• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

NotW LVII - Tempus Fugit (game thread)

Well, if you'd used it to (say) scan Takhisis, you'd have been told he was the Necroscope and his active ability was Tears in Rain, which unless you're very good at guessing to what the various literary and pop-culture names referred, it wouldn't have told you that much.

For that matter, these are the messages that were left for Takhisis:

Spaceman98 - Scum don't break four-way ties, so tiebreaker is town. D1 tallies are legitimate. Good luck. Raise me from death.
BSmith1068 - Some details of my demise are related to the polarizing one, though he was absent from the proceedings.
Sprig - Who doesn't protect a possible seer claim. Muppets. There are some very identifiable quiet scum in day 2 content.
dicetosser1 - Pain heals: chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever!
Snerk - Pun incoming. So Arakhor hosted another game. It was about time too.
Cuthillius - Death, like continents, isn't all it's cracked up to be, people. That said, cows like to eat grass sometimes.
Lassie - Look at my last reads, take note of the scummiest and kill them. Blame me if wrong.
Takhisis - Pay attention to tensai neko poster. Lynch his lynchers. Banzai!

Spaceman's was edited to come in under 20 words and Takhisis was able to leave his own message, but circumstances conspired against that. Snerk's message was (of course) my favourite. :D
Being the Necroscope, he was able to leave a public message of his own, but by the time he got back to me, you were about to win the game.
Yes, in as much as Newyn didn't leave a message. The ones I received are listed above.
Some more information for those of you who are interested:

BSmith1068, Lohrenswald/Edse, Golden1Knight, choxorn, Cuthillius, Zack and Duff/Winston all targeted ATPG on Night 1. Unfortunately, since Cuthillius was commuting ATPG and Zack was using his “everyone succeeds” power, you can imagine what sort of nightmare that was for me!

N3 was when the doubling shenanigans took place. Zack, KingMorgan and Murska targeted Mat93 and Jarrema and Golden1Knight watched Choxorn, but since Cass_ linked Mat93 and Choxorn, those six all ended up targeting both of them and G1K ended up seeing all of them (except Murska, who was invisible when corrupting people). N3 was also when atheotes delayed actions taking place on Cuthillius, which is why N3 was quiet and Cuthillius ended up dying on N4 instead.

N6 was the other interesting night, when Kennigit used Cuthillius’ power to vortex (commute) Mat93, but he was (very appropriately) using his Paradox power to randomise Winston’s action whilst Winston was attempting to block Kennigit (!). In the end, I went with Mat93 using his power successfully before being commuted and Winston instead blocked choxorn.
I didn't really follow this game after I left, only barely peeked by a couple of times, so:

1) what was the corruption thing?

2) why were you all so angry that I'd think it was a cult mechanic?
Corruption was caused by an invisble night action by the Lich and had two effects:

* If the Lich died, a corrupted person would die overnight and he would return to life. Quite why no one ever commented on this, I'm not sure.
* Corrupted people played no part in end-game parity considerations, hence the Varethites winning when there were still six townies left, because two of them were corrupted.

There was a maximum of four corrupted townies, not that Murska ever achieved that many, and he lost the ability to corrupt people when he died. Three people were immune to corruption - the Fate Witch (Your Fate is Sealed), you (the Champion) and the Director.
For posterity, here is the original setup design:

Spoiler :
Arakhor said:
Archaeologist - Gain one-use active ability from targeted dead person each night (for use next night); once only per person
Archmage - At night, either delay target's action or all actions on target to take place the following night (even if deceased)
Champion - Choose a target at night and if they are a Temporal Stalker, they are killed; otherwise, nothing happens
Dimensionalist - Target a person at day, allowing that person to perform two actions that night
Director - Choose a target at night and double your votes against them tomorrow; lynches against you are at -1
Fate Witch - May check to see if target visited anyone or was visited by anyone else (but not who or which actions)
Guardian - May protect a target each night; if attacked, healthy targets will be injured, instead of killed (injured targets still die)
Guide - (Temporal Push) Target cannot act or be targeted that night, but actions may target you instead
Historian - (Time Snare) Target must perform same action as previous night; target is blocked if action is now invalid
Keeper - (Recall Health) Target's health reverts to what it was on a chosen night, whether that heals or injures them
Necroscope - May receive one message from each of the recently dead (via the GM only); may send one public message after death
Premier Temporus - Choose a target at night and discount their votes against you tomorrow; lynches against you are at -1
Raider - Gain one-use active ability from targeted living person each night (for use next night); once only per person
Seer - You have four one-shot abilities: watch, track, follow, voyeur. You can only use one ability each night.
Telepath - Can target players at day or night to establish a private QT between them; all QTs end with their death
Traveller - At night, can choose one night in the future, e.g. on Day 1, chose Day 4, for your target to be blocked or protected
Trickster - Choose a target at night to have their targeted action affect either you or a random player
Twin Soul x2 - Masons who must agree their votes together and who both die if one is killed
Warden - Those who target you at night become injured (injured players die), but this does not block any effects

Aeon - Choose a target to die - if they do, you gain their ability; only one ability at a time & cannot kill if using ability
Lich - Recruit stalkers at night (cannot be detected); can survive kills & lynches if a Stalker dies the following phase
Phane - Immune to time attacks (but not scans or lynches); alter phase timing by +/-50% by acting in the previous phase; executioner
Shade Lord - Target a player at night to render any future kill on them immune to their defensive powers; counts as a Stalker
[Temporal Stalker - Recruited by Lich (and lose former powers), but one of their number may kill each night]

Protecting someone from a night-kill still leaves them injured.
I see that my hilariously overpowered first draft of the Lich’s power is showing its face in public. :shifty: :blush:
I'm really quite pleased that, other than Aspiring Rappers and the original None Shall Pass, this has been the most active game in this forum since KotOR Mafia, nearly 3.5 years ago.
it was really interesting game. Thank you for hosting
I'm really quite pleased that, other than Aspiring Rappers and the original None Shall Pass, this has been the most active game in this forum since KotOR Mafia, nearly 3.5 years ago.

It's probably a bit because of Aspiring Rappers that it was active, because it attracted the active players from Aspiring Rappers, but yeah, it was pretty great how active this was.
It was (mostly) a pleasure to host the game, so thank you all for participating. :)
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