Next Turn - 120 AD

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Monke, I interpret that as "Let's give Rout and others time to plan something else for the OP Settler, to not found another Filler in Boreum". Fine with me, either way, either day.

These immediate issues remain:
Found Island on Buffalo, or not? If not, Settler does x ...
How best to kill the Viking Horse that we see?
War party heads NE of Fort Anarchy?
Boreum Governor, Cities and Settlers?
OP Settler on irrigation ... found River Bend Bridge Filler?

We seem to have resolved so: build Cop's, LN Caravan in lieu of third Settler, None Settler roads for Elysium, Trireme explores S, Roskilde serf on Whale and grow, spend $IPRB, Civvium Silver in 3 turns, maybe Trades into RC.
I'm ambivalent about the filler city, but the other issues certainly need attention. Though it seems hgihly likely that a war party will investigate the NE corner...
Well I've taken on the role as governor of Boreum but I not sure whether its going to be just a temporary postion.
Issues posted by Gary:
Found Island on Buffalo, or not? If not, Settler does x ...
Let's wait until the trireme has uncovered the land we see below the buffalo island, then we can make a nice "city plan" so that all squares are used efficiently.

How best to kill the Viking Horse that we see?
Let it live for the time being, just chase it a bit back to the NE.

War party heads NE of Fort Anarchy?
I'd like the diplo to take a look in the NE and bribe any city or unit there if the price is right. Let our army go in the NE direction as well but let the legion stay near Roskilde for extra defense. I don't trust the Vikings. ;)

Boreum Governor, Cities and Settlers?
Governor? Dell19 has volunteered hasn't he? I support him!
Settlers should make some more roads and I would like them to make a road up to Reneaux so that they are connected to the rest of our empire. Gary likes to put a city over the river, I like the settlers to make some extra roads. (sorry Gary... ;) )

OP Settler on irrigation ... found River Bend Bridge Filler?
Well I like both settlers to build some roads. Road from OP to Ebo and from Ebo to Ren.

We seem to have resolved so: build Cop's, LN Caravan in lieu of third Settler, None Settler roads for Elysium, Trireme explores S, Roskilde serf on Whale and grow, spend $IPRB, Civvium Silver in 3 turns, maybe Trades into RC.
Civvium builds silver caravan and RC demands silver, we need that route for gold!

That's it for me for now.
Science Report

The people have voted and command we research in the following order:

Theory of Gravity

If you are unfortunate to find them all unavailable, the following all have equal popularity:
Banking-Democracy or Economics

And if you're very unlucky:
Chryshe Province Report

Mr President. As the elected representative of the people, you are commanded to do the following:

Dellham: Move the archer back into Dellham and fortify. Change production to an archer or caravan. Your choice - but the people do not want a phalanx.

Reneaux: Change production to a caravan

Monks Towne: Finish archer, then start a unit. Our Domestic Advisor suggests a settler.

Settler: Mine coal, then mine iron.

Roskilde: Let the city grow to size 2, but no further. Suggest considering dukes idea of the current settler making some improvements on the way to Fruit City, to slow growth of Roskilde. Be aware of the Viking prevalence in that area.

The people want a poll/discusion regarding the Viking situation.... but where is General CivGeneral? The diplomat and horseman should head to the northeast to control the Viking incursion. Also be aware of the potential Indian landing point in the northwest area and peninsula. Remember the tip of the peninsula is nearer Lahore than Roskilde.
by civ1-addict
Let's wait until the trireme has uncovered the land we see below the buffalo island, then we can make a nice "city plan" so that all squares are used efficiently.
Since it won't take long to explore a bit, could we have contingency plans, so game play wouldn't need to be stopped after 2 or so turns?

I'll suggest building on the buffalo unless exploration shows a better possibility.
After all this planning, it would be a shame to play only 1 or 2 turns. Perhaps regarding the Island Buffalo:
Island Setter R charge and clear orders.
OP Settler somewhere, say NW. End of Turn.
Trireme heads S and perhaps drops Warrior on Next SE Isle. If it
appears large, Settler W to Buffalo and found Island City.
Any Objections?
Excellent reports Jayne! Combining the Science poll result with Rout's fine Exploration poll, we shall trade for techs along our preferred path if possible. AI usually goes for Polytheism at least.

I'm not so sure what to do with the OP settler. Do we eventually want a road from Mordhemia to Neuma?

