NotW LVII - Tempus Fugit (game thread)

Because, Kennigit-san, he was listed as not alive.

And InuYasha (note proper capitalisation, baka Al Sipsclar-san) is indeed the best.
FWIW i would say zack and al sipsclar are the scummiest posters but i am in way too deep teying to figure out these abilities

So sorry other Order members, i am being too biased

Also the Timescout cookies will be 2 days late, sorry!
*overdone British accent* "In this corner of the timestream, my lad, we call them biscuits."
Early(ish) Afternoon Tally

Takhisis (5): Jarrema, Winston Hughes, Murska, Edse, Kennigit
Winston Hughes (3): Mat93, Golden1Knight, Takhisis
Jarrema (1): Zack
Zack (1): ATPG
Murska (1): Al Sipsclar
Al Sipsclar (1): choxorn

Not Voting: Nobody
Not Posting: Cass

Just under ten hours until sudden death and twelve until nightfall.

Spoiler :

So, you're not going to roleclaim while I have. Askthepizzaguy-san, Zack-san, if you are indeed town, vote for this despicable warlock and please let someone block the fake-claiming Jarrema-me tonight.
I thought it applied to both.

so did you send in your orders for murska and then arakhor said "oh you can't target him" and then let you do it for n5 and then you got redirected to attempt to talk to newyn, a dead innocent, but received word from arakhor (who does the talking for dead players anyways) that because he died by his own ability that you weren't allowed to talk to him?

Hai or iie?
Takhisis, can you please put all of your claims as to what you've done over previous nights in one post? I'm having lots of trouble keeping track of what the hell it is you actually claim you can do.

Takhisis, answer the goddamn question.

What, exactly, does your ability do, and who have you used it on?
Are pizza and zack ever both town here?

Say my name in a maybe he's scum context again, Winston.

See what happens.

Bored and not paying attention town pizza is a bad pizza to mess with when you've been on my radar for a while and the only thing stopping me from killing you is "I can't claim my role"
If you're going to push Zack, make it something he can respond to and I give a blank about.
You posted it at 4 am, what did you expect?
Not to mention that's a huge request that will take time.

These are both fair points, but the people who posted in the interim are on my town list and didn't even mention it. This is my nudge that I need my team to pay attention to my request, or else I can't be useful to them.
I saw newyns ability but cannot use it

i am cuthillius now

Golden claimed n1 see explosion on atpg

You, have just been given cocaine.

Spoiler :
Unless this is misdirection.

Unvote Zack

Vote Jarrema

Which would allow you to take action, because roleblockers are always scum.
wtf is hai desu. This isn't Japan. Speak clearly and understandably.

Takhisis, if you're still doing japanese roleplay after Jarrema or Winston is lynched today, I'm warning you right now:

I will throw the game and lynch you regardless of your alignment. I'm tired of it.

Stop it. Period.

I'm still bored, changed to paying attention, changed to cranky, and I only care enough to hurt things that irritate me.
atpg you have to confirm if you ever have, or could have, injured anyone
If people behave-

I'm lynching Jarrema today

Winston tomorrow

If Zack's murdered by then, I'm hitting his pimps. If not, I'm murdering Zack because I'm scum, then hitting his pimps.

Everyone in this scum quicktopic ok with this line of attack? Good? Good.

Whoops posted this in the game thread, ahhh I'm silly.
atpg you have to confirm if you ever have, or could have, injured anyone

My role makes zero mention of injury.

You should simply have two of the same ability cuth had. Make it count with a dead roleblocker.

Also, this might have been explained but I'm not looking at any posts that happened before 24 hours ago, because don't care enough,

What happened with the role theft thing>

Was it permanent, did no one else have their ability stolen>

What was the result of that, I didnt see
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