New Units: Knight Pack


King of the Krauts
Nov 2, 2000
Five different knights. Splitted in two parts, because together the files are over the 3 mb limit.

Part one - first row (all 12/13th century):
- yellow with German imperial eagle, from the Staufer ruler family
- red with three golden lions, Lionheart style
- blue with "fleur de lis", French Capetian style

Part two - second row:
- generic knight 12/13th century
- generic knight late 15th century

Download part one:
Download part two:

The two generic knights from pt.2 come with some additional anims. Standard (as specified in the ini file) is that they have both attack A and B anims, A with lance, B with axe/mace. If you want to remove the A anim, you can specify anim B as first and only attack anim. In this case, the additional run and default anims should be edited in as well, because they show the unit without lance. Simply adds a bit variety :)

Below the pedia art as preview, I´ll post preview anims in the next posts :)


  • knights01.jpg
    90 KB · Views: 13,830
English fidget

8as always anims are faster in-game) ;)


  • knighte_fid.gif
    65.7 KB · Views: 11,709
French attack B:


  • knightf_att_b.gif
    94.1 KB · Views: 11,943
German death:


  • knightg_death.gif
    92.1 KB · Views: 11,395
generic 12/13th cent. knight attack b


  • knight_generic_att_b.gif
    70.3 KB · Views: 11,165
generic late 15th century knight attack b:


  • knight_genericlate_att_b.gif
    71.4 KB · Views: 10,895
Thx :) - just one more preview: late knight death


  • knight_genericlate_death.gif
    83.6 KB · Views: 9,849
If you like, make those Munits :) I´m just afraid that I´m no big help there, since I never made any Munits, only single units. But shouldn´t the sounds be pretty much the same? I mean, they all use the sounds from the Civ3 knight, so it shouldn´t be a prob ;)
Oh and just a note to the Munit: the preview has the infamous "ghost pixel" error in eastern direction. It is caused in flicster if the graphics "touch" the border of a flicster storyboard. I had to edit it manually out of my storybords, but only in two cases - the red guy´s attack (as in your preview) and his death anim. All others worked without further corrections.

Maybe you can fix it by adding a little more space in SBB (never tried that). My anims are 120px wide and 140px high - simply try to make them wider for the Munits :)

Edit: or you export the single unit flcs into new (wider) flicster storyboards before converting them to Munits, because you can choose a new output size when exporting a storyboard from flicster.
Damn BeBro this is cool. But of all the times you could have released this you pick the time that I'm at school. :cry: ;) Nice to see a couple of Knight flavor units.

Hehe I think I'm gonna have a long afternoon. Why? Because in my mod I have calavary upgrade to an early tank and I have a lot of flavor units for the early tank, a few for calvary, the Firaxis knight UU's plus one from this forum, The Firaxis horse UU, several for Tanks, and several for the Advanced tanks. Total units in the upgrade path (not including these new ones): 45 units. now I have 48 :lol: And I'm gonna look for some more this afternoon :rolleyes: :lol:
Sire Bebro, you are another member of honor, in the Round Table of knights :king:
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