If the exploration shows good land S of the trireme, would charging the settler be necessary?
I would advise caution in trading techs. As we decided a millenia or so ago, don't go giving away crucial stuff which allows the AI to beat us to goals. On the other hand, iirc, gifting to the Indians may be considered acceptable.
OP settler suggestion: Make forest N (one space) of Marl Downs, or 1 space S of Eboracum
Re: Island Settler charging.
That Settler has nothing else to do before End Of Turn. Depending on the Next SE Island, it may move W to Buffalo, or NE to Clear Forest, or NE to found on Forest (if other Settler lands here). Hence, Charge in case it would move NE after a look at the Next SE Island. My .02
Name the city: Island City for now.
Originally posted by Jayne
I would advise caution in trading techs. As we decided a millenia or so ago, don't go giving away crucial stuff which allows the AI to beat us to goals. On the other hand, iirc, gifting to the Indians may be considered acceptable.

It's only ever acceptable if we have a supreme rating (does anyone know our current rating?) and if they're not a threat to us. I'd say that at the moment they are a threat to our domination. Once we have them to a pet city then we can gift them like crazy as long as they don't repay our generosity by giving the techs to all the remaining civs.
Temporary Military Report

Please check Viking Poll before play. As things stand at the moment:

Send Dip NE
Send Horseman E, and try to for Viking Horseman E also.
Send Legion W

Bribe any Viking cities you come across.
Noone has objected for 24 hours to these:
Keep 30% Tax, max 70% Science
Build Cop's,
LN Caravan in lieu of third Settler,
Aonia None Settler roads for Elysium,
Trireme explores S,
Roskilde serf on Whale and grow, so spend $IPRB,
Civvium Silver in 3 turns, maybe Trades into RC.

I planned the following, then went back and adjusted for polls...

Immediate City Build & Serf management:
Little Nemo: Change to Caravan in 4, then Settler.
  One of 2 existing Settlers Must Build a City...
Civvium: IPRB $4, Road Serf to Forest, Silver Caravan
Dellham: Serf to Plains River, Archer IPRB $19, then Elvis...
  new serf to Roaded Plains to slow growth, Caravan.
Fort Anarchy: Mine the Coal, 10 turns.

After one or more turns:
REGIA CIVITAS: serf onto Road, not fish. Another Caravan.
Elysium: has 2 Police, 1 Black Dude, may need 3rd police...
TFalls: Grows in 2 turns, seems it will be ok
  Recommend serfs remain on 2 Roads, add Forest serf.
  Could IPRB $8 frequently
Civvium: Caravan 29/50 in 4 turns
  Silver is demanded by REGIA CIVITAS
  Half supported. Let's deliver it. Objections?

  Growing too quickly, Road serf to ocean or Forest?
  Then start another unit
Bedfont Lakes: Caravan 45/50 in 1 turn
  Then build a Diplomat?
  Recommend a bit more Food, now 3/30, then ReFreeze on Forest
Gabba Gabba, Caravan 30/50 in 4 turns
  Recommend IPRB $11 in case I'm wrong about BL 5 turns.

None Settler on Pure Green, Road where it is, then
  Road Elysium, TFalls Settler roads CJ to LC.

Northern Provinces steping lightly, not on toes!
Marl Downs: No Food in Food Box. 1 Forest Serf to Road.
Mordhiemia: Temple in 8 ok w Elvis.
Octavia's Point: Growing Madly, recommend Settler in lieu of Archer
Eboracum: Salt Caravan in 2, then unhappiness looms.
  Temple or Warrior or Phx? Trireme won't work!?
  Salt Caravan heads for Reneaux, rehomes there.
Neuma: Caravan in 12, IPRB $4 frequently

Reneaux: serfs Plains River, Wine Mine, Oasis, Caravan
  could IPRB $11 frequently
Roskilde: Serf on Whale, grows in 3
  new serf on Ocean, DO IPRB $8 frequently?
Castle Jayne: Caravan in 14, could IPRB $8 frequently
Monks Towne: Archer in 2, go where? Then Settler?
  Poll says Unit (Caravan), I say Settler
Fort Anarchy: Caravan in 10, could IPRB $8 frequently.
  could rehome CJ Archer?
Legendary City: Temple in 9 ok, nice to Road Oasis.
Boreum stuff:
- caravans and temples built.
- Settlers to concentrate on completing the road network, then the filler could be build with one settler whilst the other settlers may start on irrigation.
- The spare warrior and one of the current settlers (probably the one just south of Oct's point) should go and board the Marl
- Finally a trireme should be built and sent north.

