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NES2 IV - Hundred Years Past

honestly, i severely disliked this nes mainly because it was panda vs capulet NES, not NES2 IV. I hoped we could see a nice little change with me, stormy, and panda at the controls instead but ohwell, lets look forward to the next das nes and forget about this minor blip in das' illustrious nesing record.

Well said. :goodjob:
Panda's still in at least stazNES V, so that's a bit of an empty threat.

Can I please put something like "Coolest Revolution in NES2 IV as Spain" in my sig? I desperately need something from a past NES in there that I didn't mess up...
Well, I am still in some NESes, the only ones I will be active in are staznes and stgmnes, I shall be alotless active however, occasionally putting a story while doing orders via PM.

On July 21st I shall be completely gone for about 20 days or so.

It wasn't a threat, just a comment, I dont see how you could interpret it as a threat.
A threat to withdraw yourself from NESing, and leave all of your countries to flounder under the control of the various unsympathetic and ruthless mods? Eh. It originally said "Thread" in the mispost that I fixed in about three seconds.

Does anyone care if I do that "Coolest Revolution" thing? Seriously. I know most of those Americans are still up, it's only about 8:20 on the east coast, right?
haha sure, and i should get the award for country most bound by diplomatic ties NOT to go on a mad conquoring spree :]
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