Papa Grand-Crinière-Vert
Status: Minor Injury (3, deep bites). Minor Injury (2, many cuts and bruises). Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Hot.
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Hunter, Crafty, Toolmaker, Warrior, Sneaky
Inventory: auroch gloves (8), stone spear (2), deerhide bag (3)

1) Build basic tools.
2) Butcher the pig using new basic tools. Prepare the hide so we can use it.
3) Contribute to the building of a stone dwelling (on the north shore of the lake near that tree so we can see the cave to the north from our house) either by contributing to quarrying stone or building the building itself, alongside my tribesmen. The pickax may be useful for this. String up the hammock within the stone dwelling.
4) Rest in the stone dwellings in the hammock.

Eat food, contributing grilled pork to the tribe and sharing with them any oranges, fish, goat milk, or whatever we manage to gather.

Considering the big cats around us, let the goats sleep with us in the dwelling just for tonight. Tomorrow we'll build them a pen.
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Orders edited to reflect this. Tin can wait.
Listyr's Day

Free Actions

Cook and eat a fishy meal.

Keep eye out in case of threats.

Gather needed sticks and stones.

Pointed Actions

1) Use materials to help maintain Listyr's stone spear.
2) Listyr will fish in our pond once more! Spear fishing time!
3) Help make a stone hamemr to help in our village making.
4) Sleep on linen.
Status: Minor Injury (2, hyena scratches). Fed. Rested.
Action Points: 3 AP
Traits: Warrior
Inventory: a stone
Stashed Nearby: nothing

1 AP - Craft a new spear, probably I'll find some sticks and stones close by.
1 AP - Try to forage some food (avoid getting too far from the cave, it is a better defensive position).
1 AP - Sleep in the cave.

If creatures attack I'll try to bring the fight to the cave's entrance (seems like a nice choke point).

Under the shadows of Mount Beggurnas

Tehissur stood in awe when he first sighted the impressive mountain range before him: what he first supposed to be an obstacle quickly became a shelter as night fell. Even if it was far from comfortable it still was considerably safer than sleeping under the sky, especially with the laughing devils at his heels. Could this place be what he was looking for? Tehissur didn't know, but what he did know for sure was that this place presented a great opportunity to get some breathing room to better prepare himself to face the world.

And that was an opportunity he would be promptly taking. Under the shadows of this 'great rock' mount - Mount 'Beggurnas' - Tehissur will be gathering his strengh.

What will he do with his strength? Only the spirits know.
Lord Herobrine

Quickly make my way out of the valley, I fear there isn't time to waste. Careful to dodge any possible dangers. 1 AP
Grab some of the lumber to use as a walking stick, to both aid my navigation of the unstable terrain and help support my weight. 1 AP
If I come across the rest of the tribe I want to find a place in camp to stay the night, preferably somewhere sheltered. Otherwise I would like to stay under any trees I may find for some protection. 1 AP
1:Reinforce my atlatl with sticks
2. Hunt for fish near the water and eat raw
If tribe start moving on
3. Move with tribe
4. sleep
If not moving on
3.forge the yellow wheat to see if I can get seeds from it.
1) Attempt to plant the plants, again.
2) contribute to stone building building
3) Rest. I'm an old lady, now. Can't exert myself too much.
1 AP - Build house
1 AP - Gather & plant rice
1 AP - Fish
1 AP - Rest
1 action, expending mana: Try my hand and spearing an otter
-> 1 action (if failed, also expending mana): Switch over to fishing
1 action: Make fire, cook otter/fish for myself and Daft
1 action: weave a blanket for Daft
1 action (if otter-hunting worked): actually sleep
The Thenronii are hunting otter/fish, building a cooking fire, collecting seeds, and crafting a blanket. Baioreznomat will:

1) Graze the herd, leading them to the tall grasses to ensure they are well-fed and encourage proper domestication. While doing so, use the sheepskin to craft another saddlebag.
2) Take Daftpanzer with me as I attempt to corral some of the wild sheep using my shepherd's crook (giving Daft the grass net to help herd the wild sheep towards me), teaching the ways of the shepherd as I learn them myself.