I'll carry on as governer unless someone objects
GaryNemo (9:20 AM) :
I just posted a possible flowchart in Turn 120AD, so you can keep moving. In a couple hours, I'll post a composite startup micromanagement. A few of the polls are clear enough, eh?
MonkE (9:29 AM) :
Thanks, that's great. There is much more clarity for me than yesterday. With all the complexity, I don't expect everything to be covered, though.

GaryNemo (2:15 PM) :
Happy with Post: Turn 120AD Poll Results and Plan?
MonkE (2:16 PM) :
I haven't had time to go through it yet. Will do so presently.

MonkE (2:21 PM) :
For LN: What do you mean "Change to Caravan in 4"? The settler builds in 1.
GaryNemo (2:27 PM) :
No Settler. The third Settler would be a crisis.
MonkE (2:28 PM) : OK, I get it.
Civvium: I think 2 shield is better than 1 beaker, so forest.
BFL: If we build a diplomat, where should it go?
GaryNemo (2:29 PM) :
BFL, first the Cops's Caravan. In the Caravan Priority Poll, I think they voted for Diplomat, onto Trireme, if you find it convenient to come back for it in 6-10 turns...

GaryNemo (2:30 PM) :
When we're done here, I'm going to post this in Turn 120AD.
MonkE (2:30 PM) : OK

GaryNemo (2:31 PM) :
Re Civvium, the corruption is a Factor, maybe that's what you meant. So the Forest is clearly superior. Plus, we want to slow growth. That serf change is also ratified by a poll.
MonkE (2:32 PM) :
No, I just meant that I'd rather have 7 shields for building caravans (forest) than just 1 extra beaker (ocean).
GaryNemo (2:33 PM) :
I'm clicking the Civvium serf: Road, Forest, Ocean. On Forest, there is only 1 Corruption, otherwise 2.
Civvium IPRB $4 is very importand, saves a whole turn, once serf is on Forest.
MonkE (2:37 PM) : That explains it. Yes, saves a turn.
Monk's: archer stay? There's no garrison.
Mord: I moved the warrior to Mordhemia thinking of firing Elvis before the temple finishes. Was it decided to board the trireme (after temple)?
GaryNemo (2:38 PM) :
The Vikings are roaming. That's also my thought on Archer into Dellham. If it causes unhappiness, that is minor compared to loosing the city.

GaryNemo (2:39 PM) :
The Trireme is 5-6 turns away from completion. If you can use the police until then, fine. Down the road Mord to MD so it arrives as Trireme is complete. The Neuma Warrior near Mord. We need enough Dips to sail with them instead... some day...
GaryNemo (2:41 PM) : Dell19 just posted in Boreum thread...

MonkE (2:41 PM) :
Eboracum: grows in 7. Looks like Elvis. Need temple + another unit to fire him. Perhaps a warrior for speed? But they aren't popular.
MonkE (2:43 PM) : Next for Ebor should be a temple, I think.
GaryNemo (2:43 PM) :
A Warrior if you wish. I looked at Governor Dell19's post, looks ok.
They are saying, Temple in Ebor. I wish one of the Deity experts would have shed light on this Temple, Police, Black Dude stuff. Specifics.
GaryNemo (2:43 PM) : A Temple will be fine, and that's also the vote.
GaryNemo (2:44 PM) :
Maybe Ebor could try one Warrior, then build a Temple? Not sure, but that may be the general solution. And working serfs on Forest.
MonkE (2:44 PM) : Is he saying this trireme or a third?
GaryNemo (2:45 PM) :
MD: Complete Trireme, sail with Neuma Warrior coming now.
The third Trireme will be LC, I believe. LC Temple, then Trireme.

GaryNemo (2:46 PM) :
Eboracum Temple, maybe Warrior then Temple if we want to try something different that may prove superior. Just in this one city.
GaryNemo (2:47 PM) :
Boreum still has not come to grips with changing the OP Archer to Settler.
Ok, Archer first. Then it will have 2 guards and a Temple.
My general concern is OP has irrigation. Like Monks Towne. Hence: Settlers.
GaryNemo (2:49 PM) :
Rout is saying, maybe Civ1's city (Marl Downs NE NE NE), then -maybe- River Bend Bridge Filler. By then, it won't matter so much, hence I grieved. Don't found River Bridge Filler, build Roads.
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