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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hey all,

New version inbound, just in time for the holidays! Most of this is just bugfixes, nothing too exciting, but there are some cool features in here.

Special shoutout to balparmak for his awesome work for this release, including making buildings invest-able later on, reducing the size of art assets by over 150 MB, and several bugfixes.

Major Features
- Buildings and Wonders can now be invested in as long as they have more than 1 production turn remaining
   AI taught to use this properly

- Major cleanup of the religion code from ilteroi
   Total religious pressure is now displayed in the city tooltip (EUI only)

- Significant reduction in memory usage from art assets (thank you very much balparmak!)

- Shoshone and America AI less likely to select God of the Expanse
- AI willingness to backstab friends reduced, logic adjusted
- Diplo AI's "Easy Target" evaluation is now more nuanced (considers captured cities and other factors)

- Added +1 Culture per turn to all World Wonders without it (and the Consulate) because the inconsistency annoyed me
- Added +4 Culture per turn to Ideology NWs

- Fixed Barbarian Hordes not spawning
- Fixed "kidnap specialists" spy event never ending
- Fixed City-State Influence forum quest never ending
- Fixed extremely low Corporation Franchise limit
- Fixed buggy spy text (duplicate notifications, bad grammar)
- Fixed units purchased with Faith being able to move immediately (they still get full XP)
- Fixed crash when starting a game with 43 Civs
- Fixed blockades not affecting cities correctly
- Fixed bug with Siege Tower
- Fixed "attacked resurrected civ" diplo penalty not applying correctly
- Fixed excessive diplo penalty for different ideologies
- Fixed bug with AI approach weights towards City-States
- Fixed AI expending all of its Great Admirals when it has more than one
- Fixed bugs with Tourism (Tourism tooltip should now display accurate modifiers)
- Fixed errors with T34 tank promotions
- Fixed Venetian puppets ignoring building requirements for units
- Fixed Palace Garden giving +3 Food instead of displayed +5
- Fixed Ceremonial Burial culture not scaling with era
- Fixed Influence bonus from failed coup
- Fixed City-State Influence modifying Tribute yields incorrectly (CP Only)
- Fixed Dojo yields
- Fixed non-Artistry AIs still getting mad about excavated artifacts from hidden sites
- Fixed being unable to build Work Boats in lake cities

- Ottoman UA renamed from Tanzimat to Kanuni
- Added LUA hook for modders to change the AI's flat and percentage weights to major civ approaches (thanks InkAxis!)
- Text fixes


Online as of 7:37 PM CST. Not savegame compatible.

Happy holidays!

[Version 1.3.1]
Hotfix for a few missing textures has been posted.

Link to 1.3.1 (in case of map generation issues):

Online as of 10:19 PM CST. Savegame compatible.

[Version 1.3.2]
Added improvements to resource placement during map generation (AssignStartingPlots.lua) from azum4roll. Clear a Marsh is now moved to Construction, requiring fewer techs to unlock it.

  • A separate Impact and Ripple table has been made for each strategic resource (instead of all of them sharing one).
    • The order of placing strategic resources should no longer matter
  • Size of coal deposits reduced. Amount of coal deposits increased.
  • Resource placement follows Civilopedia
    • Coal: grassland, plains. No longer on tundra.
    • Gold: grassland, plains, desert. No longer on tundra.
    • Silver: tundra, desert. No longer on grassland/plains.
    • Copper: can be on all featureless plots, including snow.
    • Gems: can be in jungle in addition to featureless non-snow plots.
    • Salt: plains, desert, tundra. No longer on grassland.
    • Sugar: flood plains and marsh only. No longer in forest/jungle.
    • Truffles: can be in marsh in addition to forest/jungle.
    • Furs: flat forest tundra only. No longer on plains.
    • Ivory: open flat plains only. Grassland ivory was a bug.
    • Cotton: can be on featureless desert in addition to grassland/plains.
  • Clear Marsh moved to Construction (was Iron Working)
  • Communitu_79a changes:
    • Use new impact layers, adjust strategic rate accordingly
    • BUGFIX: AdjustTiles now works for Even More Resources

Kept 1.3.1 uploaded in case there's a map generation issue (crash or whatever).

Online as of 2:54 PM CST. Savegame compatible.

[Version 1.3.3]
Hotfix for a few small issues.

Clear a Marsh now actually moved to Construction (not Masonry)

Major civs with no cities can no longer Accept Embassy (but the other civ can accept theirs)

Killing a player's initial Settler(s) now kills them immediately, triggers the historic event for winning a war, and plays the defeat animation, unless Complete Kills is enabled (vanilla bug)

Online as of 12:52 PM CST. Savegame compatible.

[Version 1.3.4]
Hotfix for religious pressure/followers. Link above has been updated.

Fixed negative religious pressure/followers
Fixed bug in how religious followers are distributed based on total pressure

Religious followers should be distributed correctly now (although the number of Atheists and the Atheism pressure are not yet shown in the tooltip).

Online as of 9:30 AM CST. Savegame compatible, but won't fix existing negative religious pressure/follower issues.
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- Buildings and Wonders can now be invested in as long as they have more than 1 production turn remaining
AI taught to use this properly

- Major cleanup of the religion code from ilteroi
Total religious pressure is now displayed in the city tooltip (EUI only)

- Significant reduction in memory usage from art assets (thank you very much balparmak!)

