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new imac


Jan 10, 2001
Fredericton, NB, Canada
the new imac looks preatty sweet i have to say

but is it me.. or does it look like a turtle pen?


here's the apple crew putting one together

No you didn't post anything in here about Macintrash!

It is nice looking though....but where is the computer?and does it ship with a higher MH than 500? ;)
Oh, they have almost reached half the MHz that P4s are putting out and that AMD XPs are running at. Don't tell me that MHz means nothing as it is all well and good that Macs can run PhotoShop like a pro but they can not rule in games like FPSs.
The have their market and I should leave them alone, but it is so fun! ;)
I seriously might get one for my mother in-law as they are easier than PCs....but I don't want my young brother in-law growing up on one......
Death comes on a Palehorse, maybe but I'm gonna bring death to that dumb horse for saying: :D
Don't tell me that MHz means nothin
Yeah and that's why everybody know (including my dog, and my parrot) that ADM Athlon 1.4Ghz are much less powerful and million times slower than a P4 1.6Ghz. Right? Yeah it's right... :p

Actually, the speed measurement on PC remain Mhz according to you. On Mac, the unit is the gigaflop :p:cool:
C'mon, get out from stone age ;)
Btw, I couldn't believe first, when I heard the news that Apple had ordered a lot of flat screen. My friend ironically said:
"so Apple would make new imacs using LCD. So where would they put the rest, CPU, HD, etc..? In a small box?"
Mmmm, after all, he wasn't wrong. Even I wouldn't think at that!
My friend is a divinator. I'm pretty sure.

PS: thanks for the nice pics Fishy :)
Mac = evil ;)

Well, it's a computer for ppl who don't have thenerves for Bluescreens :p
Not to start a fight, but OS X is sweet and SO much better than Win XP. I love OS X due to its wonderful UNIX termnial!!!! I can do everything I want to do - and still play cool games like Civ 3! Motorola's processor architechure is a much better design than the intel chips - thats why their processor is used in TONS of hardware applications other than computers. Don't insult macs.

Apple is keeping the price down on this imac - Top end model for $1800, with FLAT panel, DVD Superdrive, and that lovely G4! Don't even start with that old arguement "but there aren't any applications for mac :p" because there ARE tons - especically now that OS X is run on top of UNIX - Darwin is what they're calling the UNIX OS thats built on the new macs (freebsd flavour).

Granted, there are places for windows machines, but don't say mac's suck - because the DON'T.

Also - if you've undergone a kernel panic (for doin what you weren't supposed to be doin in the terminal) a bluescreen is NOTHING.


On the box it said "Requires Windows 95 or Above." So I bought a mac.
Okay...for all of you out there who actually believe in MHz...let me offer you an analogy for the PowerPC vs. Pentium MHz battle.

The Pentium processor is like driving 100 mph down a one lane road and having to stop at 32 stoplights in less than a mile. The PowerPC, however can drive 50 mph, stop at only four stoplights, and have 10 cars driving side by side down the same road.

Kinda makes those Intel chip designers look silly.

Hail to the RISC, baby!
Originally posted by a98ac7h
Hail to the RISC, baby!

Both Intel and AMD use RISC. Only Cyrix still uses CISC. And well....you all know the state of Cyrix chips. ;)

But the PowerPC chips are nice.

Of course...the best chip (As of a few years ago) was the Alpha chip. 1.3 GHz while Intel was stuck at 233 P1. Oh...I love the Alpha chip. WAY ahead of its time. Too bad they didn't have their own fabrication plant....we wouldn't be using Pentiums now. ;)

But another chip to look out for is the Transmedia Cursoe. An adaptive CPU that runs faster the more you use it. Too bad it's only at 600MHz right now...and no one knows about it. ;)

Anyway...I'd love to get my hands on the new iMac....But I don't have 2 grand....and until I do....I'm stuck with Micro**** Winblows Xtra Problems. ;)

Actually...I love XP. And love the easy to get programs, and expandibility. Go Wintel. ;) Although....I hate the new breed of Intel CPU's, so it's more like Go WinAMD!!! :)
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