If we haven't caught enough food to feed everyone:
3) Butcher and eat one of the Yaks
Day Sixteen

Tit-Trou Tribe


Spoiler Stockpile :
Fixtures: beehive (3, honey is ready)
Comforts: linen hammock (4, not strung up)
Tools: stone axe (4), two clay urns (4), stone hammer (3)
Apparel: beekeeper’s hood (3), beekeeper’s suit (3)
Weapons: nothing
Food: four days’ oranges (2), seven meals’ worth of fish (2)
Agriculture: one tomato plant (4 days until ready), two mushrooms (2 days until ready), two rice patches (4 days until ready), two adult goats (ready to be milked), one baby goat
Materials: snakeskin (3), boarskin (4), five piles of cut stone

Spoiler Avatars :
Papa Grand-Crinière-Vert
Status: Minor Injury (2, deep bites). Minor Injury (1, many cuts and bruises). Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Overheating (penalty to energetic actions).
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Hunter, Crafty, Toolmaker, Warrior, Sneaky, Tanner
Inventory: auroch gloves (7), stone spear (2), deerhide bag (3)

Mémère Esprit
Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1). Rested. Overheating (penalty to energetic actions).
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Forager, Crafty, Sneaky, Shaman
Inventory: stone spear (2), linen blanket (3), linen bag (3)

Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Warm.
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Waterborne, Warrior, Toolmaker, Fisher, Sneaky, Crafty
Inventory: stone spear (4), linen satchel (6), string (5), one unused torch (1)

Status: Healthy. Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Hot.
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Handler, Waterborne, Sneaky
Inventory: nothing
Mana: 1

Today the tribe has agreed upon building a new home out here among the dry grasses and the beautiful lake. Doing so will be a considerable task requiring multiple successful stages of work, so the whole tribe is contributing.

Listyr, your morning is spent reworking your stone spear, before you go straight to fishing. As you do so, the cheetah seems to keep busy hunting other prey – though it doesn’t leave the area even by sundown, and seems now to be stalking your herd. The lake does a great job at cooling you down, and you also fish a huge catch – several meals of fish, dwindling the lake’s stock and scaring fish further deep. Your last task before heading to bed is to help with the stone dwelling project, crafting a stone hammer for the tribe to use in construction.

Angst, you are the first to work on the stone house project. You keep your distance and sneak around the hyenas in the distance, though they stay in the area they don’t notice your movements. You gather the stone pickaxe and head towards nearby hills to collect stone chunks for construction. You waste a lot of the morning on this, breaking up stones into unworkable shapes and of unknown integrity – your skill is weak and luck even worse, exacerbated by your overheating and causing you to become dizzy. You do not collect enough useful base materials for the project to proceed and damage the pickaxe on tough rocks. Giving up on this, you move onto other work – armed with knowledge from your mother, you go out to forage for rice. You are successful, gathering enough rice for a couple patches (two plants) of rice, and hand them to your mother who is eager to plant more things. In the late afternoon you switch attention to fishing, something you feel more confident in, borrowing Mémère’s stone spear as you dive into the lake. You are dramatically more successful at this, gathering four full meals of fish – though you come to fear that the tribe’s fishing of this lake so aggressively today and yesterday has rendered it almost void of fish. Spending hours in the lake also cools you down from your state of overheating. Despite the tribe's best efforts a stone dwelling is not yet complete today and so you sleep outdoors again tonight.

Mémère, your first objective is planting plants. Although a lone hyena prowls in the distance, you keep a low profile and it doesn’t attack, though they also, like the cheetah, seem to be redirecting attention to your wandering goats. Since you have already planted the tomatoes and mushrooms yesterday, and there is enough space for more plants (and you therefore don’t need to manually carve out more farmland – which would be best done with a hoe, in any case), you go ahead and plant the rice seeds without issue. It is now your turn to work on the tribe’s new project, the stone house. Angst informs you that he had a hard time getting the stones, which isn’t ideal, since your much older than him, your own efforts here might be a bit riskier than his. Nonetheless you take the pickaxe and try to get some stone blocks usable for the project. The work is tiring but you collect at least a few usable chunks, not enough for the whole project, but perhaps half of what you’ll need from quarrying. As the sun sets you rest on the plains, eating Papa's cooked boar meat for dinner, though being out in the sun is making you begin to overheat.

Papa, you make some new tools for the tribe (they are promptly used by multiple tribe members), and proceed to butcher your catch from yesterday. You put the hide out to tan, and feel like you’re craftsmanship in this area is pretty good now. The boar’s meat is not going to last more than one additional day, and so you encourage the tribe to eat it first before other things. You then move onto working on a new project, a stone dwelling. The first critical step appears to be assembling appropriate an minimum number of appropriately sized and shaped stones, which Mémère and Angst were quite unsuccessful at. Debating whether to use what they have and at least start a foundation, or go and quarry the rest of it yourself, you opt to quarry today and build tomorrow. Your more successful than Mémère, gathering more than what is necessary and cutting the blocks into nicely shaped proportions – you expect that assembly tomorrow would take no more than two thirds of your day (2 APs) and unlike resource acquisition, can’t go nearly as wrong (e.g. building will be treated like crafting, no failure modes, but roll determines quality of outcome). The pickaxe has endured a lot of wear today, and falls apart with your last several hours of use. Still without a proper setup for your hammock, you sleep next to Mémère in the evening after eating some cooked boar’s meat. Like her, you are beginning to overheat from being out in this hot biome without respite.

