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New Civ: USSR

“Artillery is the god of war” - Stalin

If you are going to Make the USSR around Stalin and not Lenin

I think a great UU would be this ;


Stalin loved Artillery and was always pushing for new ways to thrash the Weirmarcht into submission!

Just thought i would throw in my two cent
icemanjsg, that would be an excellent UU ;)

I sure have to get more time to work on this mod... seems like its host, The Civ IV Mods Community Site, is down... hopefully it will be back soon enough.
Yeah if you have watched/studied operation Bagration for Many reasons Stalin did have the same size air force as the United States or for a matter of fact Britain. Instead he just used Artillery the likes the world had never seen to the same affect as strategic bombardment.

Every time Stalin came to city which stood in the way he lined up his artillery bombed the city to hell then the Army would mop up,

The Footage from the war of these Rocket artillery is insane! Ill try and find some.
Could someone please upload this to CFC? The download link in the first post is done, and looks like it will stay that way.
Civ 4 Mods Community site has been down for long...

I could reupload the file though, but I'd have to take the musics off to comply with the 4 MB limit.
That's not necessary. PM the site admin, Thunderfall, and ask for a temporary FTP account to upload your file. Limit is 100 MB.
Wyz_sub10 said:
I would only suggest renaiming it to "Soviet Empire" to remain consistent with the other naming conventions.

What!? The name he has given it is great! I almost never here the "Soviet Empire" term used to describe the USSR, it is also factially inaccurate, the technical name of the Soviet Union is the USSR and thats the name it should be given.
Yes, well you never here people talking about the "American Empire" the "Celtic Empire" or the "Maya Empire" either.
What!? The name he has given it is great! I almost never here the "Soviet Empire" term used to describe the USSR, it is also factially inaccurate, the technical name of the Soviet Union is the USSR and thats the name it should be given.
Wouldn't the technical name be CCCP (Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик)?
Then you are wrong. There will always be disagreement, the point is how does the country handle it. If people think the situation is so bad when a country is at peace that they will risk their life to flee, that tells you all you need to know. Also, if that same country tries to shoot the people who try to leave, that is even worse. If you give any group of leaders absolute power and they will become absolutely corrupt. Install a "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" and you wind up with Dictators, somehow this surprises people. Also, you may not have noticed, but Communism IS the "leading men". There is a reason that we call its various forms Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Trotskyism, and Castroism.

Marx didn't lead ;) He was a poor Prussian man who died at his desk. I'm happy to say I'm a communist, although obviously I'm no Stalinist. I want nothing more than a society to pull off Communism without any Five Year Plans or anything of the sort, I want a happy communist society, sadly though in order for communism to work proper, a smaller population is needed.
I've got no experience whatsoever modding for Civilization but I have an idea of what is possible. I love the concept of a Soviet civilization but it seems like something that could be a lot more involved.

Depending on how ambitious you want to be, you could take the Soviet way of life considerably further in the game. The first concept that springs to mind is the Gulag. Considering the remarkable effect they had on Soviet production, it would be neat to see them in the game.

For example, under Communism only, you could construct a limited number of Gulags anywhere within Soviet territory as a unique ability for a worker (consumes one or more worker units), then use captured workers or captured military units during wartime (requires some gameplay changes similar to enslavement), or sacrifice Soviet population (simulates purges) to man those Gulags. As Gulags are manned for significant periods of time, they produce hammers for the Capital.

Gulags could regularly lose numbers due to starvation or overwork (perhaps regulated by sliders, the Soviet leader could push his Gulags harder for a while to meet wartime demands and so on) and require support in the form of investment. Gulags would make Communism the only realistic form of government for the Soviet civilization and would allow the economy to produce a tremendous number of hammers if managed well.

Pretty neat unique building in any case, it's not even a building in a traditional sense, it resembles an outpost or a camp with an industrial flavour. It would also make waging war an interesting concept against the Soviets considering your own forces if captured could be put to work in Gulags and then used to empowered the industrial machine and fuel the military force being fielded against you.

Well, there's my first post.
Would it not be simpler to have a building that produces a bonus to :hammers: but also a lot of :yuck: representing bad sanitary conditions.

Alternately, and perhaps better. You could make a building that works like the Calabim UB from FFH2. Have it give +1 :hammers: per point of :mad: Representing forced labor of the citizens and perhaps have it give some sort of :yuck: representing bad sanitary conditions.
Anyone know if I can get USSR in modular format? I so don't feel like converting this to my mod.
What is the point of this? We already have Russia...
What is the point of this? We already have Russia...

Communist Russia was very different to Tsarist Russia.

On a side note, I managed to convert this to my mod. Request no longer fresh.
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