35 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 55/90
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Literate
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: Formed as a Russian-sponsored union of Serbia and Bulgaria after the Fourth Balkan War in 1926, Yugoslavic Empire capitalized heavily on trade and tourist income from Constantinople and built up a promising economy. However, recently tensions both within (the Muslim populations) and outside (Hungary) the empire begun to rise...

Capital: Athens
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 20 divisions
Navy: 15 ships
Air Force: 5 air wings
Military Support: 40/70
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Educated
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: Since its foundation in 1832, the Greek state expanded, slowly, yet surely. Perhaps now, its expansion reached its zenith. Or maybe, its only the beginning?

Capital: Petrograd
Government: Militarism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 90 divisions
Navy: 20 ships
Air Force: 30 air wings
Military Support: 140/300
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: The energetic leadership, the vacuum of power, the industrialization and many other factors after WWI allowed Russia to remain a great power, and even to expand. However, now Russia is a turning point. Will the numerous ethnic and religious groups within it cause this empire to collapse... or will the Russian Bear dominate the world?

Capital: Cairo
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 5 ships
Air Force: 5 air wings
Military Support: 50/80
Economy: Very Rich (+2)
Education: Literate
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Loving
Nation Background: As soon as the British Empire begun to fall apart, Egypt was quick to break free from the British protectorate and take along the previously-codominated Sudan as well as the Suez Canal. The latter helped out Egypt immensely, and now Egypt is the strongest Muslim power in the world.

Capital: Freetown
Government: Fascism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 60/60
Economy: Very Poor (0)
Education: Tolerable
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Nation Personified
Nation Background: After the 1922 Rebellions in the African colonies failed and the colonial powers begun brutal campaigns of subduing the natives, a flood of West Africans started - into Liberia, creating a refugee crisis which still is a problem. Since then, as “Black Nationalism” gained a foothold in Liberia, Liberia was ran by a militant black supremacist dictatorship.

Capital: Addis Adeba
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 50 divisions
Navy: 20 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 80/100
Economy: Normal (+1)
Education: Literate
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Loving
Nation Background: The Black Lion of Africa, Abyssinia has modernized itself and made itself a powerful nation on the Japanese principle (“western technology, eastern wisdom”).

Capital: Pretoria
Government: Fascism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 35 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 5 air wings
Military Support: 50/80
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: The Boers have regained their old territory and much more after WWI, as a reward for assisting the German expedition to South Africa. Sudafrika’s independence was the beginning of the end for the British Empire - soon, other nations followed it out.

Turkish Islamic Republic (TIR)
Capital: Ankara
Government: Islamic Republic
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 20 divisions
Navy: 10 ships
Air Force: 20 air wings
Military Support: 50/90
Economy: Recession (-1)
Education: Literate
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Tolerating
Nation Background: Ottoman Empire was ruthlessly destroyed by WWI. Its successor, Turkish National Republic, was short-lived and was destroyed in the same war. The result was an economically crippled remnant of the once-great empire barely in existence. Surprisingly, rather then embrace communism, the Turks found consolation in religion.

People’s Republic of Israel
Capital: Tel-Aviv
Government: Communism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 40 divisions
Navy: 20 ships
Air Force: 20 air wings
Military Support: 80/80
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Academic
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: People’s Republic of Israel, a nation of Zionists and Jewish and Arab communists, has been granted complete independence to by FPR in 1924 for the outstanding assistance given by Arye Bronshtein (a.k.a. Leon Trotsky) and his CIB.

Saudi Caliphate
Capital: Riyadh
Government: Theocracy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 35 divisions, 20 mercenary divisions
Navy: 35 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 80/110
Economy: Economic Powerhouse (+3)
Education: Educated
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: The Saudis - religious fanatics, British allies, oil magnates and caliphs - are in charge of a sizeable Middle Eastern empire. Even more importantly, they control oil sources, an army trained by western specialists such as the famed Saudi general, T. H. Lawrence and religious authority over all that is Muslim.

Indian Empire
Capital: Delhi
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 100 divisions
Navy: 30 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 140/300
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: India, if one doesn’t count the UCSR, is the newest great power. The stolen jewel of the British crown, the loss of which put the nail in the coffin of Pax Britannia. India has since then developed great relations with Germany and Russia... but will that last? Its population powerbase is potent enough to make India’s military the largest in the world.

Japanese Empire
Capital: Tokyo
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 80 divisions
Navy: 40 ships
Air Force: 10 air wings
Military Support: 130/200
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Educated
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Nation Personified
Nation Background: Another one of those few nations that benefited from participating in WWI. Avoiding meatgrinders, Japan became a superpower just as British Empire fell apart - immediately, Japan stole Malaysia and Hong Kong. Since then, Japanese also defeated Netherlands, France and China, expanding their colonial empire further.

Capital: Shanghai
Government: Militarism
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 60 divisions, 30 conscript divisions
Navy: 5 ships
Air Force: 5 air wings
Military Support: 100/90
Economy: Poor (0)
Education: Tolerable
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: The Chinese Empire’s fall in 1911 started a series of brutal civil wars, with occasional Japanese intervention. This is how it was - until 1929, when one of the warlords successfully put under his control the peasant masses with efficient propaganda and stunning successes with his initial forces, and then managed to take Shanghai, disturbing the Japanese greatly.

Australian Federation
Capital: Brisbane
Government: Democracy
Tech. Level: Early Modern Age
Army: 10 divisions
Navy: 50 ships
Air Force: 20 planes
Military Support: 80/90
Economy: Richest (+3)
Education: Well Educated
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Loving
Nation Background: Ever since becoming independent, Australia placed all of its hopes military-wise in the navy. The result is the world’s largest and best-trained fleet, ready for action against whoever might want to attack the “Down Under”.
das, if you could organize them alphabetically by name it would be MUCH easier.

And I don't see the Andean union thingie...
I confirm Japan.
das, if you could organize them alphabetically by name it would be MUCH easier.

Not for me. Okay, so maybe it would, but old habits die hard.

And Andes are still there. Look carefully.
Can't believe I still haven't posted here.
I confirm China.
Britain is free i no longer have the time, patience or desire to compete in this nes.
if Lybia were in this NES< I would have used- I'm feelign a sudden urge to pay homage to my favotire dictateor, terrotirt sympathizer turned western ally, and all around ,aster playboy, Moammar Quadaffi
Confirming the Union of Councilary Socialist Republic. When will this start?
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