In the night, a baby goat is born. Since no watering or caring for the already planted plants (tomatoes and mushrooms) took place, they do not progress in growth. The bees have made a new batch of honey, while the goats remain ready to be milked – though without handling or an animal pen, they have begun to wander and are exposed to predators.

Vale Tribe


Spoiler Stockpile :
Fixtures: Thenron effigy (2)
Comforts: deerhide blanket (4), woollen mattress (3)
Tools: grass net (1), wooden bucket (2), stone axe (3)
Apparel: nothing
Weapons: nothing
Food: one meals’ worth of raw wheat (4)
Agriculture: travois (7), yak-hide saddle bags (7), sheepskin saddle bags (6), shepherd’s crook (3), two adult sheep (ready to milk, ready to shear), one baby sheep, three adult yaks (ready to milk), one adult yak (4 turns to milk)
Materials: a couple copper rocks, two piles of timber

Spoiler Avatars :
Status: Minor Injury (1, bear claws). Fed. Tired (-1 AP). Chilly.
Action Points: 2 AP
Traits: Crafty, Sneaky, Shaman, Hunter, Thenron’s Vessel
Inventory: stone spear (1), cured tiger/deer clothes (5), stone axe (3)
Mana: 2

Status: Minor Injury (1, bear claws). Fed. Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 3 AP
Traits: Sneaky, Crafty, Butcher, Handler
Inventory: cured tiger clothes (1), stone pickaxe (1), stone spear (5)
Mana: 1

Status: Healthy. Fed. Rested. Cold.
Action Points: 3 AP
Traits: Crafty, Warrior, Stealthy, Forager, Weaponmaker, Waterborne
Inventory: sheepskin fleece (3), stone spear (3), atlatl (8), stone hoe (3), linen satchel (4)

Status: Healthy. Fed. Rested. Cold.
Action Points: 3 AP
Traits: Crafty, Handler
Inventory: linen blanket (4)

Hale-as-Stone, you are on the hunt for food this morning. You grab your spear and head to the sea – a sight you recall from what feels like a lifetime ago. There you spot some otters and try your hand at spearing them – you come close, but you know you need the help of the spirits, and with their gentle guidance you spear a baby otter, just enough to feed yourself and your child. Returning to the makeshift camp, you craft a fire, but skip proper butchering and rush to cut the otter open, making the meal a lot less filling than it otherwise would have been (no +1 AP from cooked meat). Nonetheless you and your child are fed. You were hoping to do more with the day but you seem to have misjudged your energy level from yesterday – and so instead of sleeping you weave a blanket for Daftpanzer, laying it down on them in the early hours of the morning while they are still sleeping.

Baioreznomat, you keep watch on the sheep and spend the morning crafting new saddlebags out of sheepskin. You take Daftpanzer with you to try and catch new sheep, herding your existing ones close to wild sheep in hopes of agglomerating them together – it was a nice try, but it doesn’t pan out, perhaps just due to bad luck – but there aren’t any serious consequences, as there are no predators in the area and the sheep seem to simply flee you rather than join the herd. Once back at the river’s delta you see Hale-as-Stone has setup a fire, and cooks some meat, feeding herself and her child. Sleeps-in-Cave provides you some very bizarre liquid and mashed plants – apparently they found a way to make the wheat at least acceptably nutritious, and so you go to sleep rather than slaughter another yak.

Sleeps-in-Cave, you work on your atlatl in the morning, significantly reinforcing it. You feel like you have done a lot of crafting with weapons, giving you a new life skill. Your next task is fishing – you take your spear and dread the ocean – the first ocean you’ve ever been in. It’s quite different from the rivers you fished in your youth – so many days ago it feels, almost like a lifetime removed from now. The waves pull and push you, the salt distracts you, and despite an abundance of sea fish, they are just a different beast than the river fish. But the muscle memory is still there – with your first swim in the ocean, your youth and your old age come together and you feel now that you have proficiency in water. Upon returning to shore empty handed, you move onto something you already know your good at – foraging. Your interested in a yellow grain you’ve seen before and it is not too tricky for you to track down several – they don’t seem especially edible at first glance, but you quickly think up a couple ways to get the nutrition out of them even in this simple form, though it won’t be as good as cooked meat (i.e. will not give +1 AP). In either case, you have quite a few seeds available (two per “meal” of raw wheat; you can eat it or use it as seeds but not both). You offer some mashed and liquified wheat to Baioreznomat and eat some yourself, before heading to sleep for the night, by Hale-as-Stone's fire.

