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pre-release info New First Look: Ibn Battuta

pre-release info
Wow, really loving this leader!! Awesome to have a civilization led by an explorer. Really thematically fits the exploration age too!
It made me wonder why Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus weren't picked as the Italian leader instead of Machiavelli, since they were famous explorers. Now I can see why they weren't chosen. Ibn Battuta travelled more than any other pre-modern explorer.
He is! All Leaders can be paired with any Civ.
Maybe he meant he unlocks ALL EA and MA Civs, which would be truly wildcard but slso maybe bit broken :lol:
I am not going to complain about anything regarding civ7 approach to leaders ever again

Ibn Battura as a leader is such a glorious idea, and by his nature he's going to culturally fit in as a leader of... kinda any civ ever?

Now, if only he had some modern Islamic civ to lead :groucho:
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It made me wonder why Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus weren't picked as the Italian leader instead of Machiavelli, since they were famous explorers. Now I can see why they weren't chosen. Ibn Battuta travelled more than any other pre-modern explorer.
Honestly, I would have preferred the same abilities on Marco Polo, or even better yet, John Mandeville
Well I guess I am the only person who dislikes this. :shifty:

I am not a fan. And I say this as someone who would always rename my Moroccan scout to him in Civ V. At least all the other non-head of state leaders had a significant career in politics. Ibn Battuta might've been a fascinating person and a Qadi at certain points in his life, but that isn't enough for me.
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Okay, loving this choice.
Not the Moroccan/Berber leader I was expecting.....I guess his connection to politics is that he was born in a family of legal scholars.

I'm not too fond of this non-political people being Civ leaders. For me, I feel like Firaxis is avoiding more obscure, but no less worthy political leaders in favor of famous names like Confucius, Ibn Battuta, Machiavelli and Ben Franklin. Will we get scientists like Albert Einstein as leaders? Artists like Vincent van Gogh? Business people like Nelson Rockefeller? Actors? Inventors? Architects?
Now, if only he had some modern Islamic civ to lead :groucho:
After the Songhai reveal, some people were speculating about a Modern Era Morocco, but apparently that's not possible from what other people were saying.
It made me wonder why Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus weren't picked as the Italian leader instead of Machiavelli, since they were famous explorers. Now I can see why they weren't chosen. Ibn Battuta travelled more than any other pre-modern explorer.
I'm grateful they chose this direction. Personally, I find Machiavelli a far more interesting as leader than Christopher Columbus or Marco Polo could have been. Ibn Battuta traveled across more lands than both Zheng He and Marco Polo.

I was initially a bit disappointed, thinking we wouldn’t see a Muslim leader, but now I’m truly glad to see Ibn Battuta included.
It made me wonder why Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus weren't picked as the Italian leader instead of Machiavelli, since they were famous explorers. Now I can see why they weren't chosen. Ibn Battuta travelled more than any other pre-modern explorer.
Well Columbus is a Spanish Great Person (Conqustador)
Marco Polo might be being saved for an Italian CS GP

His ability seems especially powerful in Exploration, knowing exactly where to try to cross to the Distant lands.

Also, I like that sharing maps is not something that you can just do, but a special ability for one leader.... it helps preserve the exploration... you want to know about someone's empire, get open borders and explore through it.

Seeing him paired with Spain would be good
Okay, cool, but why are you hiding the one and the only Gandhi. Will he be ready for Christmas?
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