New female animated leaderhead

My mod starts with the death of napoleon. do U still think I can use her?
Originally posted by Bóreas
My mod starts with the death of napoleon. do U still think I can use her?

After Napoleon, we had kings, republic and,if I good remember, Napoleon III the emperor of the french, his wife Eugenie de Montijo ( Empress of the french ) was very influent in politic ( it is said that she was for the war against germany ) and ruled alone over France a short time ... So I think you can use Helen like Eugenie for your MOD...
many thanx frenchman. and if I do add her, you're going right on my special thanx list.
Originally posted by frenchman
Originally posted by frenchman


Just a little message to inform you that I have posted the improved flics of Helen with a new background for modern ages ...
I hope you will like the new background ...

The bikini version is in progress ...:)
That will most likely not be allowed onthis forum. I hate to break it to you. If you can post it on another site that would be more possible. I believe fully visible frontal nudity is not quite allowed here. The same reason GhenghisFarb had his own site.
Originally posted by Drivebymaster
Wow haven't been here in a wail damn this thread is dead for some reason.........Hey Frenchmen could you make her wearing a thing bikini or have the Lil Kim pasties on? :) :) :) :) :)

Hello Drivebymaster, I'm currently working on a second leaderhead that I call "Kira the Amazons Queen", and on a advisor CIV I style ( but for this one I have difficulties to reach an acceptable quality ) ... I have found a little bikini ... If I have time I will make a new version ...:)

Little preview :
Originally posted by AK47
Looking good, again, except...
she looks a bit like Helen's twin, no ?

I have changed a little bit the parameters for the face, perhaps not enough ... what do you think about this version ? :
yep, that's better IMO. The silver is also cooler than the gold. She looks more like she would be Celtic or Frank or similar, than Amazon. But that's good. I like her.

Originally posted by AK47
yep, that's better IMO. The silver is also cooler than the gold. She looks more like she would be Celtic or Frank or similar, than Amazon. But that's good. I like her.


Here is the complete preview with happy-angry ....Like you can see I imagine her a little bit aggressive ...:)
I will complete the backgrounds of course ...
hmmm, in medieval version there's something looking wrong in the combination "armor plate - breasts"... Like the helmet, though.
Modern version looks really cool.
Originally posted by AK47
hmmm, in medieval version there's something looking wrong in the combination "armor plate - breasts"... Like the helmet, though.
Modern version looks really cool.

You are right for the medieval version, I will correct it ...:)
Very nice, I am becoming a fan of your leaderheads. I look forward to this new one. She looks like she could be some warrior princess type.
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