New First Look: Ibn Battuta

not even related to politics, and from what I understand he doesn't even serve as an ideological or cultural leader like Confucius. :think:

Good observation! We can now take "had anything to do with ruling a country" out of the objection list when speculating on what famous historical figure might be a leader in Civ 7. It seems like it is more important whether the dev team can (a) tie some aspect of their history to game mechanics, and (b) create unique narrative events for the leader. (I'm speculating on the importance of this second factor, but I feel good about the likelihood that I'm correct.)
The Mamluk is spot-on!
Oh, I was wondering to suggest him. What a great choice, and yes, decoupling leaders from politics has been wonderful. I do await my pirate though and my religious leader next. What I really really like about all this is that it teaches the young history nerds whose first contact with history will be civilization 7 that it's not about the big men, and not always about wars. It shows off all facets of life, and I think that's beautiful
If the Start Bias says Flat does that mean Flat terrain or a Flat Bias i.e. no bias to any kind of terrain?
I would presume flat terrain... otherwise it would probably be "none"
Yes, we have seen leaders with no bias. This one is certainly flat terrain.
He is! All Leaders can be paired with any Civ.

That is not what I meant :)

His starting Civ should be random when he's played by the AI.
If I understand it correctly, Attributes of a Leader represent what APs they get off Narrative Events. For example, Scientific Leader could get often Narrative Events which speak of inventions of their people and they can get Scientific Points off that.

What about Wildcard? Is it that his options are diverse - that he may get once Narrative Event about scientists he encounters and their discovery, leading to Scientific Point, another time Narrative Event from a crowd of people in a metropolis he visited, leading to Expansionist Point, and another time Narrative Event about some festivities he would attend for Cultural Point? Or is it that his Narrative Events give him Wildcard Points?
Probably the second. In the video he has wildcard points to spend.
I remember modding him into my great person mod (if you have seen him in 6 it might be from that?) wondering how he wasn’t already in the game as a great person…….I actually wanted to do something with him operating as like an early rock band but couldn’t get that route to work so went with culture from your trading posts from memory…..

I wouldn’t say he was completely non-political given his work as a judge/qadi in a couple of spots and interactions with a few royal courts.
This is the first leader in this new system that has truly sung to me, I think they will be my first pick.
Machiavelli is my favorite so far. I really like Battuta as well, but I haven't decided whether to rank him second or third. I'm slightly afraid that I will be tempted to misspend his free Wildcard points early in the Age instead of hoarding them away until I have a good understanding of what I'm up against. The free sight is excellent, though. It's really going to help tracking down discoverables, Independent Powers, Treasure Resources, and Natural Wonders before other civs. I'm fond of Isabella and Amina as well. I didn't like Augustus at first, but he grew on me after seeing what Exploration is about.
Machiavelli is my favorite so far. I really like Battuta as well, but I haven't decided whether to rank him second or third. I'm slightly afraid that I will be tempted to misspend his free Wildcard points early in the Age instead of hoarding them away until I have a good understanding of what I'm up against. The free sight is excellent, though. It's really going to help tracking down discoverables, Independent Powers, Treasure Resources, and Natural Wonders before other civs. I'm fond of Isabella and Amina as well. I didn't like Augustus at first, but he grew on me after seeing what Exploration is about.
Machiavelli is a close second with me.

You know, I was initially pretty skeptical of this concept of separating leaders from civs, but Machiavelli and Ibn Battuta, among others, have gotten me very excited about the idea.
You know, I was initially pretty skeptical of this concept of separating leaders from civs, but Machiavelli and Ibn Battuta, among others, have gotten me very excited about the idea.

For me the turning point was Charlemagne, it is then when I have realized just how much of a blessing such system can be - such a titanic historical figure, yet civ games always struggled to square the circle with him neither being "German" or "French" and a separate "Frankish" or "HRE" civ having very low demand...
Really like this one ! Very interesting abilities, and I learned something as I didn't know of him :clap:

Altough I think taking him for the first game would be a mistake because the +1 sight will be your first experience with the game.
In all games after that, the world around you will feel more constricted, instead of if playing him later, then you will really appreciate the +1 sight for its own qualities
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