pre-release info New First Look: Ibn Battuta

pre-release info
Well Columbus is a Spanish Great Person (Conqustador)

Taking into account his behavior yeah, he fits better in the Conquistador lineup rather than as the "explorer" leader representative.
Ibn Battuta is a great choice. Finally an Arab leader for the Abbasids. He even travelled to India, so Chola and the Mughals would fit as well. Only mildly sorry to hear the pronouncation of his travelogue al-Rihla butchered.
I looked up his heritage and it said he was berber and his tribe was the Lawata
In most of the civs games I've played, I've felt like exploration was almost always the most fun and interesting part. He makes it even better. Wooo.
He is better at exploring... whether that will make it more fun is an open question. Better exploration tools (especially map sharing) means the exploration phase is over sooner.
Oh, this looks awesome. For one thing, I like the character model a lot - looks clean and crisp and expressive in a fun way. But this design is incredible. His flatlands star bias is the only thing holding him back (for me, at least, since I always want a high-production start) but I'll still be trying him, probably early and often. Wildcard attributes are great, map-trading is great. Extra sight is great... I'm psyched for this.
In most of the civs games I've played, I've felt like exploration was almost always the most fun and interesting part. He makes it even better. Wooo.
Kinda? He is more effective at it. But he also gets tiles revealed through diplomacy, so you're doing less of it yourself.
He is better at exploring... whether that will make it more fun is an open question. Better exploration tools (especially map sharing) means the exploration phase is over sooner.
Better exploration also means being able to take advantage of it faster. I think it fill be more on the fun side. taking the best spots before enyone else. and with two exploration phases (early and exploration age) it might be relevant longer.
Pros: cool ability, explorer character as a leader, muslim leader (we didn't have one yet), and taught me something new. :goodjob:

Cons: not even related to politics, and from what I understand he doesn't even serve as an ideological or cultural leader like Confucius. :think:

His portrayal is very visually appealing though. Great animation.
I didn't know who ibn Battuta was but I knew Marco Polo and Colombus. I guess this is partly due to Eurocentric historical narratives.
I don't know. I grew up with Eurocentric history books, and ibn Battuta was well-known to me even then

Not that I'm trying to pose as as some sort of historical buff myself, of course. I don't know much about the Roman Empire or the Classical and Ancient Greeks as most people here, and the more time I spend here the more I appreciate how much there is to learn
Pros: cool ability, explorer character as a leader, muslim leader (we didn't have one yet), and taught me something new. :goodjob:

Cons: not even related to politics, and from what I understand he doesn't even serve as an ideological or cultural leader like Confucius. :think:

His portrayal is very visually appealing though. Great animation.
I believe Amina is Muslim as well.
If I understand it correctly, Attributes of a Leader represent what APs they get off Narrative Events. For example, Scientific Leader could get often Narrative Events which speak of inventions of their people and they can get Scientific Points off that.

What about Wildcard? Is it that his options are diverse - that he may get once Narrative Event about scientists he encounters and their discovery, leading to Scientific Point, another time Narrative Event from a crowd of people in a metropolis he visited, leading to Expansionist Point, and another time Narrative Event about some festivities he would attend for Cultural Point? Or is it that his Narrative Events give him Wildcard Points?
If I understand it correctly, Attributes of a Leader represent what APs they get off Narrative Events. For example, Scientific Leader could get often Narrative Events which speak of inventions of their people and they can get Scientific Points off that.

What about Wildcard? Is it that his options are diverse - that he may get once Narrative Event about scientists he encounters and their discovery, leading to Scientific Point, another time Narrative Event from a crowd of people in a metropolis he visited, leading to Expansionist Point, and another time Narrative Event about some festivities he would attend for Cultural Point? Or is it that his Narrative Events give him Wildcard Points?
The way I interpret it is that his narrative events give Wildcard attribute points (and possibly Expansionist points, but Sarah is checking on that)
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