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NES2 IV - Hundred Years Past

In his signature are boasts of the two NESes he undoubtedly won, nothing to do with this NES.

Rather than das predicting a winner, I think it would be really interesting for das to write a history of this NES after we left it. Not to continue it later as an NES, but just to make the whole thing more interesting.
Rather than das predicting a winner, I think it would be really interesting for das to write a history of this NES after we left it. Not to continue it later as an NES, but just to make the whole thing more interesting.

Thats the same thing, with a few paragraphs slapped onto it to make it look pretty. Why dont we leave it to rest and wait for the next Das NES?
I don't want to see this NES flat out die, I want to see it continue in a history written by das, like what happened to NES2 II. Hell, he could put in the Stories forum rather than this one.

I just really want to see what happens to Russia, the Socialist movement, France, and the entire world in general.

But OMG, because I want a story continuation I'm trying to boost my ego! :rolleyes: Get a life, Panda.
No comments on the revelation of there being two separate international socialist organizations?

You should do rewards for this short-lived NES.

Nope! :p
In your honest opinion, das, who do you think would have won this NES between the three powers of France, UK, and Russia? Who was most prepared?

Not sure... UK and France were allied, and technically, France was the best-PREPARED. However, your... inconventional grand strategy forced Britain to bog down in India, while USA and CSA were on the brink of going to war against Britain if the public sentiments were any indication.

NK is a wildcard, but if he allied with you, supposedly victory will be assured for you. However, at that point the two socialist internationals would probably begin fighting each other, and quite frankly I don't know whom to bet on; quality-wise, stalin's organization was better, but NK has quantity superiority and the experience of two revolutions already.

So, either Capulet, either NK, either Stalin (okay, the latter is not a very likely possibility...).
As for the story... nyah. I DO intend to come back to this one day. Or to let somebody else run it from here. Any volunteers?
So Stalin was just building infrastructure in a lot of countries this whole time?

I think by the time Stalin thought it was ready to come out, the world probably already have been dealing with the already huge Socialist threat, started by NK.

I think the reason this NES never got off the ground like the others did was because there were three alliances that encompassed all of the nations in the world and all the diplomacy was between three players - myself, Insane_Panda, and Alex994. We didn't need the thread to do diplomacy, it all went on, on AIM.

I was telling all of my allies not to do anything openly hostile until the great war came. My plan was for Russia and its' allies to just build up our forces, our technology, our industry, and our economies, then we would all attack the French and British alliance simultaneously.

So frankly das, I don't think this NES can be revived unless you set it at a later date. To get to that later date, there has to be a story in between. ;)

Question: Who sabotaged the locks in Quebec?

Also, who was supporting Stalin in the NES? Conehead's Peruvian Empire?
When was Britain and France allied? :confused:
Treaty of Brussels?

It got rejected by parliament, but then you wrote a story again, and they approved it.
lol, what was the point of that?
Also, who was supporting Stalin in the NES? Conehead's Peruvian Empire?

Nobody was. As far as I know, anyway.
das, what secret operations by anyone, did you like the most?

Personally, Dachsmpg's cigar explosion killing the puppet King in Spain was my favorite. :lol:


capulet thinks he got the better of panda who disagrees but thinks hes better than alex who thinks he had the better of both but who was being undermined by the brilliant stalin who was opposed by the uncomparable nk who was the best of them all


honestly, i severely disliked this nes mainly because it was panda vs capulet NES, not NES2 IV. I hoped we could see a nice little change with me, stormy, and panda at the controls instead but ohwell, lets look forward to the next das nes and forget about this minor blip in das' illustrious nesing record.
azale is right!
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