Status: Debility (left-arm destroyed). Minor Injury (2, blood loss). Fed. Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 3 AP
Traits: Warrior, Spearman, Crafty, Forager, Stealthy
Inventory: bearskin tunic (1), bearskin backpack (2), several tin rocks, walking stick (1)
Stashed Nearby: (see Vale Tribe)

Everything here gives you shivers; this land is cursed, you need to get out of here, immediately. You grab some chopped wood but quickly realize how useless a hunk of lumber is as a walking stick and instead just grab a branch instead to help you keep pace despite your injuries. The ground shakes violently at random intervals, but it feels like whatever is causing the vibrations is drawing closer and closer to you – until an incredible shock causes you to trip. As you get up a large, many-legged beast lunges out form the earth – you dodge and begin to run, painfully, as fast as you can until you reach rocky hills and the tremors begin to dissipate. The rest of your journey is quiet, and you find the tribe by their markings, sleeping near them and in better spirits, though you are a bit cold now. One of them offers you a not very-good tasting mashed plant meal, but it seems worth it to keep fed.



Status: Minor Injury (1, hyena scratches). Fed. Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 3 AP
Traits: Warrior
Inventory: stone spear (5), a stone
Stashed Nearby: nothing

Hyenas and wolves prowl in the distance and you ready yourself in the morning by crafting a new spear. Although they draw closer and both appear to be gearing up for a fight with you, neither do so today, giving you freedom to forage the immediate surroundings. You find some non-descript edibles among the greenery, but only enough for today, and go to bed in the cave. By morning the predators are waiting quite close outside your cave. You also feel cold.


Orders due for Thursday October 29th!
Papa Grand-Crinière-Vert
Status: Minor Injury (2, deep bites). Minor Injury (1, many cuts and bruises). Well Fed (+1 AP). Rested. Overheating (penalty to energetic actions).
Action Points: 4 AP
Traits: Hunter, Crafty, Toolmaker, Warrior, Sneaky, Tanner
Inventory: auroch gloves (7), stone spear (2), deerhide bag (3)

1) Rest, cooling myself in the water, and hopefully accelerating the last of my healing.
2) Harvest honey using my beekeeping gear. Contribute to Thomas's cooking a nutritious meal. Store the rest in a pottery urn.
3) Contribute to building our stone dwelling using the stone hammer and our tools.
4) Rest in the stone dwelling in the hammock (if possible)

Eat nutritious food if Thomas is able to make enough for all. Otherwise just eat some of the grilled fish we have.

Protect the goats and our family!
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Listyr's Day

With the fish of the pond needing time as it were Listyr will focus on infrastructural tasks.

Free Activities

Cook and enjoy a meal worth of fish.

Protect the goats!

Pointed Actions

1&2) will focus both actions to help ensure a sturdy stone wall for the goats while guarding the goats. Use the hammer crafted yesterday to help ensure the wall is build well.
3) Presuming Listyr have not had to sacrifice a AP to guard the goats he will go and figure out the northern stones. Copper?
4) Sleep on linen blanket back at our site.
Angst's day
1 AP - herd the goats, maybe feed them some stuff, I want cute goat babies :)
1 AP - milk the goats.
1 AP - help building the stone house.
1 AP - rest.
Status: Minor Injury (1, hyena scratches). Fed. Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 3 AP
Traits: Warrior
Inventory: stone spear (5), a stone
Stashed Nearby: nothing

1 AP - set up a cave fire. Stones and sticks should be close by.
1 AP - try to lure one of the hyenas/wolves close by to the cave (maybe throw the stone?), where I'll fight/hunt them using my spear and the cave fire (useful for scaring some of them in case too many follow me). If defending myself is cost free, then just use this AP to skin the animal (If I succeed with a kill) or forage for food (if no animal dies).
1 AP - sleep

(if the hyenas/wolves attack me before I can set up the cave fire, action 1 will exchange places with action 2)
1 action: Milk yaks and sheep, mix some of the mashed grain with the milk, eat with Daft
1 action: feed fire, curl up and sleep
1. Reinforce Stone spear
2.Hunt dear with stone spear and atlatl
FA: Cook on fire and eat.
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