Very cool! Especially the religious pressure display, that my really help all of the confusion around spread....and will help us determine if there are any balance issues with spread.

On the +4 culture to ideology NWs....hehe I would bet money it won't make a lick of difference in 99.9% of games, but no issue here :)
one more comment about the inquisitors: their effectiveness is configurable through the define for INQUISITION_EFFECTIVENESS. this is experimentally set to 50 right now, meaning an inquisitor removes 50% of the "foreign" religious pressure.

previously this "effectiveness" was hardcoded to 100 .. so please no complaints abouts inquisitors not working right but give feedback about which value should be the default.

also AI players should now use more inquisitors and are better at defending their religion.

edit: and there is a new log file ReligiousPressure.csv - it does not catch everything but it should capture the most important events
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In last version a few people reported that it is imposibble to trade city state peace with AI. It happened in my game too.
Is it fixed? AI killing city states for no reason.
v1.3, also known as the version "if it's broken balparmak broke it" :c5happy: I'm just happy to contribute, couldn't do without your & discord community's support and patience. Just one thing to note though, I haven't actually monitored the in-game memory usage, hopefully it's decreased by some amount but I'm guessing any differences won't be noticeable, maaybe except for the people with very low-end hardware. Also about art assets, if anyone has any issues (like low-quality, poor blending, anything that sticks out) with VP textures I'm happy to take a look. Hope it works well for everybody!

edit: By the way, you can send me your logs (HomelandAI specifically) if you have logging enabled even if you don't experience any issues. AI investment can probably use some fine-tuning but I need more data
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- Added +1 Culture per turn to all World Wonders without it (and the Consulate) because the inconsistency annoyed me
- Added +4 Culture per turn to Ideology NWs
Are you sure it will be good for WWs with totally different focus? I kinda liked these "specializations". I even thought there are too many WWs with culture per turn.
In last version a few people reported that it is imposibble to trade city state peace with AI. It happened in my game too.
Is it fixed? AI killing city states for no reason.

That issue hasn't been dealt with yet - no bug report on Github.

v1.3, also known as the version "if it's broken balparmak broke it" :c5happy: I'm just happy to contribute, couldn't do without your & discord community's support and patience. Just one thing to note though, I haven't actually monitored the in-game memory usage, hopefully it's decreased by some amount but I'm guessing any differences won't be noticeable, maaybe except for the people with very low-end hardware. Also about art assets, if anyone has any issues (like low-quality, poor blending, anything that sticks out) with VP textures I'm happy to take a look. Hope it works well for everybody!

150 MB less memory is significant when we only have a few GB of RAM to play around with. Should help a bit with lategame yield icons despawning, etc. :)

On the +4 culture to ideology NWs....hehe I would bet money it won't make a lick of difference in 99.9% of games, but no issue here :)

Are you sure it will be good for WWs with totally different focus? I kinda liked these "specializations". I even thought there are too many WWs with culture per turn.

A drop in the bucket, highly doubt it'll make any serious difference since most of the affected Wonders are late game. It just alleviates the annoyance about inconsistency for me. :lol:

(And in the case of the Ideology NWs, it made no sense to me that a NW at the center of an ideology had no Culture bonus!)
Is there any explanation for the new religious pressure numbers? Since the numbers are now quite large compared to before, like in the thousands of points of pressure etc.
I thought the tooltip didn't say scaling with era? It's going to be quite OP if it does scale now.

It does say scaling with era.

Is there any explanation for the new religious pressure numbers? Since the numbers are now quite large compared to before, like in the thousands of points of pressure etc.

First number is total pressure, second number is pressure per turn. Missionaries always gave 1000+ pressure.
one more comment about the inquisitors: their effectiveness is configurable through the define for INQUISITION_EFFECTIVENESS. this is experimentally set to 50 right now, meaning an inquisitor removes 50% of the "foreign" religious pressure.

previously this "effectiveness" was hardcoded to 100 .. so please no complaints abouts inquisitors not working right but give feedback about which value should be the default.

also AI players should now use more inquisitors and are better at defending their religion.

edit: and there is a new log file ReligiousPressure.csv - it does not catch everything but it should capture the most important events

Is this the amount of pressure that inquisitors “remove” or the amount of new pressure they “block”?
A drop in the bucket, highly doubt it'll make any serious difference since most of the affected Wonders are late game. It just alleviates the annoyance about inconsistency for me. :lol:
I think this is actually a subtle, but important improvement in tourism mechanics, because hotels/airports/stadiums have :tourism:/:c5culture: from world wonder converters on them. There's an underlying assumption there that wonders have :c5culture:culture yields to convert in the first place. So this fixes a violated assumption that other mechanics relied on to be true.
Do inquisitors still give a turn of resistance? I am fine with them being less effective, but then they probably shouldnt give that at least.
Is this the amount of pressure that inquisitors “remove” or the amount of new pressure they “block”?
Amount of pressure they remove. They still are supposed to block 50% of a missionary's spread.
They still are supposed to block 50% of a missionary's spread.

Whoa whoa whoa, lets not start this again. Inquisitors DO NOT block missionary spread, nor have they for a very very long time (if ever).

I was just confirming if that had now been put in, and it sounds like it hasn't based on your answer.
Yay new version. Thanks for all your work!

From my last few games, I think that culture victory is overtuned and far easier than the other victories ever since the early tourism was adjusted. I wonder if others are experiencing the same thing?
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