NOTW LV: The Underground (Game Thread)

Sprig i like to call it eliminating possibilities/unknowns
BL and others were frothing at the mouth when I did something even remotely similar in Darths & Droids. Yet here no one cares except the orc.

I am reluctant to help you prepare for your arguments tomorrow.

It is amusing you can't do it yourself because if you do, you're admitting guilt by acknowledging that I will flip town.
Yeah that's why I asked you your reads, so I can steal those two sentences you provided to base my arguments on the nonexistent next day. Obviously I wouldn't rely on the pages of reads I've made, just your short opinion here. :lol:
I honestly dont know why this argument is happening

One of you is lynched today other tomorrow

Neither can win if you're the last orc
You didn't really even oblige my request. What about BL and choxorn? If you really are town there's no reason to hold back at this point. On the other hand, if the game ends instantly here after your lynch, why bother?
Ahh a quick switch back to the defensive. Better make sure you double down.

I wouldn't rely on the pile of tosh you made. I doubt you would either.

It is going to be amusing to watch you squirm even more tommorrow or will you just throw in the towel?
You didn't really even oblige my request. What about BL and choxorn? If you really are town there's no reason to hold back at this point. On the other hand, if the game ends instantly here after your lynch, why bother?

I already have made my point here. You can keep ignoring to suit your agenda.

To win, I just need you lynched today or tomorrow. I prefer today for obvious reasons. There is no reason for me to speculate on the others.
I honestly dont know why this argument is happening

One of you is lynched today other tomorrow

Neither can win if you're the last orc

Clearly nether of us wants to be lynched today.
End Day 7​
There was a lot of talk about other possibilities, but little shift in the end decision. The Sheaim refugee was a blight on the Underhome. The hunter made it fast, with an arrow to the throat ending the Sheaim's life, although the golem followed it up with a skull-crushing blow to the head to make sure. In the Sheaim's tent, there was a lot of disturbing stuff, but nothing irregular for one of his nationality, and certainly no sign of being in league with either the orcs or anyone else.

Spoiler :
Sprig was fighting for A New Hope

The chosen few went their separate ways, knowing that if the critical moment had not passed, it certainly was all but upon them.

Begin Night 7
Night ends in [TIMER="8/28/2015 7:00 PM EDT; Night is Over"][/TIMER]
I had a question about whether player PM quoting (as opposed to GM PM quoting) is permissible. I would say no, except that scum can forward to each other. If people know that this has been happening all game long, you may post to say so, as I may reverse my position if that is the case.
Final Morning

The slinger got up early that morning, to go check in on his comrades. First he went to his good friend the hunter's room, but no one was there. Odd. He walked over to the tent where the child had been staying, only to find the child's corpse lying there, decapitated with an ax!!

Spoiler :
Choxorn was fighting for A New Hope!

Breaking into a run, Visorslash ran to where he'd been the night before, the small room, almost a closet, where the wood golem stored himself at night. Sure enough, the wood golem was right where Visorslash had left him, all but destroyed from Visor's barrage the previous night. Nevertheless, the golem managed to gasp out a few words, "... Behind ... you".

Visorslash whirled around, just in time to avoid a spear thrust from an orc. The orc looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place him. He pulled out his sling, but in the cramped space of the golem storage facility, he couldn't get the time to aim a shot. Finally, a thrust hit him, and it was over. He looked up into his killer's face in shock, "But, this can't be..."

Spoiler :
Visorslash was searching for A New Hope

With no one else left, the orc carefully lit a torch and walked over to Zack, who stared up at him with hate in his eyes. The orc carefully set fire to just one of Zack's toes and then watched as the flames spread and killed the wood golem.

Spoiler :
Zack was serving A New Hope

Spoiler :

The orc, known to these poor foolish dwarves as Backwards Logic left the building and headed out towards the surface. Sheelba's death was unfortunate, but with the dwarven army in tatters, victory was assured.

Spoiler :
Clan of Embers Victory!!!
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