The Endgame
Universal Loyalist PG:
If you do not reveal your identity and the Loyalists win, you will complete your goal. Every Loyalist except Spaceman managed their PG, though a couple of people were
really pushing the borders of not role-revealing. Both of them, not to mention any names, had two-word user-handles and were both arcane spellcasters.
Assassin PG:
There are three that deal in information or protect the innocent and they pose the greatest threat to you. They should be eliminated with all haste. These were the Knight, the Magician and the Spy. KM, despite dying on Day One, posthumously completed this goal.
Awnshegh PG:
Ensure that the Empire's three most influential nobles do not live to oppose your ascendancy. These were the General, the Politician and the Chamberlain. Newyn was denied his goal, though it was a bit dicey in the last day.
Dark Cultist PG:
The leading clergy of the Imperial Pantheon must die to allow your dark religion to take over. These were the Hierophant, the Inquisitor and the Priestess. Poor old Snerk, he did try to complete this goal so many times and he'd even figured out that BL was the Inquisitor, but it just wasn't to be.
Victory levels
If I assume that the Loyalists scored a minor victory and the Traitors scored a minor defeat, with the added caveats that dying before the end reduces your victory by one level and completing your PG increases it by one, then we can establish who did the best at the end of the game.
Major Victory: Backwards Logic, Legato Endless, Autolycus
(survived and completed their PGs)
Minor Victory: Riedquat, Bladescape, BSmith1068, Sprig, Coyosis, Choxorn, Takhisis, Visorslash, Winston Hughes
(completed their PGs, but died in the effort)
Draw: Spaceman98
(for winning the game, but dying and failing his PG)
Minor Defeat: KingMorgan
(for completing his PG, despite dying first), Snerk
(for failing his PG, but constantly refusing to die)
Major Defeat: Newyn
(if you have the blood of the Dark God, have you really lost?)